After she finished speaking, the six little girls glanced at each other, and then one of the little girls looked at Su Yang carefully, hesitated, and whispered, “Sister, Actually it may not be what you think…”

Su Yang glanced at the girl, she didnt feel anything when she glanced at it, but she looked pretty good, but she actually felt very pleasing when she looked closely. The little freshness of the girl next door makes it easy to feel good at first sight.

In terms of professional terms, it means: passers-by have a good eye.

She whispered, “I heard a few staff members complain in a low voice. In fact, some of the problems pointed out by Chen Min are correct. The director is a bit layman and always directs blindly.”

Lin Carrie scratched Jin Jin’s chin, and the traitor who scratched Jin Jin closed his eyes so comfortably.

She looked at the girl and said with a little surprise, “Is that right? But he pointed out too many questions. It feels like he is not serious about filming at all.”

At this time, another girl said, “Sister Carrie, what Meiyue said is true. I was there at the time, and it was the camera teacher who said it. He was smoking a cigarette outside and chatted with us and said For more than ten years, I havent seen such a laymans director.”

After she said, she looked around again, and then whispered, “And I heard that this director also wants to unwritten rules Actor.”

Speaking of this, the topic became dull. After a while, the girl with a good passer-by who was called Meiyue sighed, “Fortunately, we have a company to back it up.”< /p>

“Yes.” “Yes.” “Yes.”…

These topics shouldn’t be discussed in Su Yang’s face, but Lin Jiali didn’t let it. A few of them left, and that’s it for rushing.

After speaking, several trainees also felt that they were talking too much, so they left one after another, found a reason, and said to go ahead and play again, dont be scolded by the director when the time comes.

Lin Carrie did not leave them this time.

After they left, the atmosphere between them became even more embarrassing.

In the end, Lin Jiali took the lead to divert the topic. She raised Jinjin and said to Su Yang, “You see your little kitty is so cute. It’s motionless in my arms.”

Su Yang’s immature voice rang in his ears, “So comfortable, meow~”

Su Yang:…

It’s uncomfortable. It’s soft after all.

Su Yang curiously asked in his mind, “Why do you like her?”

Jinjins voice is a little confused, “I dont know. Anyway, when I saw her, I feel very comfortable. Maybe because… she looks pretty, right?”

Su Yang:…

This cruel society that only looks at beauty! fall!

Lin Jiali skillfully touched Jin Jin’s flesh, and teased it with a “meow, meow wu~” cry.

She looked towards Su Yang, with a smile from the bottom of her heart bursting out on her face, “Actually, I like cats so much. I have raised one after work. One, um… Cat. Its the kind of kitten with no bloodline.”

“It made me feel a touch of warmth in that strange city and cruel circle. At that time, it was so cute and so good. Every day. Meow at me.”

“If it weren’t for it, maybe…I would also fall into this circle.”

Speaking of which, Carrie Lin was a little lost, she His eyes are out of focus, like looking into the distance, but also like remembering, “You know. This circle is bright and beautiful, but in fact there are many rules that cannot see people.”

“In this circle The people in, are all wearing gorgeous but dirty robes. They experience glitz to corruption, but they enjoy the most dazzling light. People who have been here say it looks like heaven, but come in like hell.”

“The people inside want to go out, but those outside are eager to come in.”

Speaking of this, she shook her head, touched Jinjin, and said in a low voice, “It’s boring . It’s boring. It’s boring.”

She didn’t lie.

[The eyes of the higher life] clearly tell Su Yang that she is from the heart, just like the two trainee girls were telling the truth.

Su Yang staggered the subject, “After that, what happened to your cat?”

Lin Jiali was paused with her head down, “Dead.”

Su Yang was surprised, Lin Jiali lowered her head and said, “On the day I went out to film, I fell downstairs and died.”

Su Yang:…

[Higher Lifes Eyes] It reminds Lin Jiali that she is lying, but Su Yang doesnt want to continue to ask this topic…

Everyone has a secret, and that may be the last thing people want to let others touch Scars.

He took the initiative to get up and said, “You can take care of the cat for me first, and I will go to the toilet.”

Lin Carrie nodded, “en.”

Su Yang got up and left this corner.

Without two steps, he turned his head back: Carrie Lins rays of light seemed to go out.

