Thinking about this, Su Yang came to the virtual space and put the [Double-sided Salted Fish Mask] up.

This mask was originally just to get the circus and was accidentally added as a bonus. I didn’t expect it has become my most commonly used item now.

Su Yang is really unimaginable if he didn’t have it, and he used those special items continuously, and was shocked by the spirit of the circus, what would be the consequences?

Uncertainty, Sanque is about to sacrifice another arm…

Going downstairs, Su Yang looked at the crown on his finger that changed from golden to black, and planned to add more .

The moment he turned on the system, suddenly a picture appeared out of thin air in front of him. [Eyes of Higher Life] activate.

The scene in the picture is in a CBD business district. A familiar woman gets off a luxury car. She is wearing a pair of leather pants, a punk-style leather coat on the upper body, and a strong five-centimeter high heel. , The sunglasses that cover most of his face, look calm and calm.

Su Yang recognized it for a while before realizing that it was Jiang Yan.

But after recognizing it, Su Yang felt normal again, after all, the woman with the strongest aura he had ever seen was the woman in front of him.

Jiang Yan closed the Porsche Cayenne that was too aggressive for women, and then stepped away from the luxury SUV that was about the same height as hers. She was talking, “You Is it Su Yang? I have an impression, what’s the matter?”

Su Yang focused his eyes on her ear and found that she was wearing the new ipods and was making a call.

The person on the phone is the voice of a man, “Young Master Jiang, is he not in your circle?”

Jiang Yan stepped on her five-centimeter high heel and was The slender legs wrapped in leather pants are like walking compasses, but they are full of aura. She said, “Whether we are in circles or in circles, we are all ordinary persons.”

The man was a little flattering. Said, “But after all, your father’s influence is too great for our ordinary person.”

Jiang Yan’s eyes are sharp, “He is not.”

The man over there said. “Then Im relieved, I have a company that competes with him…”

Before the man was finished, Jiang Yan interrupted him ruthlessly, “Your business Its okay with me. If theres nothing else, Ill hang up. After finishing speaking, she didnt listen to the mans reply. Without the slightest hesitation, she raised her hand and double-clicked the left earphone twice. Suddenly, The phone hung up and the picture stopped abruptly.

The picture disappeared and Su Yang’s hand still stayed in front of him. If the picture hadn’t appeared, he would add some points directly.

What was the picture just now? Does anyone have a competitive relationship with their own company?

Su Yang felt that he might be swollen, because his first reaction was: which company he owns…

Because the stall is too big, Su Yang didnt know for a while Which company did the other party come at?

But since the other party is cautiously inquiring about him, I believe there will be times when he will show his feet. As long as he accidentally says his name, then he can know who the other party is.

As for why the other party dealt with himself before, but did not call out his own name, Su Yang also pondered: Generally speaking, no one would specifically call the other companys boss by the name, its all “some company” “The Boss of XX company” and “their Boss” refer to this.

Even when I dealt with Jun Qing, didn’t he always call “Mr Jiang”, “Mr Qiao”, or “Jun Qing Boss”, and I rarely called out directly.

Writing this down, planning to see who is in competition with him later, Su Yang opened the system store.

[The Burning Circus of Reincarnation] is a +1 item, it must be +2, and it must be protected with the [Guardian God Symbol] for insurance.

Some points can be saved, and some points cannot be saved, so Su Yang bought a Guardian God symbol from the system store and…wrapped it around his right hand index finger.

Although I dont know if this is effective, there is no better way to deal with a tattoo.

Fortunately, this really worked. As Su Yangs Guardian God symbol was wrapped around, the divine talisman slowly disappeared, and the black crown on his finger slowly became a The circle tattoo, separated from his finger, slowly rotated around his index finger.

The black crown on the tattoo is faintly discernible with a circle of red luster. Su Yang knows this is the success of the “guard”.

Su Yang didn’t waste any more time, he turned on the dot system without the slightest hesitation, and sure enough, a translucent “+” sign appeared on the rotating tattoo.

Su Yang lightly taps at the [+] sign.

The tattoo rotation stops, and then the rays of light masterpiece!

These are all two-pointing routines, and Su Yang is used to it. He is now very much looking forward to what will happen after adding points three times, will it explode directly?

But to come back to say, the addition of this time is a bit different from the previous addition: this time the light group is much smaller, and it seems to have life.

This tattoo at first also wrapped Su Yang’s fingers, and then moved slowly, took off from Su Yang’s fingers, and then slowly floated into the air.

It exudes rays of light in the sky like a small sun, and it looks like the kind of entangled fish and insects, winding and changing shapes, looking a little sick.

