Although Su Yang is not a person with a sense of justice.

However, Su Yang still couldn’t stand idly by when he happened to encounter this kind of thing.

For the safety of the victims, Su Yang did not to act blindly without thinking. Instead, he looked around and found that no one was paying attention or monitoring. After that, he took out Little Di and gave it to Little. Di sent a message to let her release Janet…

For a moment, Janet, who had become a liquid, appeared in Su Yang’s hands.

Su Yang waved his hand and threw him into the box.

For a moment, there was a muffled noise and Janets voice, “Master, get it done.”

Su Yang went in, turned on the light, and saw …Was kicked to the ground by Janet…Yang Meiyue.

“Mei Yue?” Su Yang was a little surprised, “Why are you here?”

Mei Yue was kicked down in the corner, Li Hua carrying rain, her face still hanging The wet tears looked pitiful.

Maybe because she was knocked down too suddenly, she didn’t even bother to cry, her eyes were reddish, she looked at Su Yang dumbfounded, and said in a choked voice, “Manager Su, why are you.”< /p>

As soon as Meiyue’s words were spoken, she quickly covered her mouth and looked at Su Yang in horror.

But it is a pity that a sentence she accidentally just made Su Yang aware of.

He pulled Mei Yue up, then motioned to Janet to move two chairs, motioned Mei Yue to sit down.

Meiyue sat down cautiously while sneaking a glance at Janet, and then said, “Manager Su, your friend makes no sound when he walks, and he kicks people…”

< p>Su Yang:…

Walking silently is because it is liquid, kicking people because Su Yang didn’t expect Mei Yue is crying while covering her mouth, thinking she has been affected Coercion. So the order given to Janet was: knock down the man covering his mouth.

Janet did faithfully perform the task given by Su Yang.

However, maybe he also found that something was wrong, so although he defeated Miyue, he also “has no mercy under his feet.”

Su Yang asked, “The way my bodyguard came in, did you see him?”

Mei Yue continued to look silly, “What Look? So dark… I patronized and cried. How could I see it.”

[The eyes of a higher life] Judging the truth, it seems to save a bowl of Mengpo soup.

Su Yang knocked on the table, “Lets talk. Why cry? Who told you my identity? Why did you hint to me?”

Mei Yue cautiously look Su Yang glanced at him, “Yes, can you ask them one by one? I can’t remember.”

Su Yang looked at this completely unpleasant girl in front of him, and was a little speechless for a while.

Compared with Lin Jiali, Meiyue is really average, without aura, no temperament, round face, looks silly, like the most ordinary girl around her.

But it is her neighbor’s temperament that makes her unique.

At least so far, Su Yang has not found a second person in the entertainment circle to have such a temperament. This means that she is unique and unmatched.

Su Yang asked from the beginning, “Who told you my identity?”

Mei Yue looked at Su Yang cautiously, tears rolled in his eyes again, “Yes. .. is President Chu.”

Mr. Chu? That’s Chu Hong.

She told Meiyue her identity? why?

Su Yang asked, “Why did you give me a hint when you shook hands?”

Mei Yue pouted, as if she was about to cry in the next second, “I, I dont…Im just nervous.”

Su Yang, “What are you nervous about?”

Mei Yues tears fell, and her voice was choked. . If you let people passing by accidentally see it, you might think Su Yang is forcing her to do something.

She cried and said, “I, I don’t know. I’m just afraid. Sister Chu asked me to act as a sweet girl and introduce myself to you. I, I’m afraid.”

Speaking, she burst into tears with a “wow”.

Su Yang:…

What are you doing! What is this! What did I say!

This crying at every turn, is it touching porcelain!

Su Yang coldly shouted in a low voice, “Dont cry!”

Mei Yue responded very quickly, and quickly covered her mouth with her hand, and then the tears kept flowing, but Indeed no more crying.

Su Yang:…

Su Yang cant be hard, only soft, “Dont be afraid. Dont be afraid.”

Meiyue hastily Shaking his head constantly, as if to show that he is not afraid. But from the look of her tears and nose running down…it was totally invisible.

Su Yang helped his forehead and completely took it.

He turned on the aura of friendliness, and then used his mouth-cannon ability, finally coaxing the girl, and by the way, he learned what happened.

The general thing is a bit strange.

According to what Meiyue said, today, before the closing banquet, Chu Hong found Meiyue and asked Meiyues ideal…

Meyue said that she was an actor , Become the pride of parents.

Chu Hong said that she would give Meiyue a test, let Meiyue act as a sweet girl, and then say hello to Su Yang, get to know and introduce herself.

Mei Yue agreed.

She originally thought this was a very simple task. After all, it was just getting to know Lin Jialis friends, which would not be too difficult.

As a result, when Chu Hong was about to leave, she told her Su Yang’s identity: the boss behind the company.

So, Meiyue, who has always had a relatively poor psychological endurance, knelt on the spot.