She who used to be rays of light ten thousand zhang, is now like a small firefighter in the dark, Fire Insect, holding Jinjin’s hard support.

Su Yang couldn’t help but think of the system’s judgment on Lin Jiali before: a sign of depression.

Perhaps the reason why she had a sign of depression was probably related to the death of her cat.

As for Jin Jin likes her, maybe not only because she is beautiful, but also because she loves cats from the heart.

Today now has the power of the soul, so I can definitely distinguish the difference between “simple curiosity, like” and “hearted like”. That’s why they didn’t add color to Qu Xiaomeng and acted cutely to Lin Jiali.

After all, although Lin Jiali is not as proud as Qu Xiaomeng, she is much bigger than an ordinary person. This is also a category that Little Brat hates.

While thinking, Su Yang came to the shooting location, Chen Min and the director were still arguing, and Zhao Producer did not know when he also came here.

Su Yang stood not far away, watching quietly, wanting to see how Producer Zhao handles the contradiction between the protagonist and the director.

Then he heard Producer Zhao say to Chen Min cautiously, “Brother Chen, don’t be angry, I will communicate with Director Wang first.”

After that, He took the director aside, and then whispered, “Director Wang, why did you quarrel again? How many times is this?”

The director is also very innocent, “Producer Zhao, this Dont blame me, its Chen Min who simply didnt perform according to my command, and I was embarrassed. How big he is, how dare I offend him as a young director.”

Very helpless, the little director was vividly and thoroughly faced with the bitterness of the starring star, Zhao Producer wrinkled his face when he heard it.

After a while, he sighed and said, “Okay, you wait a moment, I will talk to Brother Chen again.” Director Wang wrinkled his expression together, look It feels uncomfortable, “Produced by Zhao. If not, please ask someone else. I really cant make this drama. Im too junior to hold the lead role.”

Produced by Zhao Upon hearing this, he said quickly, “Don’t. I finally found you. Wait a minute, I’ll talk to Brother Chen.”

Speaking, Producer Zhao went to find you Chen Min resting on a recliner in the distance.

Chen Min was wearing sunglasses and just took the towel and ice water that the assistant handed over and drank there.

Seeing that Producer Zhao came, and didnt stand up, he just sat there and said impatiently, Producer Zhao, dont always come to me. Ive said a dozen It’s all over again. He can’t that director.”

“If he can, I don’t have to. I am signing a movie contract, and it will be hard for me to postpone it, right?”

His tone is not good, so it makes him look very untouchable.

Producer Zhao had an aggressive past, but after seeing his attitude, his expression changed, and finally he softened. After all, Chen Min still has to rely on Chen Min to carry the box office.

So he said in a low voice, “Brother Chen, you also said that the postponement is not good for everyone. So just for one week, can you bear more.”


Chen Mins face is full of anger, and his voice is a little loud, “How to bear it?! Do you know what he is doing?”

Chen Min suppressed his anger and said, “Ming Ming A drama of inner monologue, this kind of time should be used to show the male protagonist’s unwillingness and resentment with a kind of repressed peace! Only then can we usher in the subsequent outbreak.”

“But he thinks If there is no great emotion, there is no way to have a visual impact and ask me to cry and act!”

“He said that as an actor, my nature is to respect the script, even if I think the script is absurd. I should use my professional performance to rationalize it, not to say that I think it is unreasonable and change it!”

“But I didn’t change the script! I just continued the emotion of the plot!”

“It is him who is changing the script! It is him!”

Speaking of this, Chen Min took a few deep breaths, and said very seriously, “I even suspect that he is simply not doing anything. Ive studied this show!”

He looked at Zhao Producer and said with earnest words, Zhao Producer, really. Lets shoot a webcam. I dont need to be so concerned at all. But as An old actor, I want to be worthy of the audience. I am worthy of my professionalism.”

“I really can’t accept his layman’s guidance.”

“Even, he even lights I don’t know how to play, how to change scenes! Is he really a professional director?”

Zhao Producer looked embarrassed.

The producer caught between the big-name star and the director is the hardest thing to do, especially when he is in charge of a huge short-term crew, the most stressful and the most complicated thing is him. After all, time is tight and the task is heavy.

