If he is in a normal time now, it is estimated that he will not suffer from this problem, but now he is wearing a salted fish mask, the whole person is in the sage moment, without desire and desire, of course there is no Be wary. So there is no attention.

Su Yang looked towards Qu Xiaomeng, Qu Xiaomengs face was full of curiosity.

If you face the early summer, or the schoolmaster Li Runze, maybe Su Yang will take a lot of talking. But in the face of Qu Xiaomeng who has always been silly, Su Yang is simply her nemesis. His mouth cannon ability to face Qu Xiaomeng is like a buff that doubles the effect.

“Oh…I’m learning magic recently.” Su Yang casually sneered, “Otherwise, where did the clothes on your body come from.”

Qu Xiaomeng looked at Su Yang, blinked: Yes, where did that dress come from? Su Yang didn’t remind, he didn’t even notice.

Su Yang looked at her, did not wait for her to ask, directly replied, “It’s also magic.”

Qu Xiaomeng nodded, “Oh.” She looked towards Su Yang’s hand, curiously asked, “Then can you change it back?”

Su Yang’s expression did not change, “I have mastered optics and no fingers. I haven’t learned how to change it back. I will study it in the evening, and tomorrow It has changed back.”

Qu Xiaomeng was stupidly nodded, his eyes continued to flow on Su Yang’s hand hanging on the side of his leg.

Look at this rare treasure. Bao still wants to ask, Su Yang staggered the subject, “Lets go. Its too late. I will send you back.”

Qu Xiaomeng was taken as expected. He missed his attention, “Oh” and followed up nicely.

Su Yang is 1.81 meters tall, and Qu Xiaomeng is 1.58 meters tall. Standing together, Qu Xiaomeng will reach Su Yang’s shoulders. This kind of comparison will definitely be called the most adorable height if you put it on the Internet. difference.

But it’s not like this when I walk.

Su Yang takes a step, Qu Xiaomeng’s short legs are about to take a step and a half.

This leads to following Su Yang, Qu Xiaomeng equivalent to trotting all the way.

She is wearing clothes that are a bit fat for her, walking with two flexible short legs, trotting beside Su Yang like a little child.

Su Yang didn’t want to take care of her. The reason why he was willing to take her was purely by the way, so he found it troublesome.

As a salted fish with no ideals, he just wants to go back and have a good sleep. As for… the circus. What is that stuff? Why do you want to do it? How tired.

Soon, under Su Yang’s guidance, the two returned to the community.

Seeing the familiar community, Qu Xiaomeng finally let go of his heart.

In order to lose weight, she tried a diet before, but the result was that her stomach was not good enough. After being cured by Su Yang, she was more leisurely because of the holiday, so she was tempted by snacks. So she had no choice but to start exercising to lose weight.

Go to the gym without money. She did aerobics at home and was afraid of affecting her neighbors, so after thinking about it, she decided to go for a run.

But her clothes have always been comfortable and loose, and there is no suitable running clothes, so she bought a set of clothes for running in the gym.

After the result arrived, she realized that she had not considered her physical condition…a piece of clothing that others wore normally, but it was so cough cough on her.

She is ashamed and afraid of facing the strange eyes of others, so after watching TV, she plans to run two laps in the middle of the night and go back to sleep after running. As a result, who knew that she was lost when she ran.

Fortunately, I met Su Yang…

Sending Qu Xiaomeng back downstairs, Su Yang said a few words more difficultly, “Qu Teacher, your own physical condition I also understand. Its more…well, its unique.”

“So I suggest you dont go out and run in this way in the middle of the night. Although you have the freedom to dress, you can try to avoid some trouble. I still have to avoid it.”

“It doesn’t matter during the day. At night, people’s sanity will be relatively low. If the girl is outside, you still have to protect yourself.”

Qu Xiaomeng’s ears were red with serious preaching: she was so shy, not blushing, with red ears. Every time at this time, Qu Xiaomeng felt like her ears were like two steamers, in the “hu hu” Braving.

Qu Xiaomeng, who has received a lot of strange eyes because of certain reasons as everyone knows since he was a child, actually knows his outstanding advantages compared to other girls.

She usually pays attention to the styles of clothes, and involuntarily wants to cover up what makes her unique, but a boy speaks bluntly about her private part, which still makes her a little shy not knowing what to do.

Especially this boy is still her student. This makes her have a taboo shame.

Fortunately, Su Yang didn’t say much, and didn’t wait for her to answer. After saying that, he took the steps of “not recognizing one’s family” and walked away.

Looking at Su Yang’s away back, Qu Xiaomeng always feels that Su Yang tonight is a bit different, as if there is a kind of…transcendence.

As if everything in the world would not be on his mind.

