Huh? Wolf Warriors is finally about to start shooting? And really designed a tank-driving role for yourself? Su Yang feels that Wu Feng’s character is good. At least there is credit.

He counted the time. It is now mid-September. After the busiest half a month of school, Su Yang is already a lot free.

This semester’s studies were at the beginning of the school week. He read the book and almost learned everything. Even the weakest English was already in his mind.

After all, he has a good foundation…

In early summer, the party secretary in the class “in charge of attendance” also returned to school. Based on Su Yang’s relationship with her, Cough cough, its okay to skip a class.

So the time is still ok.

Thinking about this, Su Yang said, “Okay. No problem. I will ask the secretary to book the air ticket now, and try to be on the crew next week for training.”

Listen Su Yang’s words, Wu Feng laughed heartily, “Okay, then wait for the good news.”

Hang up, Su Yang called Pan Zhaodi and asked her to order one for herself. Lingnan’s ticket, and then take Ferrari’s spare car key to the hotel and drive the car back.

By the way…return the room.

High-end hotels generally have a quick checkout service. Put the room card in the envelope and deliver it directly to the quick check-out box, without the need for personal presence.

As for the room card and envelope, when Su Yang used the [Hands of Fate] last night, he put it in the Ferrari car. It was all planned by him.

As for monitoring…Su Yang doesn’t even care. The customer left the room on time and there was no damage. Whoever checked her whereabouts…

After two phone calls, Su Yang stretched his waist and put Little Di back in his pocket, ready Continue to play with Tang Xiaomi.

As a result, he just turned his head and saw Tang Xiaomi holding the phone that was bigger than her hands, typing the password there, and chanting, “6, 6,” 4, 6, 1, 6, 1, 2, 9…”

Su Yang frowned, walked over, bent down and asked Tang Xiaomi, “Xiaomi, what are you doing?”

“ding dong ~” the phone emits a prompt tone, Su Yang looked down, and the screen showed that the payment was successful.

Su Yang has a question mark on his face.

Tang Xiaomi lifts the head, looking at Su Yang cutely, “I am buying an item. You can buy an item by entering the password on Mommy’s phone.”

Su Yang: ? ? ?

Su Yang sat down, took his mobile phone, and watched Tang Xiaomis game: a domestically made card game that tricked Krypton…

He said, “You buy it The props are all your mommys money.”

Tang Xiaomi gave Su Yang a cute look, “Really?” Then she took the phone back from Su Yang without caring. , Continue to lower your head to play the game.

Su Yang looked at her skillful operation and asked suspiciously, “Xiaomi, how did you know your mommy’s password?”

Tang Xiaomi looked at Su strangely Yang glanced at, “It’s on my back.”

Su Yang, “Is it her birthday?”

Tang Xiaomi glanced at Su Yang with disgust, “Your birthday starts with 66.” Huh?”

Su Yang, “Then how did you memorize it?”

Tang Xiaomi lowered his head and continued to play the game, “Just memorize it. Mommy occasionally enters the password. I can remember it at a glance. I read it a few times and I will always write down the whole string of passwords.”

Su Yang:…

This child’s memory is True God.

I used to memorize arithmetic problems and texts, but now I actually memorize passwords.

Su Yang recalled. Although he didn’t hear the number on Tang Xiaomi’s back, he clearly remembered that it was 9 digits.

Such a long series of irregular numbers, this Little Brat actually remembers so clearly… Sure enough, the memory is bursting!

So…Su Yang decides to stay away from her when he decides to enter the password in the future.

While Su Yang and Tang Xiaomi were chatting, Tang Jing also held the wooden stick cautiously and went downstairs.

After exploring upstairs just now, Tang Jing’s doubts deepened: because this villa has almost no trace of use.

There are obviously a lot of bedrooms on the second floor, but after a closer inspection, she found that all the bedrooms had no personal belongings and no traces of people.

She searched the entire second floor and found no clue except for her luggage at the end of the corridor. It was like an empty villa.

This deepens Tang Jing’s fear: Is it true that he has been kidnapped?

And…Im here with my luggage. Could it be that Xiaomi was also tied up?

Why isn’t Xiaomi by his side?

The more she thought about it, the more frightened Tang Jing’s body began to shake.

She is not a hard-headed person, otherwise she would not bravely change her surname, and finally accepted her father’s support.

So after encountering this kind of thing, her mind was really blank and she was at a loss.

Just thinking of Xiaomis safety, she had to cheer herself up: she must protect Xiaomi! have to!

But…I’m really scared.

Tang Jing swallowed, while cheering for herself, she walked downstairs cautiously with the wooden stick in her hand.

When I came downstairs, it was a spacious hall. There was a big gray carpet in the hall. Two people, one big and one small, were sitting on the blanket, chatting there.

“Then how did you memorize it?”

“Just memorize it like that. Mommy occasionally enters the password, so I can remember it at a glance. Read it a few times, always I will remember the entire password clearly.”

Hearing this familiar voice and looking at the familiar dress, how could Tang Jing fail to tell that this is her daughter! How can I not see that my daughter is using her mobile phone! Buy game props!

