He quietly exited the office, then asked an employee to borrow a piece of white paper and a pencil, returned to the front of the office, opened a small part of the door, and said In early summer… Draw it.

The rustling of the pencil on the white paper did not disturb the early summer. There is the halo of [Squid who doesnt love diving]. She is still immersed in her own story world, with her fingers like musical notes The elves played a wonderful ballad on the keyboard, smiling sweetly as if eating honey.

Su Yang is completely immersed in the strange creative inspiration. He feels that the early summer in the writing is simply the most perfect model. Her movements remain almost unchanged, so that Su Yang can easily Paint her.

Su Yang followed the steps of sketching, first took this scene into his heart, and then typed on white paper, drawing the early summer body and facial features with horizontal and vertical lines.

Afterwards, draw a rough outline of the facial features and movements in early summer.

When drawing the outline, Su Yang’s gaze fell on the slightly bulged chest in early summer, and then realized that this girl has grown up a little too…

When Su Yang borrowed paper and pen before, it actually attracted the attention of the employees of the company. Later, he discovered that Su Yang was standing in the office of the general manager with half the door open, holding a book under the paper, and a pencil. Dancing, I don’t know what I’m doing, so they are all very curious.

Su Yang’s overall image in the company is relatively mild, and will not make employees feel pressured, so if you have the courage to go to the office quietly by the opportunity of going to the toilet, you want to see What is Su Yang doing.

After they came back, Su Yang’s sketching in the early summer gradually spread.

Faced with the painting of your own boss, everyones opinions are still messy. Some say,

“Our Boss doesnt look too big. I heard that we started from scratch. Actually know how to sketch? Its amazing.”

“Sketch requires a very high level of drawing skills. Just draw it freely, right?”

“Should not, Little Qin said that Boss did it. There are styles and styles. I know how to play.”

Someone asked, “Uh…what is a play style?”

No one paid attention to him.

The topic continued to stray, “Is this the girl in the office?”

“Wow, do you draw a sketch for that girl? Isn’t this too romantic? “

Some gossip asked, “Who is that girl? Our Boss girlfriend?”

“It looks like it is.”

” But looking like that is a high school student, our boss is too beast!”

“Doesn’t our boss also look very young?”

“Man is not obvious Age. The ghost knows if they are over thirty.”

“That’s right, after all, I heard that he has several companies in his hands.”…

So the topic was successful. From Su Yangs painting to a discussion about Su Yangs relationship with Chu Xia, it became… Su Yang is an old monster…

At this time, Manager Zhang was holding it. The water glass came out of the office.

As Wang Dongs former boss, and helped many people when Su Yang and Wang Dong started, he has now been promoted to director.

When I came out to hear those colleagues chatting about Su Yang’s gossip in a low voice, Manager Zhang shook his head slowly, feeling that these colleagues were useless talking all day. He knows the age of Su Yang, after all, he had cooperated with the company before. It was 19 years old, and it was just after 19 years old birthday.

Think about Su Yang’s age, and think about Su Yang’s current achievements. Manager Zhang shook his head. Compared with his young Boss, he was already a dog at his age.


Manager Zhang shook his head again, and drank the water of Chinese wolfberry running in the cup, a little melancholy.

He slowly walked to the drinking fountain. After receiving the hot water, he walked back and walked. He suddenly made a bend. The original “straight driving” route was forcibly He walked out of a perfect arc: he actually went around half a company and passed by the general manager’s office. Then while drinking water, he glanced at the painting in Su Yang’s hand.

After all, he also has curiosity…

At a glance, Manager Zhang was a little surprised, and couldn’t help but poke his tongue: It looks so good.

Su Yang has already drawn the outline and facial features of the early summer at this time, and is drawing details there: the eyes. Those beautiful eyes in early summer are almost alive under his pen.

The kind of agility with joy, and the joy with the girls unique youth, makes people feel as if they are sinking in.

A fresh girly feeling as if in the forest leapt on the paper.

Although he doesn’t understand painting, Manager Zhang can simply judge: This is definitely better than those street painters who draw sketches on the side of the road!

Passing by Su Yang pretending to be careless, Manager Zhang straightened his belly, holding a water glass, and walked back to his office slowly, and then admired himself as a Boss a little more and more.