Qu Xiaomeng couldn’t help but look crazy.

A gust of wind blew her hair, Qu Xiaomeng came back to his senses, only to find that everything was quiet, the community was dark, and there were a dozen buildings with only two or three lights.

She shuddered, always feeling like the opening scene of a horror movie.

The fear of the night drove away her just now, she whispered a few words, “Go home, go home. Dont be afraid, dont be afraid.”

He tightened Su Yang’s clothes and ran into the building.

At the same time, Su Yang also returned to the rented house.

Although he usually stays in the virtual space when he comes home, he still has to be outside occasionally, especially the female secretary Pan Zhaodi who often comes now, so it must be more comfortable in the building than in the basement.

Back home, Su Yang went to the bedroom, closed the curtains, and entered the virtual space.

When he came to the virtual space, Su Yang looked at the right hand that was missing two fingers, then endured the pain, and took off the salted fish mask on his face.

As the salted fish mask was removed, Su Yang felt the endless power, vitality, and self-motivatedness returned to his body!

Make him full of passion for the future!

Su Yang checked the time, 23:58. In 2 minutes, his hands will return to their original state, and the circus will start!

Su Yang’s eyes are full of excitement: Circus! I’m coming!

Without the salted fish mask, the pain seemed to be much heavier, Su Yang held his hands, endured the pain, patiently waiting for the time to pass.

For a moment, the numbers on the table return to zero: 00:00.

Su Yang felt a little itchy in his fingers, he looked down, his fingers returned to his hands, and the pain completely disappeared.

Su Yang right hand shook the five fingers together, very smoothly, he feels good health!

Just as he was emotional, a light sound rang in his mind, [drop. The burning circus of reincarnation opens. Excuse me if I enter. ]

Its really stuck in time to enter.

Su Yang said silently, “Enter.”

The system reminder sounded in his mind again, [Please pay the ticket: 500 jin of raw meat.

Two options appeared before him, [Payment] and [Not Pay].

Su Yang came to the two big bags of raw meat piled on the floor, touched a bag of raw meat with one hand, thoughts move, and chose [Pay].

For a moment, the two bags of raw meat on the ground disappeared out of thin air, and even the blood on the ground disappeared without a trace.

Immediately afterwards, a large piece of raw meat fell in the air, and it fell to the ground with a sound of “pa ji”.

Excess part will be returned.

It seems that Janet is afraid that Boss will be short of catties, so she bought more. This guy is reliable.

Just when Su Yang was thinking about it, he found that the index finger of his right hand suddenly felt a burning pain, like it was burning.

He quickly looked towards his right hand, only to find that the crown tattoo on his index finger slowly grew bigger and became more three-dimensional, slowly rotating around his index finger.

For a moment, his index finger shot a rays of light, and wherever the rays of light went, he opened a huge light gate capable to support both heaven and earth!

There was also a hint of no emotion in his mind, [Welcome to…Reincarnation Circus].

Su Yang looked towards index finger, the crown tattoo on index finger has disappeared, it seems that the circus is on.

He hesitated for a while, and just about to ask Janet to enter with him, the system prompt sounded in his mind, [This special scene does not allow others to enter].

Yes, it seems that you have to be alone.

Su Yang couldn’t help it. He was greedy and curious about what was in the circus, so he finally stepped in.

As soon as he entered the gate of light, Su Yang found that he was in another different dimension space. Everything around him was dark, only a circus tent not far away stood there.

He walked slowly over and saw a sign at the door of the circus with five characters: Samsara Circus.

There is also a line of small characters under the brand: Reverse cycle, burn fate.

Reverse reincarnation? Burning fate?

Su Yang wrote down this line of small characters and walked into the circus.

As soon as he entered the circus, Su Yang found himself in the VIP seat of the first row, facing the stage of the circus in front of him.

And on the small table next to his right hand is a notebook.

Su Yang picked up the note and opened it. There are several options written in the note: watch the show, view actors, add actors, and finally…reverse the cycle.

It’s just that the option of “Reverse Cycle” is dim.

The darker it is, the more Su Yang wants to click, so he clicked the reversal cycle.

As a result, a system prompt sounded in his mind, [Unavailable].

Uh. Not available?

Never say how to use it.

The most interesting ones cannot be used, so Su Yang decided to experience these three functions in turn.

He first clicked on the first option [Watch the show].

Suddenly, the lights of the circus were all dimmed, and the surrounding area became dark. A beam of light hit the circus stage, and five people appeared out of thin air on the stage. Five people who Su Yang is very familiar with…

Zhao Xiao, security Captain, fake Arhat, sea snake and monkey…

They line up in a row and stand on the stage , Lowered his head, looked at Su Yang with a grin, then… bowed deeply.

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