So she yelled, “Tang Xiaomi! You used my phone to buy game items again! Isn’t it!”, she rushed over.

Hearing Tang Jing’s yelling, Su Yang and Tang Xiaomi lifts the head looked towards the direction where the sound came from, and then saw Tang Jing, who has always been gentle and virtuous, holding a “kill weapon” , The aggressive rushed over.

Tang Xiaomi and Little Brat are scared silly, the phone is in his hand and dare not move, Su Yang still has time to crack a joke.

He leaned to Tang Xiaomis ear and whispered, According to scientific research, when your mom calls your full name, the chance of your bad luck is as high as 99%.

Maybe Su Yang’s words awakened Tang Xiaomi, Tang Xiaomi blinked, glanced at Su Yang, then stood up, smiled and ran to Tang Jing.

Su Yang:? ?

Tang Jing:? ? ?

If other children are beaten, they can run as far as they can. This child will take the initiative to send it to the door?

Tang Xiaomi’s operation even Tang Jing, who is in anger, is a little bit not knowing what to do.

As a result, Tang Xiaomi ran in front of Tang Jing, threw herself into Tang Jings arms, and then said sweetly, “Mummy, good morning~”

Listen With the milky voice of Xiaomi and watching Little Brat’s cute expression, Tang Jing’s originally angry face slowly became calm, and finally turned into a gentle face.

I have to say that if the child is good-looking, or the other half is good-looking, life will become very beautiful. Because even if she annoys you again, look at her face, it seems…you are all angry does not raise.

Tang Jing is holding Tang Xiaomi and holding a wooden stick in her hand, but her face The expression on Shang has turned into gentle and annoying. She squatted down, glared at her daughter gently, and said, “You are not allowed to use Mommy’s mobile phone to buy props anymore. Have you heard?”

Although it is a reprimand, but the voice is not gentle.

The ghost of Tang Xiaomi was nodded quickly, she hugged Tang Jings neck, pouted and kissed Tang Jings cheek, I know, Mommy. Ill never dare anymore. Oh. Mu~”

This kiss immediately extinguished all Tang Jing’s anger. She smiled softly and touched Xiaomis head, said while playfully pouting, “Just You are squirming.”

Tang Xiaomi shook his head and hands happily. Of course, he didn’t forget to turn his head and gave Su Yang a demonstrative expression, “See you? Mommy not at all Clean up my expression…

This monkey child is really too clever…

After the mother and daughter talked, Tang Jing suddenly found Su Yang While she was still by her side, she blushed slightly, and then raised her hand to trim her hair, but when she raised it, she found that she was holding a wooden stick in her hand, making her blusher and more embarrassed.

Tang Jing, “Su Yang…I”

Su Yang coughed, just about to make a joke. Suddenly, he felt that the wooden stick in Tang Jing’s hand was very familiar, and he became confused when he said, “Where did you wooden stick… come from?”

Tang Jing looks like a small As if the child did something wrong, he hurriedly hid the wooden stick behind him, making Su Yang even more curious.

Next, under Su Yang’s questioning, Tang Jing had to blush and recount all her psychological activities in the morning.

After listening to Tang Jing’s description, Su Yang was speechless for a long time. Then…the bed cabinet she destroyed was added to the first month’s rent.

So, in this way, the homeless Tang Jing and Tang Xiaomi moved into Su Yang’s house temporarily.

Nothing happened in the next few days. Pan Zhaodi booked Su Yang a flight ticket to Lingnan on Thursday. It happened that on Wednesday morning, Manager Shen called Su Yang and said to let him go. Up.

Su Yang asked the financial officer to check the company’s account, and the loan had indeed arrived.

With the loan of 50 million yuan, Su Yang’s silver mission is completely settled.

He first approved 5,000,000 for Sanque, and let it begin to produce Sanque oral liquid to help him complete the golden task.

Then he awarded Little Di another 5,000,000, let Little Di continue to build an artificial intelligence laboratory.

Because the leaders of Shanghai have wanted to come and inspect it several times, Su Yang has been preparing an artificial intelligence laboratory for half a month.

In the early stage, he had invested hundreds of thousands in it, rented venues and purchased some servers.

But because artificial intelligence has high hardware requirements, a large number of equipment have been ordered, but they are still waiting for the payment.

Now that Su Yang’s 50,000,000 has arrived, and with the money, Su Yang also immediately paid the money and started to continue construction.

According to Little Di, the research of artificial intelligence requires high hardware conditions, so Su Yang will do his best to invest in support for her research.

Just invested in two projects, 50 million is only 40 million. Spend money like water.

Forget it, Su Yang has to leave a certain amount of money for Kaidian’s business promotion, invest money in Lin Jialis economic company, and expand the recruitment of film and television companies to make special effects for “Wolf Warrior” .

After doing so, Su Yang suddenly found out…this 50,000,000 is not enough!

This is fucking.

However, no matter how fucking he is, he can only come back and deal with it later, because, 2nd day, on Thursday, he is going to Lingnan to drive a tank…

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