After all, it is the first time to make a movie. Producer Zhao didn’t know how to deal with this for a while.

Just when he was embarrassed, a hand was placed on his shoulder.

The past few days preparations for filming, coupled with coordinating the contradiction between the lead actor and the director, made Zhao Producer’s temper extremely irritable.

As the “Emperor” on the set, he needs to “please” the big star in front of him, even if he is a director, because he is not a celebrity director, he doesn’t need to take it too seriously.

Suddenly someone of no size put him on his shoulders, and suddenly asked him to get really angry. He turned around and opened up to scold him, “You!”

The last “mother” word was forcibly held back by him, because he found…that standing in front of him was his Boss: Su Yang.

He wanted to squeeze a smile, but the angry expression just now made the muscles on his face unable to change for a while, so the expression on his face was very strange as if it were pieced together, one kind is about to cry His smile, he whispered, “Su, Mr. Su, why are you?”

As a clan, Su Yang has a much better than Zhao producer Unstoppable determination.

When I was looking from a distance just now, Su Yang discovered that although the director Wang had a sincere tone and sincere words, he even couldnt do it anymore and wanted to resign as a director, but he was in Eyes] But they keep telling lies.

Although the lead actor Chen Min has a bad tone and a little grumpy temper, he is telling the truth and feeling the truth.

Because [the eyes of higher life] can only tell if the other party is lying, Su Yang is afraid that Chen Min will pre-emptively have opinions on the director, leading him to think that the director is unprofessional, so in order to avoid this situation, Su Yang Yang specifically went to the crew to find out the situation.

Such as lighting, camera, field affairs, etc.

The advantage of “hanging” is that Su Yang can know the “truth” regardless of whether the other party wants to tell the truth.

“Hello, is our director unprofessional?”

“No! Very professional!”

Well, I lied, so the director is indeed unprofessional.

A very simple judgment logic.

After investigating for a while, Su Yang found that although the on-site staff were dissatisfied with Chen Mins “big-name” behavior, they were even more dissatisfied with the director’s professionalism. I even suspect that the director is a fake director.

So Su Yang simply asked Little Di to search the director’s information and found that it was the assistant director of a popular TV series last year.

Then was hired by Zhao Producer to be the director.

It’s normal for an assistant director to be a director. Many directors have stepped up in this way. After all, there are not many newcomers who have the opportunity to take the shot in the first film.

But when Su Yang asked Little Di to thoroughly analyze the directors resume, he discovered that the directors resume was suspected of being faked!

He is indeed a member of the crew of the Big Fire TV series, but he is just an assistant to the director. Then he found relationships and changed the cast and crew list of Baidu Baike and Maoyan.

Because this TV series has been broadcast for more than a year, no one has noticed it.

Then Su Yang, who returned to the set, saw that the director called a trainee girl from his own company with a squint, whispering for a long time.

The girl was obviously a little frightened, she looked scared.

But the director’s face changed, he looked around and found that no one was paying attention, and then lowered his voice, as if he was threatening.

The girl backed away in fear, tears were about to fall.

Su Yang complexion ashen watched this scene.

To be honest, he is not a gentleman with a strong sense of morality. He is a layman. He has also known the entertainment industry and knows the right and wrong of the entertainment industry.

If you say that both sides love me, he is too lazy to say anything, after all, each circle has its own unique rules.

But this is obviously coercion, which makes him very sick!

Of course, its even more disgusting! This dead director cheated his own money! Its your own movie that sucks! I also plan to play with my own girl!

This is just death!

Su Yang feels that the reason why Little Ha smells this project is because of the director!

It is his mouse shit that stinks his project! Maybe his movie will be even hotter, it’s all his bad shots!

Think of this, Su Yang can’t bear it at all.

He cant just watch his companys sister a lamb in a tigers den, or just fake Old Hus mouth, nor can he watch his 5 million investment project have any accidents !

After all, this is related to his silver mission!

It is about him enhancing his own strength!

Thats why he made the scene where Zhao produced the film.

Seeing the ugly and dying expression of Zhao produced because his expression changed too fast, Su Yang patted his shoulder again and said, “Don’t be nervous. I just came to see.”

After finishing talking, he whispered to Producer Zhao, “Let me take care of it next.”

