Congqing Tuan is meager, [At this moment, I am proud of having such an enterprise in China.

A simple sentence immediately settled the matter.

With its leadership, many companies official meager also reposted this meager of the Find Me app, and then added



“I look forward to the artificial intelligence that represents Huaxia going out of the country and out of the world.” Wait a minute…

No one is a fool, I have been looking for my app for 24 hours. The ordinary person does not know what kind of pressure and test, but these Internet industries and countries are the most clear.

Because the technical teams of technology companies and Internet companies have been constantly testing the XunMe app, looking for information on violations of the XunMe app, and looking for vulnerabilities.

Sometimes, they will find people with the same purpose as them, check each other’s ip, and find: Oh, so you guys are here too.

The search for me app is completely laissez-faire: you can check it out and find out that I lose. Even if you can send any violation information, it will count as I lose!

This kind of completely just and honorable, not afraid of checking, not afraid of the posture of the other party, and in the end still unable to find any illegal information, is the most shocking result.

For example, one of Aris technical masters judged that the information screening technology of the Find Me app is at least five years ahead of domestic technology companies.

Five years has been a not-so-weak evaluation. After all, we are now in the era of the technological explosion. Every year, technology advances by leaps and bounds. Five years is enough to show The technology of my app has surpassed this era.

But…now domestic technology companies seem to be in the forefront of the world, right?

So, could it be said that the technology of the company where the search my app is located is already leading the world?

This thought suddenly shocked many domestic Internet companies and technology companies.

They wanted to compare the external artificial intelligence technology, but found that foreign information has a special classification system, no screening, so there is no such technology…

AI is generally used to play Go…

Well, so its really not easy to compare at this time.

After all, no one knows that the artificial intelligence that surpasses the world’s chess players is powerful, or that the artificial intelligence with 100% information screening rate is powerful!

Some people have doubts: Where did the technology for finding my app come from? It seems that there is no company in the circle that has such a horrible technician, even…there seems to be no one in the circle looking for my app company.

At this time, they began to pay attention to the company where my app is located: Jiadian Technology?

They continued to dig and found that Jiadian Technology is a very new company, and Boss does not seem to be an insider.

But this Boss is very familiar to them: Su Yang! The violent Old Brother who beats the whole network alone.

Because the company’s registration information is all online, they can easily find Su Yang’s company. Hmm… a milk tea shop, a business company, a film and television company, an artist agency, and a health care company…

This is completely incompatible with artificial intelligence and technology. what! There are wood!

This is too weird!

Is this person just a name? Are there other people behind?

However, after thinking about Su Yang’s tough look, they didn’t feel like it.

So the search for me app, Jiadian Technology and Su Yang, became a hot topic in the Internet circle and the technology circle. Everyone is curious about what kind of company it is and what kind of person it is.

At this time, Su Yang completely ignored these twists and turns, because Little Di finally recovered!

Entering the virtual space, Su Yang looked at Little Di who looked pale and hugged her heartily, “Do you want to eat something? I will make it for you.”

Su Yang’s rare gentleness, Little Di shook his head, “Master, you forgot, I can’t eat.”

Oh… yes. Only herself at home, Janet and Bubble can eat, but other little monsters can’t eat.

Su Yang said, “Then I will give you a massage!”

Little Di’s pale face showed a blush, she was slightly nodded, and her voice was like a mosquito, “en. “With a cry.

Su Yang didn’t think much about it, after all, Little Di…is a mobile pet.

While he rubbed his hands on Little Di, he asked, “How does the match feel like this time?”

When it comes to this war against the entire network, Little Di’s eyes Just a little brighter, she said, “Master! I feel that the data collection of my AI prototype has improved a lot, it’s just…”

Su Yang asked, “Just what?”

Little Di’s eyes are a bit bleak, “It’s just that it has always been relying on my hardware, not a prototype in the strict sense. After all, no one knows whether it can run independently without me, so I thought I want to buy a server and build an artificial intelligence laboratory.”

Su Yang:…

How does this thing sound like it needs a lot of money?

Su Yang coughed, “How much is it?”

Little Di cautiously stretched out a finger.

Su Yang sighed in relief, “100,000. Okay, no problem.”

Little Di, “One, ten…million.”

< p>Su Yang:…

He feels a little bit unable to raise this child.

Who wants it? You can take it away for free…

The other child’s things are only tens of dollars, hundreds of dollars, she actually wants 10,000,000! !

This is when you are the richest man!

Looking at Little Di’s expected gaze, Su Yang sighed, and touched her head, “Hey, you are tired this day, let’s sleep. You will have everything after you fall asleep.”< /p>

Little Di’s mouth suddenly pouted in grievances, and then lay down on the sofa nicely, really asleep…

Without two minutes, I heard Little Di With a uniform breathing sound and a regularly undulating body, Su Yang stood up, went to the courtyard, looked at the twisted mist in the sky, and meditated for a long time.

Finally, he made up his mind to make money!

