I was very happy when I used it at the time. As a result, the cost of didn’t expect was so big, unexpectedly there were only more than 2000 points left unconsciously.

I saved 3 bronze points unconsciously.

Su Yang planned that, except for one of these three bronze points for the second addition of [Lateral Ability], the remaining two can all be in [Lucky Disfigured Brick] The cooling time is up Later, check the rewards together.

See what good abilities can be randomized.

As for the golden tasks, they have been completed step by step, which is more than 80%. It seems that system can be upgraded soon. Really look forward to the scene after the system upgrade.

However, I have to save more random points. After all, after the system is upgraded, you can give +3 to the little monsters and special items around you. When the time comes, a lot of random points are definitely needed.

Although it is necessary to save a random point, but now it is a critical moment. If the three people are not resolved as soon as possible, Su Yang feels that something will happen sooner or later, so this point must still be added!

Thinking so, he opened the system store.

Today is Tuesday, the new week, three items in the system store have been refreshed:

random point*4

Guardian God symbol*10


Lipstick of unknown ability.

En. Lipstick of unknown ability? What is this…

If it weren’t for this option in the system store, it is estimated that Su Yang would have been impossible to add some lipstick in his life, after all, this is a woman’s thing.

Su Yang couldnt help thinking: Now that the lipsticks are available, will there be any “face wash with unknown ability”, “foundation with unknown ability”, “Divine Immortal water with unknown ability” in the future. Something like this…

cough cough, this is really “expecting”…

Ignore this special item that is completely unattractive, Su Yang buys it first A random point changed from 2260 to 1760, and the random point changed from 0 to 1.

After buying random points, Su Yang got up and went to find Little Ha. After all, he wants to add points, this still depends on Little Ha’s [Smell of Opportunity].

The recent Little Ha hardly went to other places, staying in his own utility room all day long, painting Janet there. And Xiaotou Ji didn’t know if she was coaxed by it or kidnapped, and she stayed in the utility room all the time, just “watching” her drawing, and applauding and complimenting her from time to time.

Su Yang actually wanted to say something to Little Dao Ji, “If you are kidnapped, just blink.”

Unfortunately, Little Dao Jis eyes cannot be opened. So simply can’t blink.

Thinking about this, Su Yang went to the utility room, and as he expected, Little Ha was painting against Janet’s photo.

I have to say that it has actually made a little progress: it has five more lines on Janets hand. This shows that Little Ha’s paintings are becoming more and more realistic. Everyone knows that people have five fingers.

Little Swordswoman sat aside, shaking her blade-shaped hand boredly, and then yelled “babbled”, having fun playing by herself.

Occasionally, Little Ha quietly poked her with a small corner, and she immediately clapped her hands, “Wow! Little Ha big brother did a great job! Sister Janet is really beautiful!”

Every time at this moment, a smug smile appeared on Little Ha’s face.

This… is really kidnapped! It must be!

While vomiting, Su Yang said to Xiaodao Ji again, and then took Little Ha out.

After going out this time, Su Yang looked back specifically, only to find that as soon as his front foot had left, Xiaodao Ji happily crawled out of the utility room with his back foot and went to play.

Sure enough, I was kidnapped!

After pulling out Little Ha, Su Yang looked at it and said, “I need a special item urgently now.”

Little Ha has a pair of dogs on his face after being disturbed With an unhappy expression, “What item?”

Su Yang pondered for a while, “You don’t need any conditions, you can find people’s items just by knowing the appearance.”

Little Ha dog’s face wrinkled, “I…try it. It feels very difficult.”

Su Yang said, “Don’t you feel it, I want me to feel it! I need this item. This is very important. No matter what method you use, you have to get it out for me!”

After that, Su Yang said again, “I can give you a benefit.”

Little Ha asked casually “What benefits?”

Su Yang, “I will not accompany you to find this time. Let Janet accompany you.”

When I hear the name Janet, I put my pillow on Goutou’s eyes immediately let go, “Really?!”

Su Yang nodded.

Speaking, he greeted him directly, “Janet. I have something to find you here.”

While speaking, Janet appeared, Su Yang handed Little Ha to Jenny In Te’s hand, he told him to take Little Ha and start looking for the special item.

Next, Su Yang gave Janet another 10,000 in cash and asked him to keep looking for it despite the taxi.

Janet has always been the kind who doesn’t say much, took the money and Little Ha then went outside and started looking for special items.

With Janet sharing his own affairs, Su Yang can relax a lot, but he is not free. He first returned to the real world and destroyed the bug. Now that the other party has discovered that he “found them”, there is no need to pretend.

Then he packed up his things again, and prepared to move back to his basement first: it was exposed and unsafe.

The basement should not be exposed yet, so I can give myself some buffer time.

After all, although he himself has a lot of special items, he is actually an ordinary person. If he gets a knife or shot, he will die, so everything is safe.

As a result, didn’t expect, he just packed a few things, and the doorbell rang.

Su Yang heart shivered with cold.

He checked the time, and now it’s only 7:30 in the morning, who is all right to look for himself?

I know that there are not many people in my family. Could it be that those three people came directly to the door?

