Director Wang’s mind is blank. He hasn’t recovered from the bewilderment that he was beaten by a live producer.

He stared at the youngster in front of him blankly, and then his brain worked as much as possible: What did this person say? Said he was fired?

When I thought of this, Director Wang heart startled and didnt care about his being beaten. He quickly picked up the document and it seemed that the directors employment contract was actually cancelled, with the companys information on it. Official seal.

He has seen the official seal of the company. It is the official seal when he signed the contract. The name and appearance are exactly the same. No one will fake this, after all, it’s in jail.

He looked towards Su Yang dumbfounded, he was totally unbelievable.

And Lin Jiali, who stood behind Su Yang, was also shocked.

She actually heard a lot of noise on the set in the corner before, as if something accident happened, so she walked over and took a look.

As soon as I approached, I heard that the director told the security guard to drive away Su Yang, and the two security guards were about to act on Su Yang.

As a violent temper, how can she bear it! That’s my only iron fan! Also one of my only two friends over the years!

Especially because he still came to visit himself today, he didn’t allow him to be bullied!

So she didn’t even think about it, so she stood in front of Su Yang.

Facially facing Director Wang, in fact, she was also a little worried. She felt that she would definitely be scolded by Sister Tan (the Boss of the economic company) when she went back. She couldn’t become popular every day, and she made trouble for Sister Tan all day long. Let her really feel sorry.

But! Who makes Su Yang his friend! I can’t see him being bullied!

Even if you are bullied…only you can bully.

But it turned out that he didn’t expect that this man who was protected by himself actually turned the director upside down, and even dismissed the director?

Did you miss any plot? How do you feel that the jump is a bit big.

It’s just that now the scene has been stunned. No matter the security guard, Chen Min, the trainee girl, or the staff on the scene, they all stared blankly at the scene in front of them.

Somewhat suspicious of my eyes: the director was knocked over? Was it cancelled?

Isn’t this person just a live producer? Have so much power?

Not only are they suspicious, but Director Wang is also suspicious. He doesn’t believe that this is something that can be determined by a live production, and at this scene, there is no doubt that only Producer Zhao has this right and qualification.

So this must be instructed by Producer Zhao!

Thinking about this, he didnt even bother to sit on the ground, and said to Zhao Producer, Producer. Producer. Why did you change me? Im doing well.

“I have been working hard in filming for the past two days. I was also found by you with great effort!”

Zhao production complexion is gloomy, looked towards Su Yang’s back is a bit hesitant to speak, and it seems that there is something unspeakable.

Just think about what Su Yang did. Not only did he hit someone, he even got out of the contract. He also knew that Su Yang was determined to change the director.

Although he is only a company employee, he knows that there may be a big problem, but he is also impossible to oppose Su Yang’s decision now, so he can only shut up.

Seeing Zhao Producer like this, the pleading in Wang Director’s eyes slowly turned into a bitterness. He glared at Zhao Producer fiercely, and then moved towards Su Yang and roared, “Okay! End the contract Thats okay! But I have a breach agreement with the crew! The crew has to lose money!”

Said, he looked at Su Yang proudly, “I remember the amount of liquidated damages is not small, the crew Are you ready to pay?”

Su Yang clapped the ash on his hands, stood up, and said Serene, “I dont know if the crew will pay any more. But I know you It may be time to pay out.”

There was a hint of ominous premonition in Wang Dao’s heart.

Sure enough, Su Yang looked at him condescendingly and said, “After all, you are suspected of falsifying your resume. The crew has the right to terminate your contract with you and make reasonable compensation for your fraudulent behavior.”


Speaking, Su Yang waved his hand, “Go away. Waiting to receive the court leaflet.”

Wang Dao’s head was “weng”, his mind was blank, he sat blankly On the ground, looking at Su Yang blankly.

All his confidence lies in his fraudulent resume. After all, a big hit TV series, not to mention the assistant director, even a screenwriter can switch to a director. So this “associate director” is very popular. For a big net project of only 5 million yuan, he asked grandfather to tell his grandmother to invite himself. That’s why Producer Zhao is extremely tolerant of himself.

As a result, the resume has been exposed now. Not only the project flies, but he may also face the following compensation. He can’t help but feel that the sky is falling.

He chose this small project for nothing else, because the small crew is okay and unable to investigate his own resume. As long as he makes a movie, he can completely change his career.

But now, everything is ruined. As soon as the other party publicizes it, his reputation in the circle will drop to the bottom.

If he really loses the lawsuit, he may not be able to pay the expenses if he has a small deposit. After all, as he just said, the penalty for this contract is very expensive.

I can’t be an old man, right? If you become Lao Lai, you will be on the credit blacklist. I can’t ride trains or planes, how can I make a movie? How to be a director! ?