Originally, she wanted to ask Chu Hong to take the test, but she couldn’t see Chu Hong before the banquet. After seeing Chu Hong, Chu Hong didn’t communicate with her.

When Su Yang sat next to her, she became even more nervous.

But under the hint of Chu Hong’s eyes at the same table, she couldn’t help but finally mustered up the courage to take the initiative to get to know the Boss.

This is also the reason why she and Su Yang behave completely differently before and after shaking hands…

As for why Meiyue cried.

Because she became more nervous and scared after being tested. Sitting next to Su Yang was like a little sheep meeting a big Old Hu, shaking all over.

So she quietly left the banquet hall by the opportunity of a toast, and then hid in the private room next door secretly crying, venting her fear and tension.

As for why she was covering her mouth, it was because she also found that she was crying too loudly, so she covered her mouth and cried secretly, only to have the weird voice and misunderstanding just now.

Su Yang didn’t know how to describe this child after listening.

This child seems…a bit silly.

Is such a stupid person really suitable for being in the entertainment industry?

But I have to say that such a person really makes people want to love and cherish. Su Yang is a legendary straight steel man, and he can’t resist the affinity of this girl. Does this girl also have [Angels Demon Halo]?

Perhaps… can she be popular in the entertainment industry with her appearance, affinity and personality?

But that Chu Hong is weird.

What the hell is she doing?

Is there any purpose?

Su Yang is a little confused. It feels a little weird…

Su Yang glanced at Mei Yue, resisted the urge to touch her head, and then asked, “Apart from you, who else knows who I am? “

Meiyue weeping beauty took a peek at Su Yang, “The people in our team know it.”

Yes… Now I didnt hide my identity. Makes sense.

Let Mei Yue wash her face and take her back to the banquet hall. Lin Jiali just came over with her wine glass.

She is still shining brightly today, even in the coveted wine bureau, she is the focus of everyone’s attention.

When she saw Su Yang and Meiyue entering the banquet hall together, she suddenly “Huh?” she curiously asked, “Do you two know each other?”

Su Yang and Mei The more I looked at each other, and then…Su Yang nodded, Mei Yue shook the head. “Yes.” “No.”

Su Yang has a black question mark on his face:? ? ?

Lin Jiali was also stunned by the completely opposite answer, but the heartless her always covered her mouth and said with a smile, “What are you doing? Are you performing?”

She seems to be a little bit drunk, her face glowing pretty pink.

She took a graceful step, stepped forward, hooked Su Yangs neck, and said to Mei Yue, “Come on, Mei Yue, I will introduce you. This is my friend, She is also my number one die-hard fan! Su Yang!”

Speaking, she wrapped her hand around Su Yangs neck and patted Su Yangs shoulder, with her beautiful face approaching Su Yang, smiling very happily, “I Is that right? Su Yang.”

Mei Yues mouth grows bigger and bigger. Obviously, in her cognition, she cant imagine how Lin Jiali dares to be so “impudent” to Boss. She doesnt want salary anymore. ? Is Boss really a fan of her? ?

Looking at Mei Yue’s surprised eyes, Su Yang was extremely embarrassed. He just maintained the majesty of the Boss for more than ten minutes! The result was completely ruined by Lin Jiali!

But…Even the six trainee girls knew the identity of Su Yang, but Lin Jiali didn’t even know it. This female star deserves to be a funny comparison!

Since she didn’t know, Su Yang continued to act happily.

He was hooked by Carrie Lins soft arms around his neck and smiled awkwardly, “Yes, yes.”

This meal, always eat After almost 4 hours, Producer Zhao quietly found Su Yang and offered Su Yang a glass of wine, thanking Su Yang for his trust and support.

As a producer who has just entered the film industry, he is really grateful that the new owner can invest such a large sum of money in his project without the slightest hesitation.

After dinner, Su Yang and Pan Zhaodi drove back home. He was upset by this meal, and he always felt that the hearts of the people at the meal were unpredictable, which made him feel unsure.

He especially wants to upgrade his silver ability [Higher Life’s Eyes], so that he can see through people’s hearts if he or she decides it?

As for the hourglass, Su Yang didn’t use this Divine Item at that time. First, Chu Hong came too suddenly and didn’t have a chance. Second, the side effects of the hourglass were still very big. If you can use it once, use it once less.

Farewell to Pan Zhaodi, Su Yang returned home, Xiaochi and Sanque had already returned, and they were playing chess in the room. The third brother of the demon bean in the milk tea shop was watching.

When Su Yang came back, the two stood up to greet him.

Sanque is a boring bottle gourd, Koike actively said, “Master Su Yang, Sanque’s work in the milk tea shop has been handed over. He can go to the health care company next.”

Can Sanque get a health care company?

Su Yang took a look at Sanque, and thought about it, Little Ha hasn’t washed it yet, so he can’t add more, then… or add Sanque!

Thinking of this, Su Yang said, “Okay, then follow me in. I added a point to the system, now I can give you +3, and I will add some to Sanque tonight!”


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