Now that Janet is not here, Koike and the others go to work again, Su Yang is a little wondering whether he should hide for a while, or should he break his finger directly and kill the other party.

Although he knows that it is best to kill the opponent directly, he is not sure who is outside the door. If he is checking the water meter, his finger will be broken! This will hurt for a day!

After pondering for a while, Su Yang made up his mind: No matter it! First wash your hands with soap, have a insurance, see the situation!

Thinking about this, Su Yang took out the piece of [undecent soap] from the virtual space, and then went to the toilet.

Just when he was about to wash his hands, Pan Zhaodi’s cold voice came from outside the door, “Manager Su. Are you at home?”

Huh? Pan Zhaodi?

Su Yang stopped the movement in his hand, then stuffed the soap into his pocket and returned to the door. He looked through the cat’s eyes and it was indeed Pan Zhaodi.

The reason why he didn’t watch it through the cat’s eye just now was because there were too many TV shows. The movie killed people through the cat’s eye. He was more pitiful when he didn’t know who the other party was.

After confirming that Pan Zhaodi was alone, Su Yang opened the door.

Pan Zhaodi outside the door wore the blue uniform that Su Yang wore when she first met her today.

The tight-fitting uniform is worn on her, and the front of her is bulging, making her tall and sexy.

Her slender legs do not seem to lose to the early summer, but compared with the young white legs in early summer, her legs may be less white because of martial arts training all the time, but they are tighter.

In addition to her indifferent, expressionless face, the image of an ascetic female secretary is ready to emerge.

Seeing Su Yang opening the door, she bowed slightly to Su Yang, “Manager Su, I will report.”



I really plan to be my secretary…

And I will be here on the 2nd day, so fast.

Su Yang coughed, “Then… OK. You wait for me first, I will clean up first.”

Speaking, he wants to continue packing things, As a result, Pan Zhaodi reached out and stopped him, “Mr. Su, let me come.”

As she said, she walked into the room with two slender legs and started to help Su Yang gather things.

Su Yang didn’t have many things. This was originally Pan Zhaodi’s home. She knew which things were originally and which were newly added, so it didn’t take long before the things were packed.

After finishing packing things, Pan Zhaodi turned to Su Yang and said, “Manager Su, you didnt wash today, I will wash with you first.”

Speaking, she walked into the toilet , Help Su Yang to pinch the toothpaste, pour water in the tooth jar.

Su Yang:…

Does the secretary have this responsibility?

But Pan Zhaodi had already done this, and he couldn’t refuse, so he followed into the toilet.

As soon as he entered the toilet, Pan Zhaodi handed the tooth cylinder and toothbrush to Su Yang.

Su Yang took it and brushed his teeth.

As soon as he finished brushing his teeth, Pan Zhaodi took the initiative to take the toothbrush used by Su Yang and gestured to the basin, “Su Yang, the water is ready.”

Su Yang:…

Yes, then wash your face.

As soon as he wet his face, Su Yang wanted to reach out and take the cleanser, but Pan Zhaodi had already squeezed the cleanser into his hand and stretched it over.

Su Yang:…

He scratched the cleanser in the palm of Pan Zhaodi’s hand, then hit his face, washed it, and a towel was already waiting in front of him.

Su Yang is convinced.

After finishing everything up, Pan Zhaodi offered a gift and returned to the basement with Su Yang.

When I came to the basement, there was nothing strange on Pan Zhaodi’s face, and there was no other idea because Su Yang lived in this place.

When I put things down, Pan Zhaodi took out his mobile phone and stood in front of Su Yang, “General Su, I need the phone numbers of the leaders of the various departments of the company and I need to check your schedule with them. Help you coordinate each Meetings, events, meals, and private life time.”

“If you have any things you want to do, or activities you want to arrange, I will book for you in advance and help you plan time and arrangements. I I will be a dedicated secretary. I will live up to your trust.”

Su Yang:…

Well, Su Yang believes.

So next, Su Yang gave Pan Zhaodi the phone numbers of Wang Dong and others.

Pan Zhaodi took the initiative to call those department leaders, and after Su Yang confirmed his identity, he began to record the company’s arrangements and matters.

Looking at Pan Zhaodis beautiful neck with the phone between his hands, he quickly recorded in the notebook, Su Yang has a…this half a million thoughts are really worthwhile!

When Pan Zhaodi hung up the phone, Su Yang simply gave Pan Zhaodi the phone number of the search me app, the agency company, and Chief-In-Charge of the film and television company, and asked her to coordinate the arrangement together.

Pan Zhaodi obediently wrote down the calls and personnel, and then started making calls.

She has been busy until 3 o’clock in the afternoon, before she put together the affairs of several companies, listed the articles of association in an orderly manner, and then turned around and started to make schedules for Su Yang.

Su Yang was in surprise all the way: Seeing Pan Zhaodi’s ease of use, is she not only martial arts, but also a secretarial talent?

Do you want to ask her to submit a resume, and then use the [Running Talent Printer] to see her evaluation.

Just when Su Yang was thinking about it, Little Di in her pocket shook. Su Yang picked it up and took a look. A message was displayed on it, [Master, there is a result over there, Janet. Need to speak with you. ]

Huh? Janet looking for herself? Is this a special item?

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