The first reaction after Producer Zhao came back to his senses was a little dazed: You deal with? What are you going to do?

But then he hesitated, because he knew that Su Yang had never made a movie, and he didn’t understand the problems that occurred during the filming.

Although he is also making a film for the first time, at least he has been a drama producer for a long time, and he has some experience in dealing with the relationship between directors and actors.

He can’t handle it well, Su Yang can handle it well? Don’t make things more complicated!

Thinking about this, he immediately wanted to dissuade Su Yang.

As a result, Su Yang didn’t expect him a chance at all. Instead, he went over him and reached out to Chen Min directly, and said politely, “Chen Min Teacher, right? Hello, I am the live producer of our crew.”

Chen Min did not shake hands casually, but looked towards Zhao Producer.

Producer Zhao:…

Yes, you always say that it is on-site production, right? You say that you are the production director and no one cares about who makes you the boss.

So he rushed to Chen Min slightly nodded.

Chen Min extends the hand and shook Su Yang’s hand, and then he heard Su Yang say, “Is Chen Min Teacher unhappy with the director?”

As soon as he talked about this topic, Chen Min became a little indignant, and even talked a lot, “Yeah! I have never seen such an unprofessional director! What does he guide!”

Su Yang laughed, and then said, “Then let’s replace him, okay?”

When Su Yang said this, Chen Min hesitated in surprise because he didn’t know who Su Yang was What kind of status? If you change director, change director? Live production has this right?

Especially, the director is actually the soul of a crew. After filming has already started, even if it is a producer, it is not that simple to change director. Because it is likely to cause the entire crew to shelve.

So although he was upset before, he didn’t dare to change the director. All he wanted was to let him act according to the script and don’t listen to the shit director.

So when he heard Su Yang being so “arrogant”, he couldn’t help looking towards Zhao Producer.

Producer Zhao is obviously also anxious. He leaned to Su Yang’s ear with an anxious look and said eagerly, “Su, that is the director I finally invited. He is a well-known TV series. Associate director, have successful experience!”

Su Yang did not speak, but took out his mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to him. The screen shows Director Wangs real resume and evidence of his fraud. .

Producer Zhao took the phone, and within a few seconds, his face became extremely ugly, but he still held back his emotions and continued to flip it down.

Seeing that Producer Zhao no longer objected, Su Yang looked towards Chen Min again and asked, “If we change the director, can you cooperate with the filming?”

Although I don’t know what medicine Su Yang and Zhao produced in bottle gourd, but Chen Min felt that the youngster in front of him seemed to be very powerful in the crew. After all, Zhao produced his opinions very much.

So Chen Min patted his chest and said, “Yes! As long as you are a professional director, no matter who it is! I will cooperate!”

When the two were chatting , A somewhat harsh voice came from not far away, “Who is it changed?”

Su Yang turned his head and saw that the aggressive leader Wang came from not far away.

When he came to Su Yang, he first gestured to Zhao Producer nodded, looked at Chen Min, and looked towards Su Yang with a gloomy expression, “Who are you? Why am I not in the crew? Have you seen you?”

The director Wang was able to change his resume and win the trust of Zhao Producer. Obviously, he was not a fool. Although he overheard Su Yang saying that he would change himself just now, he was all anxious and angry, but he still didn’t to act blindly without thinking, but first inquired about Su Yang’s identity.

Su Yang still said just now, “On-site production.”

“On-site production?” Director Wang relieved his heart, and he smiled, “On-site production. Have such a big right? Can you change the director?”

He pointed to Su Yang and said angrily, “You are a live producer. If you say good things, you mean live production. If you say bad things, it means A mess, just you can change me?”


On-site production: mainly coordinating on-site shooting Many things, such as crew meals, venue coordination and so on.

Producer: Responsible for the financing and operation of the entire project, including the formation of the crew, the promotion of the film, and the control of funds, in other words, the real boss of the crew;

Director: He is the core figure in the production of film and television works, mainly responsible for shooting. No matter what else.

Some of these positions will be held concurrently.

Finally finished writing, million more! Hope everyone hopes. not yet eat. Finished eating!

Two chapters of Alliance Leader have been returned…I should still owe more than a dozen chapters, waiting for me to count, and try to pay it back!

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