It’s just that he is different from the other bosses, he knew his strengths and weaknesses early. Of course, his strength is that he has many special items and little monsters. These are all unique and unmatched things in this World!

The downside is…I dont understand anything else.

After using the [Running Talent Printer], Su Yang learned that Li Zijun is indeed an individual talent.

After the contact, Su Yang discovered that this little girl is small and cute, but in the bones is actually very strong.

So Su Yang is completely decentralized to her: I leave everything to you, and it depends on whether your ability will fail my trust.

Today, it is finally time for acceptance.

Su Yang took a look at the plan, and there was nothing about it. It is also the plan to exchange the traffic of hundreds of celebrities that Xiao Baozi Li Zijun and Su Yang talked about.

It’s just that Su Yang is a bit unexpected that Li Zijun actually played this simple traffic replacement.

Although there are a hundred stars on her list, the lowest are the third-tier stars.

Then she ranked the influence of the hundred stars from low to high.

Then replace the traffic with the current Xunme apps traffic and the third-line bottom stars: the third-line stars post videos on Weibo, while the Xunwo app has a splash screen all day plus the big banner on the homepage to push the stars Xunme account and video.

Celebrities can promote themselves in videos, or they can promote their plays.

The first 60 stars are all third-tier stars, from the little star who has just reached the third-tier, to the little flower who is about to get stuck at the second-tier edge, niche.

The remaining 40 are second-tier, top-tier traffic stars.

When negotiating with these celebrities, Li Zijun marked the amount of traffic exchange between both parties.

For example, in the replacement of the first star, the Find Me app only has 150,000 daily activities.

And to the 100th place, which is the last star, the Find Me app has reached tens of millions of daily activities.

Just looking at this, Su Yang understood that Li Zijun has created a traffic ladder. Her plan is to rely on the traffic of these celebrities. As the topic of the search for me app gets hotter and hotter, the flow of the search for me app will grow rapidly.

After all, in this plan, all these hundreds of celebrities need to be stationed in the FindMe app, and also need to forward their own promotional videos on Weibo. These 100 videos and accounts alone will be a very large amount of traffic. Pool.

Su Yang secretly gave Li Zijun a thumbs up. The [Samsung Talent] in the system evaluation is a dick!

Thinking of Li Zijun’s three-star talent, Su Yang couldn’t help but think of Pan Zhaodi again.

By the way…I should have asked Pan Zhaodi to send a resume, right? Look at her level. After all, judging from her work efficiency today, she is not an ordinary person either.

Thinking about this, Su Yang sent a WeChat message to Pan Zhaodi, asking her to post a copy of her resume, and she had to file it.

Although this reason is very nonsense, Pan Zhaodi replied with the word “good” without the slightest hesitation. In a moment, her resume appeared in Su Yang’s mailbox.

Su Yang did not rush to read his resume, but opened the Find Me app to see the progress of the [Hundred Days Star] event.

Today is the first day of the [Hundred Days Star] event. After Su Yang opened the app, a handsome guy appeared on the splash screen. He smiled brilliantly at the screen. Su Yang said, “Hello everyone, I am looking for my app first star push officer, Qiao An. Find me app, the app that youngster is playing. If you want to find me, go to find me app.”

The whole screen lasted for five seconds, and then I entered the main interface of the Find Me app.

It looks…its really awesome!

A celebrity may not attract people’s attention, but hundreds of celebrities, equivalent to swept most of the familiar faces in the country.

If this is not hot… then it’s irrational!

Su Yang relaxes. Li Zijun’s ability is indeed very strong. If this event is really well done, in the future, I can hand over the entire group’s celebrity and publicity work to her.

Just when Su Yang had this plan, the phone booth finally slowly changed.

The stolen goods and dirt on its body are gradually cleaned up, and some of the missing parts are gradually repaired, but it still looks rusty.

For a while, an interface finally popped up on the phone booth.

Abandoned phone booth +1: Obtain a new special ability, is it certified?

It’s finally out, Su Yang feels that he is almost becoming a “stone of hope”.

He clicked the appraisal, and two seconds later, the special item interface popped up on the iron pan.

[Secret Exchange Booth]

Ability: This phone booth can call one person every day. The other party will definitely pick up the call. If the cell phone is turned off, his desk phone will ring, if outside, the public phone next to him will ring.

After answering the call, both parties must say their names.

After you say your name, you can exchange your three secrets for each other’s three secrets.

Limit 1: You can call the other party only if you know the other party’s appearance.

Limit 2: The secret you tell must be the same as the secret answered by the other party. Example: The eggs I ate for breakfast today. Then the other party will definitely answer what he had for breakfast today.

