The story will start more than 20 years ago…

After Tang Jings father made a fortune with a subscription certificate and buying a house, he was boring at home. Seeing that people of this generation went to sea to do business, he couldn’t help but also started the idea of starting a business.

Because his first bucket is stocks, and he usually knows most about stocks, so he decided to start a company for stock trading.

Maybe he really has this talent, and the company has grown bigger and bigger within a few years.

But maybe because the world I understand becomes more colorful when my career grows bigger, I encounter more temptations, and soon, her father will have other women outside.

Because Tang Jings father is very busy at work, and the woman does not cry or make trouble, she is very forbearing. This is enough to hide Tang Jing and her mother for ten years, until Tang Jing is a dozen Years old, Tang Jing mother accidentally saw the message sent by that woman and found out about it.

After knowing this, Tang Jing mother slumped on the ground, feeling that the sky was broken: she was an honest rural woman who lived behind her husband all her life, helping her husband and child. Suddenly encountering this incident, she couldn’t bear the blow, and fell ill under the anger.

It may be that Tang Jing’s mother fell ill, which awakened Tang Jing’s father’s conscience. He put down the company and rushed home to take care of his wife while begging his wife to forgive himself.

Tang Jing mother, who has been obediently and honestly in her whole life, has lost all thoughts, but there is no better way. After all, she has been in love with Tang Jing father all her life.

Moreover, in rural areas, divorce requires people to point fingers behind their backs. Especially when this kind of thing happens, a person who can’t control his husband and is abandoned can’t get away.

This World is always extraordinarily cruel to the weak.

So in the end, Tang Jing’s mother had no choice but to forgive even though she felt resentful in her heart.

But Tang Jing’s father asks for forgiveness…just asks his wife for forgiveness, but does not correct his mistakes.

So, under the weakness of Tang Jing mother, Tang Jing father has two families. In addition to Tang Jing’s home, there is another home just and honorable outside.

Tang Jing mother was ill and still washed her face in tears all day long, her condition repeated.

Although Tang Jing father often comes back to see her and take care of her, no matter how Tang Jing mother begs, he is not willing to sever relationship with that woman.

After the death of her mother, Tang Jing didn’t know…It turned out that the woman had given birth to a big fat boy for her father.

For Tang Jing father who has a strong traditional concept, the son is the guarantee of inheritance, so he is impossible to abandon the mother and son.

Under the successive blows of these things, Tang Jing mother passed away, leaving Tang Jing alone.

After graduating from university, Tang Jing moved out of the house and changed her surname from [Lu] to [__, following her mothers surname.

This is the bravest thing she can do since she was young and weak: Since you abandoned your wife and your daughter for the sake of that son, then… I am from now on It’s not your Lu Family anymore.

Tang Jing’s father was of course furious, and even cut off all support for Tang Jing in a fit of anger for daily expenses.

But after graduating, Tang Jing found a job early, became self-reliant, and made money to support herself. Not threatened by his father.

The father and daughter fought like this for two or three years. In the end, Tang Jing father felt ashamed and took the lead in convincing. No longer entangled with the question of last name.

Because he is married to that junior and has a new family, he can’t take Tang Jing home to live in, so he can only give Tang Jing two houses and a car, which is regarded as compensation.

Later, Tang Xiaomi was born. Tang Jing’s father would give Tang Jing money every month under the pretext of giving pocket money to his granddaughter. This fight took about 5-6 years.

In the beginning, everything was to live together in harmony. Later, Su Yang borrowed 2,000,000 from Tang Jing.

Tang Jing didn’t say anything, but in private, he was everywhere to help him find someone. In the end, after no results, she had to ask her father.

Maybe because Tang Jing hasn’t taken the initiative to find herself for many years, Tang Jing’s father is very happy, and he called her 2,000,000 without saying anything. (Chapter 226)

Although the money was not used at all in the end, it was returned. But it also left a handle.

The junior of Tang Jing father may feel that Tang Jing father still misses his dead wife and daughter, and is jealous.

Since then, I have come to my door from time to time and say some eccentric things, saying that the money Tang Jing spends is earned by her and Tang Jing’s father together. How can Tang Jing and Tang Xiaomi spend it comfortably? ? Can you be sassy?

At first Tang Jing, she was still angry. She thought that this woman was a junior, so why was she so confident.

As a result, after learning from many sources, she found out that the facts really looked like what the junior said…

Although Tang Jing father had vision and courage back then, he lacked a lot Resources and relationships related to stocks. So when I started a business, I found this woman to work with.

This woman father was the leader of the financial system at the time. She returned from studying abroad and studied finance too. Relying on her knowledge and background, this helped Tang Jing father take the company one step further. Step by step development and growth.

So the woman said that she earned the money by herself, and didn’t take any loss.