This painting is really beautiful…

It seems that my vision is really bad. Why didn’t I find his talent before? It is Wang Dong’s vision. , Was the first to keep up with potential stocks…

When Manager Zhang returned to his office, it didnt take long for Su Yang to paint the 1st painting in his life. He looked at his paintings, even though he With “years of experience in painting appreciation”, I have to admire that my paintings are beautiful.

Maybe the scene of early summer writing just touched Su Yang. Su Yang’s painting is completely super-level. It not only paints the beauty of early summer, but even the agile temperament. come out.

Just looking at the painting makes people feel bright.

But after lifting the head from the painting, Su Yang looked towards Early Summer, only to find that he didn’t even paint 10% of her beautiful portrait.

Its a very violent feeling: my own paintings are beautiful, but they are more beautiful in early summer…

This girl is simply a spirit created by nature .

I quietly admired the early summer for a while, Su Yang did not disturb her, he picked up the pencil again, signed his name on the sketch, and then asked the employee to take a magnet and suck it on On the iron edge of the office door.

After “posting” the picture, Su Yang gently closed the office door and left the company.

Everything is done, it’s time to go home.

After Su Yang left, people from the company ran up to see what Su Yang had drawn.

At first glance, they were all shocked.

“Wow. Is this our boss painted? It’s so beautiful?”

“Yes. It’s so beautiful!”

“It’s really beautiful. “

The exclamation of the people in the front row obviously made the people behind them more curious, and they rushed to the front one by one.

“Let me take a look. I Also take a look.”

“Does it look that good?”

“Hurry up, let me take a look too.”

People who squeeze in After I saw it, I couldnt help but exclaimed, “Our Boss is also very awesome.”

“Should we not say that the girl in the painting is pretty?”

“Really beautiful Now! I want to take a picture!”

As he said, the man took out his phone and took a picture. While someone led, others also took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Su Yangs company has 60-70 people. Even if it is light-handed, it is much louder and noisy than Su Yang alone, so after a while, early summer was blocked by the door The sound was alarmed.

She stood up suspiciously, opened the door, and then was surprised to find people from a company around the office door, which shocked her.

And those people seem to be sneaky, holding their mobile phones, as if doing something bad…

Early summer took a step back carefully, and then asked sweetly “You? What are you doing?”

As soon as she said, the employees of the company were quiet for a while, and then they ran away, laughing and running away. The last one slipped away, Young Sister Lady smiled and pointed to the office door, and then ran away.

In early summer, he turned his head in confusion and looked towards the office door. Then I saw the painting on the door.

She opened her lips slightly, took the magnet in surprise, and took down the painting. She was vivid and beautiful like a Fairy in the painting.

Su Yang’s paintings are actually not so good-looking according to the real level, but the ability given to him by the system is [painting ability], so his paintings are actually not just sketches, but other Chinese paintings, oil paintings And so on, the characteristics of the painting method: focus on meaning and not on shape.

This leads to the fact that in the early summer, he outlines the face in a very realistic and serious manner, but in the early summer actions and scenes, he does not use a realistic style, but uses lines to depict An elegant mood.

The stunning scenes and the realistic early summer beauty have a strong sense of conflict in the picture, which makes the whole painting look particularly beautiful. The realistic style and the stream of consciousness style make In early summer it was beautiful like a fairy.

Looking at the painting, Chu Xia felt like she had been hit by something. Her heart was beating “Peng, Peng, Peng”, and her eyes were shining moistly. She felt like Was knocked, gently, sweetly.

She moved her gaze downwards, looked towards the bottom of the painting, and the signature was a beautiful swash character: Su Yang.

A layer of shameful pink slowly appeared on her face, and then it was red all the way to her ears. Sweat beads came out of her palms, but she wiped the corners of her clothes for fear of being stained.

Then she cautiously glanced at the people in the office lobby. Although everyone was working there with their heads down, she felt that everyone was smiling and looking at her, which made her feel even more impressed. shy.

She hurried back to the office and closed the door.

After closing the door, I looked at the milk tea ordered by Su Yang on the desk, and looked down at the beautiful and unhuman portrait of myself. Early summer bit her pink lips, a little lost. , There was only one thought in her mind: In early summer, you are over…

Su Yang, who left the company, didnt know what happened in the company. He wandered down the road, facing the scorching Shanghai in the afternoon of July. In summer, there is a feeling that it is about to dry.

However, the voice of system saved him, and made him feel a touch of comfort in this hot summer day:

drops! Golden Mission: The Road to Peak (2) is completed, please check the rewards. ]

Is it finished so quickly?

Can I add points for the third time?

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