Note: How can I get without paying.

After reading this ability, Su Yang feels…a great deal.

Why do I add a little bit now and it feels like Divine Item? Is Divine Item very common?

Moreover, although this special item is indeed related to the other party’s name, it is actually related to the address!

According to this ability introduction, Su Yang can speak his address directly, and then exchange to the other party’s address!

In this way, you dont have to eat fruit anymore and use the [Fruit-loving fountain pen].

Sitting on the table, looking at the interface on the [Secret Exchange Booth], Su Yang studied it carefully, and then he slightly frowned his eyebrows.

Because he discovered that although this item can be called Divine Item and can obtain any information he wants, it actually has a very big drawback.

Just…will reveal your secrets.

After all, an unfamiliar phone called, told the other person who he was, and then took the initiative to tell his secret. The other party also involuntarily told his own secrets. This is 100% problematic!

So this thing can only be used by the person who wants to remove it, and it cannot be used by ordinary persons or people who are just ordinary competitors.

Otherwise, it won’t take long for people in the world to know about their superpowers.

Of course, Su Yang doesn’t have any burden for those three who are monitoring him. He was going to get rid of those three people, so he didn’t need to care about their leaks.

Thinking of this, Su Yang looked at the time, 5 pm. There are still 7 hours before the end of the day.

To get rid of them, you must cooperate with the silver ability [to move the hands of destiny].

It’s going to turn around again. And it will hurt for 7 hours. Forget it, Shinobu will pass…Don’t delay.

Thinking so, Su Yang scanned the [Secret Exchange Booth] into the virtual space, and then entered the virtual space, entering the phone booth for the first time.

When he came to the phone booth, Su Yang felt that the phone booth looked quite clean. Apart from being a bit shabby, it seemed to have a sense of time-destruction.

After looking at it, he thought about the appearance of the bald man, took the microphone in the phone booth and put it to his ear.

When he put it to his ear, his hand seemed to be uncontrollable and he pressed the number a few times.

For a moment, the sound of “beep…beep…beep…” came down the earpiece…

The nickname of the big bald man is a fake Arhat, which is related to the fact that although he is a bald head and looks like a monk, he is actually just a bald man.

In addition, he is known for being able to play in the organization, so he was called this nickname by the people in the organization.

Because of suspicion of being discovered by Su Yang last night, he tossed till late, but his good work and rest made him get up at 6 in the morning.

As usual, he didnt go to the hotel gym, but after some exercise in the room, he had a meeting with the sea snake and the monkey, analyzed Su Yang’s data, and basically determined that Su Yang should have killed Zhao Xiao Murderer.

Then he gave the sea snake and the monkey a vacation and made a plan in the room alone.

Although he looks like a thug, but in fact he is more famous in the organization not for his skills, but for his brain. He has a relatively careful and cautious mind.

This is also the reason why he can “play” Su Yang in the applause without revealing his whereabouts.

The three of them are different from ordinary people in the organization. They are the backbone, so they can’t kill for the sake of killing. They must try to preserve their identity and escape reasonably. This is why he made this plan.

The plan is one day. At 4:30 in the afternoon, the fake Luohan finally kidnapped Su Yang, then forced a confession, and finally killed, destroy the corpse and evidence, and even their three plans to retreat calmly were all done. .

After making the plan, he once again looked at the steps on the paper and analyzed the loopholes. After analyzing for a long time, he felt that there was no problem.

He secretly decided to follow this plan tomorrow. I believe that with this plan, Su Yang should hard to avoid calamity!

Thinking about this, the fake Luohanzhizhi proudly took the plan and sent it to the sea snake and monkey, and asked them to come to the room to discuss the plan.

The moment he sent it out, his phone rang on the table.

The fake Arhat took a look, and the word “Boss” was displayed on it.

Huh? The boss called himself? Is there something urgent?

The fake Arhat suddenly felt a sudden heart, and quickly answered the phone.

The moment he answered the phone, he suddenly felt something wrong, because…in their organization, they never remarked each other’s name and identity.

And his boss has always used an unfamiliar number or a new number to call himself, how could there be a call with a note saying “boss”! ?

And I have always been very cautious, never answer this kind of call!

What the hell is going on!

Just as he was thinking about it, he found that his hand had not listened to the call and automatically picked up the phone and put it to his ear.

Then a deep voice came from his ear, “Hey. Hello. My name is Su Yang…”

His eyes widened, feeling a great The fear is coming!

Sorry, its a bit delayed. Overestimated myself. It took 2 and a half hours to write 1500 words. Irritable. . .

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