Looking at Azure Bamboo with a puzzled face, Su Yang asked, “Any hint?”

A smile on Azure Bamboo’s face, “Yes.. .”

Su Yang, “Is it a reminder that the ability can take effect here.”

Azure Bamboo nodded.

Su Yang said, “You appointed me to be invisible.”

Azure Bamboo thought for a while, and for a moment, she pointed her hand, Su Yang suddenly felt that her body suddenly became extremely cool , Like a basin of cold water poured from the head to the bottom, he knew that the ability had taken effect!

Sure enough, he slowly disappeared in the backyard…

The little demon beans turned out to be yawning and looking at Azure Bamboo, and they were still faintly With red light, it will explode if it looks like that.

But suddenly a little demon bean turned his head unintentionally, and when he saw Su Yang disappeared, the whole bean was shocked. It patted the little demon bean on the side with “Pou Doudou!”, slender. He pointed Su Yang with his finger, and shouted “Peas” in his mouth.

The other three little demon beans also turned around in surprise, and then looked around, and then yelled with “Bean! Bean! Bean!”.

They were happy, but because no one was “watching”, their invisibility ability suddenly became invalid: Su Yang, who was tiptoeing to Azure Bamboo, suddenly appeared in the air.

Su Yang:…

He came to the side of the little demon bean, grabbed a few little demon beans, and trained, “Let you look at her, look at her , Why are you still distracted!”

“Bean…dou…” The four little demon beans bowed their heads by Su Yang’s training, but it is indeed their cause, so they can only continue experiment.

Su Yang has been with the little demon beans that many days, and has roughly grasped the thinking of these little brats.

Although they are +4 little monsters, because they are simple spiritual wisdom, their thinking is relatively simple: as long as they are given a goal and let them think that they are doing housework, they will not explode so easily. Will work relatively hard to complete the work.

After all…housework is their life.

So Su Yang directly brainwashed them, telling them that this is a new type of housework, and the owner will be happy when he is done. Sure enough, the little demon beans took a lot of seriousness immediately, staring at Azure Bamboo with big one-eyed eyes, and Su Yang was able to become invisible again.

At this time, Azure Bamboo was still silently wearing a Hanfu raincoat, holding an umbrella in the rain…

Su Yang slipped twice in the villa and found that he was not invisible After the question, I said silently [Exit], and came out of the virtual space: virtual space and reality are not the same world after all, so no one knows whether they are in two worlds between themselves and Azure Bamboo.

Fortunately, the ability is still effective.

Su Yang went downstairs and wandered around the buildings. This invisible and free feeling is really great!

Wandering in the community for a while, maybe because there was no one at night, Su Yang also gradually felt a little bored.

Just when he was going home to rest, suddenly, he found himself walking downstairs to Qu Xiaomeng’s house.

Standing downstairs in Qu Xiaomeng, Su Yang hesitated for a moment, and suddenly remembered Qu Xiaomeng’s uncomfortable voice tonight. This female Teacher seems to be ill, and looks very serious? It shouldn’t be what’s the matter?

Although you cannot die from a cold, if there are any complications, it is still very troublesome…

Just when Su Yang was thinking about it, suddenly his mind suddenly There was a voice:

di, a new random mission.

Huh, is there a mission? Is it related to Qu Xiaomeng?

Su Yang called out the system, and as expected, the random task read: Heal Qu Xiaomeng.

Five words, but concise and concise. Su Yang feels… I have a legitimate reason to go to Qu Xiaomeng’s house.

I went upstairs and came to Qu Xiaomeng’s house. Through the door, Su Yang could hear Qu Xiaomeng coughing, which seemed a bit severe.

Su Yang remembered calling Qu Xiaomeng at night. Qu Xiaomeng just had a blocked nose, but he didn’t cough. Why did his cold worsen in a few hours?

Thinking of this, Su Yang no longer procrastinated, but took out [kraft paper that likes to deform], then changed a paper key out, and used its additional innate talent [a universal paper key] ] Open the door silently.

In the big evening, entering the female Teacher’s house, thieves are exciting!

They all said that once they were born again, they were familiar twice, with the experience of the last time, Su Yang did not panic, even more how, he was invisible.

Su Yang quietly walked into the bedroom and saw Qu Xiaomeng wearing suspender pajamas, lying on the bed asleep.

After approaching, Su Yang found that Qu Xiaomeng had a sickly reddish color on his face, and his mouth was muttering from time to time, as if talking nonsense.

Su Yang reached out and put his hand on her forehead: Tsk, its a bit hot.

Su Yang was afraid of the inaccurate temperature of his hands, so he tried to touch his forehead, but it was still very hot.

In this way, Qu Xiaomeng has a fever.

Just when Su Yang judged this way, Qu Xiaomeng coughed “cough, cough,” again.

It seems that this female Teacher is really ill, why not buy her some medicine?

Su Yang thought for a while, since the task requires himself to treat Qu Xiaomeng, then he must be treated as quickly as possible.

The effect of the medicine is too slow!

Yesterday Sanque shaved a bunch of beards, hair, and a lot of ginseng in his hand. Can I use a few for Qu Teacher?