This is also the second reason why Tang Jing’s father did not dare to sever relationship with this woman…

Since then, Tang Jing has been living in the shadow every day, she feels By spending that woman’s money, I was desecrating my mother.

Until this morning, the woman came to the door again and said a lot of ugly things. Tang Jing couldn’t bear it anymore and broke off the relationship with Lu Family directly. The house, car, and money were all returned to Lu. Family.

Then she packed a few clothes and moved out with Tang Xiaomi…

Because she didnt have much money left on her, she couldnt stay in a good hotel either. I can live in the Hilton Garden…

After listening to what Tang Jing said, Su Yang was speechless for a long time. He had only one thought in his heart: This is too bloody… even in a TV series. Take it like this?

Reality is indeed even more bizarre than TV series. After all, reality does not require logic…

And the relationship between tangled and complicated is really not something ordinary people can understand. Sure enough, every family has a hard-to-read scripture.

Tang Jing finished speaking, drank the second bottle of wine, and then said with red eyes, “Sorry, let you laugh.”

Su Yang licked his lips , Shook his head, “It’s okay. Come. Sister Jing. I’ll accompany you” as he raised the bottle to Tang Jing.

Tang Jing opened a new bottle of wine for herself, touched Su Yang, and drank it again.

Su Yang didn’t drink that many, but just took a sip.

After drinking, Su Yang asked, “Sister Jing, is there anything I can help you with?”

Tang Jing shook his head, “It’s okay. I can do it by myself. Now. If you have time, stay with me and drink more.”

As she looked towards Su Yang, her eye sockets were slightly red and her eyes blurred. Perhaps because of drinking three bottles of wine in a row, her milky white neck gradually climbed into some intoxicating pink. This made her exude the charm of a mature woman, and the temperature of the carriage rose silently by a few degrees.

Su Yang swallowed, then staggered his gaze, “Do you have a place to live now?”

Tang Jing shook her head drunkly while drinking herself. “No. Now I can only stay in the hotel, and then slowly find a place.” Su Yang asked again, “Do you have any money?”

Tang Jing took a sip Jiu, shook his head again, “No, it’s all for that woman.”

Su Yang had a bad idea, “Why don’t you secretly transfer the money from Alipay?”

Tang Jing drank halfway through the wine, put it down, her blurred eyes stared at Su Yang blankly. After a while, she laughed out “pu chi”, “We actually thought of going together.”

After finishing speaking, she raised her head to drink a mouthful of wine, stretched out her hand, and gently hugged Su Yangs neck, and then her mouth came to Su Yangs ear, exhaled and said, “I really Ive thought about it this way. But…I really dont want to use them anymore.”

Maybe because of drinking, Tang Jing always has a hot breath when she talks. Blowing in Su Yang’s ear makes Su Yang feel itchy, and the heartbeat speeds up a lot.

Fortunately, Tang Jing let go of her arms around Su Yang’s neck after the conversation, and then she took another sip of the wine and gave Su Yang a gentle look, “So you understand? “That voice, that action was so soft.

Su Yang opened his mouth slightly, his heart “peng peng” was beating, his mind was blank, even Tang Jing forgot what Tang Jing was talking about.

Tang Jing looked at Su Yang’s silly look, covered her mouth and laughed.

She laughed so much that her chest trembled, and her silver bell-like voice echoed in Ferrari’s car.

Then… she put down the wine bottle, wrapped her hands around Su Yangs neck, and her face slowly approached, until the tips of the two peoples noses touched the tips of their noses, her eyes were very beautiful, as if there was a sea hidden inside “Su Yang, do you…do you want something to happen with your sister?”

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”, the heartbeat speeds up…

Su Yang’s mind It has become more and more blank, his head feels groggy, and all he smells in his nose are women’s scent with milky smell, so strong and so soft.

He feels that the heat that Tang Jing exhales when he speaks seems to linger at the corner of his mouth…

One of the most primordial jade hopes is taking root in his body…< /p>

Just when Su Yang felt that he was about to fall, suddenly, a picture appeared in front of him. On the picture was Tang Xiaomi sitting on the bed, holding a piece of paper in his hand, milking milky thoughts. Then, “Su Yang?”

Su Yang woke up suddenly, he pushed Tang Jing away, then took a few deep breaths, and said, “Sister Jing, Xiaomi is awake.”

Hearing her daughter’s name, Tang Jing was taken aback for a while, and she became sober.

Maybe because she remembered what she did just now, Tang Jing covered her face with her hands, blushing like an apple.

After alleviating this embarrassing scene, Su Yang’s heartbeat gradually recovered. He put down the wine, and then said, “Sister Jing, you have no place to live now, and you dont have much money. You are an adult. People may not have a big impact, but Xiaomi is still a child and cant stand the toss.”

The first half of Tang Jing fathers story is in the first half of the story. Chapter 65.

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