Thinking of this, he seemed to want to grasp the last life-saving straw, stretched out his hand to grab Su Yang’s foot, and then pleaded, “Control, control…”

< p>When it came to his lips, he suddenly realized that he didn’t even know the name of the live production in front of him.

The looked towards Zhao Producer he begged.

Producer Zhaos face changed, and finally he couldnt bear to say in a low voice, “Producer Su.”

Lin Jiali looked left and right, a little bit Stupefied: Producer? Su Producer? When did Su Yang become a production? What did you miss?

And shouldn’t you be the heroine of this “drama”?

Isnt this play supposed to be the beautiful heroine walks out in anger to protect her friends and takes her friends out of the set barefoot?

Why is the heroine invisible all the time…

Wang Dao cast a grateful look at Zhao Producer, and then pleadingly said to Su Yang, “Su Zhi The film, produced by Su, I have eyes but fail to recognise Mount Tai. If you have a lot of them, let me go. I’m sure to shoot well, shoot well! I really want to be a good director.”

Su Yang remains unmoved, “Speak to the judge.”

Wang Dao’s eyes are red, and he roars, “Then you just want me to die!”

Su Yang smiled, took Director Wang’s hand away from his shoes, and patted his own shoes, turned around and walked towards Zhao Producer.

The casually disdainful way defeated Director Wangs last psychological defense line, he madly moved towards Su Yang and roared, “Your crew has already started filming! If there is no director to make up! Every day! It’s a loss of hundreds of thousands! You can’t afford it!” Hearing these words, the expression on Zhao Producer’s face finally couldn’t hold back. He hesitated before, and was worried about this.

Su Yang is the companys boss and investor, but he is the producer of the entire crew.

No one knows better than oneself how much money the crew is investing every day, and if they dont shoot, the daily loss will be.

Although several actors, especially the two male lead actors, signed a contract, there are additional clauses in the supplementary agreement. If the crew is postponed, it will also have to add money. And the money will increase over time.

Now I go to the director temporarily, not to mention the director’s level, whether it is appropriate, how to count the time lost by the director?

In the filming process, every day is a huge consumption. Who will pay the lost money?

So although Su Yang gave him the evidence that the director Wangs resume was falsified, although he wanted to chopped up director Wang ten-thousand times by a thousand blades in his heart, he could only suppress his temper.

Just because he is a producer, he must be responsible for the companys investment and must ensure the normal operation of the crew.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but also looked towards Su Yang, hesitated for a while, walked over, and whispered for the king’s guide, “Su…”

He just said a word, he glanced at Lin Jiali on the side, and then changed his words, “Su Producer, look, now I change the director, everyday all is money. Otherwise…”

I didn’t say it, but it was already very obvious: otherwise I would shoot it with Director Wang first.

Su Yang patted his shoulders, and then whispered, “I have arrangements.”

After that, he said to Director Wang indifferently, “You Dont worry. The company has arranged a new director.”

Speaking, he shouted out, “Janet.”

While speaking, walk out of the studio A long tall foreign “woman” walked in with a girl who seemed to be only about 1.5 m tall in her hand.

The girl was dressed very neatly and neatly. She was wearing a director’s suit, the kind of vest with four pockets, and then walked in with a serious face.

Producer Zhao’s gaze stayed on Paobao for a while, looked towards Janet, and then whispered to Su Yang, “Did you hire a foreign director?”

Su Yang shook his head, “No, it’s the little one.”

Producer Zhao:…

Does this little girl seem to be 14 years old?

Although outsiders could not hear the conversation between the two of them, Director Wang heard clearly. He sat on the ground laughed heartily, “Just such a little girl? You let a little girl make a movie?”

“You said I don’t have the quality of director, does she have it?”

Su Yang said indifferently, “It’s just a little girl, so you know how much you Is it rubbish?”

As soon as I said this, Dao Wang’s face suddenly became gloomy.

After all, although he knows that he is poor, at least he has been on the crew and has been influenced by the director, but can a little girl in front of him shoot better than himself?

Dont say anything else, she knows the camera, the camera, the special effects, and the lines? !

And the crew members who heard the conversation between Director Wang and Su Yang also talked quietly one by one, apparently a little surprised that it was a little girl who was the director.

What exactly is this new live producer doing?

Is this when the movie is playing?

Bubble filming and film director’s plot is a must. It has been a long time before. If you don’t write it, the appearance of Bubbles and the previous preparations (such as bad smell, such as thinking that it will hit the street, etc.) are meaningless. But this is just for the transition of the silver mission, after all, the main line is still added.

Tomorrow, I should return to daily life and add some points.

In addition, tomorrow I will explain the arrangement of Su Yang’s face-slapping scene a little bit (this story is a flashback).

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