After all, even without this task, according to conscience, Qu Xiaomeng is still good to himself.

Su Yang is not the kind of person who doesn’t know how to distinguish between good and bad. Qu Xiaomeng has been chasing after him to learn, and he also has to make up lessons for himself. This is actually for his own benefit.

I should be grateful and seeking to repay the kindness.

Thinking of this, Su Yang took out three defects from the virtual space.

Usually the Sanques are all in the ginseng state, staying in the pot, this time is no exception.

But maybe because it was too late, it was already asleep, so after it was taken out, Sanque just closed his eyes in the flowerpot, saying nothing, his bare head looked very happy .

Su Yang whispered, “Sanque, what kind of disease is she? Can it be cured? How many ginsengs are needed?”

Because Sanque is a lifeform, even if Su Yang held it, and still couldn’t hide it, so Su Yang could clearly see that it slowly opened its eyes and then looked towards Qu Xiaomeng.

For a while, it spit out a few words from its mouth, “Fever, cold, mild bronchitis. 2cm ginseng mustache.” After finishing speaking, it slowly closed its eyes again .

After closing its eyes, it said coldly, “Put me back.”

Yes, boss!

All the nanny are big brothers!

Su Yang quickly put Sanque back, then poured a glass of water from the virtual space, put two 1cm ginseng whiskers, shook them, and the ginseng whiskers melted in the water in a moment. It became a clear yellow glass of water.

Su Yang cautiously lifted Qu Xiaomeng from the bed, let her lean on her shoulder, and then pinched her chin with one hand to make her open her mouth, and the other hand held the cup. Pour ginseng water into Qu Xiaomeng’s mouth.

He is not afraid of Qu Xiaomeng waking up, anyway, he has Mengpo soup…

Fortunately Qu Xiaomeng is really the province of Mengpo soup. Last time Su Yang came Her family didn’t find Su Yang. This time, after pouring a cup of ginseng water, she just coughed and didn’t even have any reaction at all.

After feeding the ginseng water, Su Yang put Qu Xiaomeng’s soft body back on the bed.

I have to say that ginseng fruit is useful. The sickly redness on Qu Xiaomeng’s face has faded, his breathing has become more stable, and he snored, “hu~ha~hu~ha~”< /p>

Um… kind of cute.

Su Yang smiled and adjusted her sleeping position, covered her with a thin quilt, and then got up and went downstairs.

As Su Yang went downstairs, there was a “di” sound in his mind: Random task completed.

elated, walking around so casually picked up a random spot!

Su Yang feels that he should really have nothing to go out for a stroll. Can complete the task to get random points, why buy it?

2nd day, Su Yang received a call from Qu Xiaomeng as soon as he got up.

Qu Xiaomeng’s voice on the phone returned to normal. She mysteriously said to Su Yang, “Student Su Yang, I told you that I dreamed of you last night.”

Su Yang was surprised, dreaming of himself? Didn’t she sleep up last night?

That’s not right! He was invisible at the time!

As a result, Qu Xiaomeng said, “In fact, I did not dream of you, but dreamed of your voice. I dreamed of a Great Grandpa last night, which flashed with rays of light, and then let a little angel heal My illness.”

Su Yang:…

That’s three defects, right?

Isn’t this female Teacher asleep at the time, but burnt out? So there is still some residual consciousness?

Su Yang, “Oh, oh, is that right? Does that have anything to do with me?”

Qu Xiaomeng whispered, “But the little angels voice is with you It’s exactly the same. They call me “Teacher”, and then they say something like’open my mouth’ and’drink it’.”

“Then, I woke up this morning and I was cured! “

Su Yang:…

Nonsense! You got better because I fed you ginseng water, OK! This fool.

But Su Yang is impossible to admit at this time, so he said irritably, “Qu Teacher, you have to tell me if you have a dream, it’s too boring.”

< p>As a result, who knows Qu Xiaomeng said excitedly, “Yes! That’s the tone, this voice! This is the’Teacher’, exactly the same as in my dream! Really!”

Su Yang:…

“Boring!” Su Yang hung up the phone.

Although Su Yang hung up the phone, Qu Xiaomeng still looked excited. After she had the “dream” last night, she woke up today and found that she was completely ill. She almost suspected that she had a fortuite encounter!

She felt that she must have met Conch girl, or how could it be so amazing!

She took her mobile phone and posted a circle of friends with a look of excitement, and shared her magical things…

Qu Xiaomeng, Su who was flying away without reason Yang always knew that this female Teacher had a bad head.

He still went to the company according to the established plan and continued to work with the team on the later stage of “Victorious Battle Buddha”.

After all, this movie is related to his silver point and artificial intelligence laboratory! It is also related to the future development of Xinyi Economic Company! Can’t allow him to ignore it!

Fortunately, he has a variety of abilities and the bonus of innate talent. After a week of overtime work, at noon on Wednesday of this week, the post-editing, special effects and all post-production of “Victorious Battle Buddha” are all done!

This also means that this movie can finally be on the Internet and truly stand the test of the market!

Su Yang feels…the success or failure depends on this time!

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