Although he ridiculed Little Di so much just now, he knew in his heart that Little Di was not playing, but really doing research.

The smaller point is to add core technology for your company, step by step moved towards the purpose of changing the world, and the bigger one: for the country, the people, and the world!

So, as the “parent” of Little Di, no matter how poor he is, he cannot be poor child! Child wants 10,000,000 to do research, he has to work hard to earn it!

It just so… my silver mission goal is to earn 10,000,000.

This feels completely prepared for her!

Okay, after completing the silver mission, I even know how to spend…

Just as Su Yang was thinking about it, suddenly, a cell phone ringing rang in the yard , Su Yang called out a virtual interface to check it, and found that…in the past 24 hours, many people have found themselves, including Chu Xia, Li Zijun, Wang Dong, and…the driving school instructor.

The moment Su Yang saw the instructor of the driving school, Su Yang realized only afterwards…Did he forget to take the exam? !

It’s over, I delayed the driver’s license exam!

However, this time the call is not from the four of them, but a strange number.

Su Yang picked up, and a very elegant man’s voice came over the phone, “Hello, is it Mr. Su Yang?”

Accompanied by that person, he said himself Su Yangs name suddenly appeared in front of him: a familiar office. A similarly familiar man sat behind his desk.

He is white and pure, looks very gentle, wears a pair of gold-framed glasses, and his eyes are a bit narrow: Mr. Jia.

He wore a straight suit, his clothes didn’t even have a trace of wrinkles, and his head was back and shiny.

Overall style, uh… beastly. Bah, a gentleman.

What did Mr. Jia call himself for?

Su Yang said quietly while having questions, “Hello. Are you?”

Mr. Jia’s expression in the screen has not changed, he looked towards A document on the table, and then said, Its like this. Im the lawyer hired by your secretary to negotiate with Director Wang De.

Im calling this time to talk to you Make an appointment to meet and talk about the details. Look, when do you have time?”

Su Yang just thought about it a little, and it didnt feel right, because… just such a small thing is needed Talk to yourself in person? Neither he nor himself are so idle, right?

And your own secretary? Pan Zhaodi? When did she take care of Wang Dao for herself?

So Su Yang asked, “Which secretary am I?”

Because the time is up, Mr. Jias picture disappeared, but his voice was still in Su Yangs ears through the phone. It sounded, “It’s Su Di, Secretary Su.”

It turned out that Little Di claimed to be his secretary. Then Su Yang felt that the secretary’s matter could be explained. But the appointment of Mr. Jia with himself… is still a little strange.

Is there anything in it that I dont know?

It is estimated that only Little Di who contacted Mr. Jia knew about it.

Just looked at Little Di who was sleeping on the sofa, this Little Brat was tired one day, one night, sleeping soundly, Su Yang was not willing to call her up.

So Su Yang said, “I have something today, it is not convenient to talk about it for the time being, let’s talk about it tomorrow.”

Mr. Jia, “Okay.”

With Mr. Jia’s confirmation, Su Yang hung up the phone.

As a result, just ten seconds after the phone was hung up, the cell phone ringing in the yard unexpectedly rang again. Su Yang picked it up. The phone was Wang Dong.

“Mr. Su, Mr. Su, why is your phone unavailable all the time?”

Su Yang said, “Oh, I accidentally mute it before.”

He staggered the topic, “Is there anything wrong with you calling me?”

Wang Dong said, “This morning, I received a lot of calls here. There are calls from various companies, There are also phone calls in the city, I said I want to talk to you.”

Su Yang was a little surprised, “What companies are there.”

For a moment, Wang Dong said, “Ari, Baidu, Tencent, Huawei, etc. companies all have different departments, but they all want to meet you and learn about the technology by the way.”

He added, “The Lords in the city also called and wanted to visit. The office director of our High-tech Park also called and asked about our situation.”

These things are linked together. Su Yang suddenly understood that these people are not for Qidian Business, but Jiadian Technology!

They are curious about the technology of Jiadian Technology, some want to visit, some want to cooperate, some want to spy and so on.

It seems that I am quite famous this time!

Su Yang asked Wang Dong to don’t be impatient first, and said that he was on a business trip and would not be at the company for a while, so he asked him to delay the time and not to reply to others.

Although Wang Dong is incapable, his only advantage is that he is obedient. He quickly replied, “Okay, President Su. Don’t worry.”

Although Wang Dong said Don’t worry, but after hanging up the phone, Su Yang felt this matter was a bit tricky.

After all, I need no one, no equipment, no server, just a mobile phone.

When the time comes, if you come to visit, or negotiate, show your own hammer?

If those companies can still be pushed, how can the leaders of the city push themselves?

What a hassle! Su Yang is depressed.

Recently, I have added more work and rest, but I cant adjust it a bit, so it is always delayed. Please watch the update before 10 oclock in the future. I try to adjust. Then try to add more.

ps: Now I have paid 16 more. 10 more owed!

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