Su Yang looked bored for a while, then lay back on the sofa. He found that people are actually lax.

In the past, when he was poor, he worked every day, earning money, and didn’t touch his feet. He still felt full of energy.

Now I feel better than lying down…

Of course, he blames all this on the [Double-sided salted fish mask], without it, I dont know dumplings, No, lying down, so comfortable…

Lying on the sofa, looking at the aperture of in the sky, Su Yang called out a virtual interface, and then opened his stock account to see For a moment.

I bought 4.59 million shares last Friday. It is now Wednesday and there should be changes.

Sure enough, there is still…4.58 million left.

Well, I lost 10,000 in the first three days of trading. Su Yang feels acceptable.

But…Isn’t Little Ha smelling these stocks very fragrant? How can I lose money…

Because he doesn’t understand stocks, Su Yang can’t analyze it. After all, he doesn’t understand the fundamentals, capital, and news.

He doesn’t even understand the main players, retail investors, and hot money, let alone the twists and turns of different colors.

Although he didn’t make money, he was a little unwilling, but at least he didn’t pay a lot of money. Su Yang could comfort himself, all for the purpose of completing the task.

Calculating the time, at the beginning of next month, the golden task can be completed, and he can add a third silver point. Su Yang feels that he has to plan well.

Little Di talked to him before, saying that his most important thing is to strengthen himself, and he has been moving towards this goal and working hard.

But with a few points, random points cannot strengthen oneself, while bronze points only gain the ability that an ordinary person can learn, and only silver points have a chance to strengthen oneself.

Although the two silver abilities obtained are also very useful, they did not make Su Yang’s body out of the category of ordinary person. Su Yang feels that his “superhuman road” has a long way to go.

I dont know when I can impervious to sword and spear, immortality.

So how do you trigger the silver mission?

The first two silver tasks are all related to money, and they are increasing. Earn 1 million and spend 10 million. Will the next task be 100 million?

Su Yang feels it shouldn’t be that difficult.

After all, if it is really 100 million, will the next task be to spend 1 billion? Make another 10 billion? Then spend another 100 billion, which is the world of “Meteor Shower”, and the prices are not so inflated.

So it must be a relatively low amount.

Su Yang feels that he can try it while he is free now, he cautiously added 1 million, and shouted, “I want to earn 2 million! If you don’t earn 2 million, you are not a Chinese!”< /p>

Hmm… nothing happens.

Su Yang continued chanting, “I want to earn 3 million! If you don’t earn 3 million, you will be a puppy!”

Well, there is still no response…

< p>There are two little demon bean heads at the entrance of the villa. Judging from the snoods hanging around their necks, one is number 17 and the other is number 18.

These two little things have not exploded yet?

Su Yang feels that these two guys must have mutated, waiting for him to catch them, must use system to identify them.

On the 17th at the door, while looking at Su Yang, while covering his mouth with his mouth, he leaned to his younger sister’s ear and whispered something.

On the 18th, it was a cute nod.

Su Yang made up for it on his own,

“younger sister, look at that fool, stay away from him.”

“Okay , Big brother!”

Su Yang:…

He is going to kill No.17!

Su Yang gave No.17 a fierce look, while continuing to shout, “4 million! 4 million!”

“5 million! 8 million! 10 million! 10 million is alright! I must make 10 million!”

Just as Su Yang was struggling to shout out, his mind finally rang out, [Trigger Silver Mission : Laying a foundation].

Huh? Finally triggered.

Su Yang clicked on the system interface and took a look at the new silver task:

[Silver task: laying the foundation. ]

Task goal: Earn 10,000,000.

Task time: two months.

Task note: ten thousand zhang high The building rises from the ground. Want to open up a business empire, want to use special items, little monsters change the world is not just empty words, but to complete and realize step by step. Please earn 10,000,000 within two months to lay a solid foundation for the future.

Before Su Yang took a closer look, the light ball in the sky suddenly changed. After swaying and entangled, the light ball suddenly began to expand, gradually expanding to the size of a coffee table.

Huh? Does this add a point to add a [Bigger size]?

If this is to be tattooed on yourself in the end, then you are not tattooing a ring, but a belt?

Will the circus world inside also grow bigger?

Just when Su Yang was thinking about it, suddenly a roar of “roar!” came from the light group.

Along with that roar, the light group suddenly disappeared, and a leopard with a golden body and graceful posture appeared in front of Su Yang.

Su Yang:…

I turned a circus into a leopard? Is this a big contrast? The circus belongs to a small plane, right? This is a cross-species, cross-species, even the world is crossed!

Sister Leopard, did you take the wrong script?

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