Received this heavy blow, Su Yang’s head buzzed, and his breath was blocked in his chest and almost didn’t get over.

He tried to lift the head looked towards the person he attacked, but he felt that his legs were tightening tighter and tighter. The smooth thighs still smelled of feminine fragrance. People feel inexplicably familiar…

Half an hour ago,

The entrance of Su Yang community.

Pan Zhaodi once again returned to this so-called “home” place.

The first time she came here, she was forced to marry by her parents, and this time, she wanted to say goodbye to the past.

After the divorce, she returned home and completely quarreled with her parents. She was really fed up with a man she didn’t like or even hated.

He smokes, drinks, and fools around outside. He is in his thirties and nearly 40 years old. He doesnt even have a serious job. He only knows to pick money from himself every month and go with gang of scoundrels. It’s a lot of fun outside.

Every time I see him, I feel like I see a thick haze and I can’t breathe.

Through childhood, she was not liked at home because her parents liked boys but not girls. Even her own name is called Zhaodi.

Call di, call di, call the younger brother.

Pan Zhaodi sometimes wonders why God wants to be born in this world. Since no one likes himself, and no one thinks about himself, why cant he let himself never appear in this world.

To be honest, when Liu Laoliu was caught taking a strange woman home, he was not at all humiliated, and there was no grief and anger, only relief.

I finally have a just and honorable reason to get a divorce…

Liu Laoliu obviously thinks so too. He is also fed up with staying with himself, without freedom. Without dignity, but also the days of fear and fear every day.

A marriage made between parents ruined their lives.

So the two had a tacit quarrel, and then they got divorced cleanly.

I thought I was relieved and returned to my natal home. I thought I would welcome comfort. Even if I didn’t comfort, it would be part of my understanding and support.

Result…not at all. Parents are just puzzled about their divorce. In their view, there is nothing that cannot be compromised after getting married, just turn a blind eye, and a woman should live for her husband and wife.

And later, when Liu Laoliu’s parents started calling their parents to quarrel, and demanding the return of the bride price, things worsened.

My parents quarreled at home every day, quarreled with Liu Laolius parents, quarreled with myself and forced myself to go back and remarry.

Pan Zhaodi didn’t feel bored, but inexplicably had a pleasure of revenge: make trouble, make trouble. Who told you to sell your daughter for 500,000? Didnt expect the day when I asked for that huge gift?

This incident is half a month. Pan Zhaodi finally put down his ruthless words: she wont get married! She refunded the gift money herself! From now on she will live her own life! Nothing to do with parents anymore!

After speaking, she ran back to Shanghai by herself. She had to leave that home completely, work hard, pay back her “selling money”, and be completely free!

After returning to Shanghai, she called Liu Laoliu and wanted to take away her things and the dog. Liu Laoliu answered the phone and only said that she was busy, let her go home and pick it up by herself, don’t bother him.

So she went home directly.

When she came to the original home, she found that the door lock was broken, and she was too lazy to continue calling Liu Laoliu, anyway, there was nothing valuable at home, so she opened the door directly.

After entering the house, she found that the house has changed a lot, it is much cleaner, but there are no things and no dogs.

After searching for a long time, but found nothing, even some traces of life, Pan Zhaodi suspected Liu Laoliu was lying to himself for a while.

As a result, at this moment, she suddenly heard a voice outside the door and the voice of a stranger talking, “Janet, you open the door first and pay attention to safety.”

This allowed her to immediately confirm that there were two people outside, one of whom was a man.

Moreover, it seems that they are trying to get into this house.

She lurked in the toilet next to the door.

Then she saw a beautiful foreign woman come in.

The moment she saw the woman, Janet judged that “she” was not a threat. After all, she had thin arms and legs, and she didn’t know how to fight. It’s not that easy to meet someone like yourself with great natural strength.

And then, the silhouette of a man came in. The man was 1.8 metres tall, he looked well-proportioned, and he walked with the posture of having a family.

Janets instinct for many years told herself that this man is more dangerous than that woman, so she strangled that man first!

At the same time, she did not forget to stare at the foreign woman in front of her, and then shouted, “Don’t move! If you move again, this person will be dead!”

Jenny Hearing the movement behind him, I quickly turned around, but it was too late.

He can only refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, standing in place, looking coldly at the beautiful woman who is clamping Su Yang’s neck fiercely with his thigh.

Pan Zhaodi pressed Su Yang and looked at Janet warily, “You are who!”

Janet didn’t know how to answer, so she didn’t speak.

Pan Zhaodi said again, “Can you speak Chinese? Speak!”

Janet, “Yes.”

He glanced at his neck Su Yang with an uncomfortable face, “Let him go first. Talk slowly if you have something.”

Janet snered, valiant and formidable looking, “Are you stupid?”

Just At this moment, she heard her own “captive” voice, “Pan, Pan, Sister Pan.”

Huh? Pan Zhaodi felt that the voice was a bit familiar.

She glared at Janet warily, then she swept away, and found that… hey? Isn’t this Su Yang?

This made her let go of her leg, her eyes flashed, “Why are you?”

At the moment when she was distracted, Janet struck out and left When the leg stepped forward, the right leg fiercely kicked towards Pan Zhaodi’s head!

Maybe because Su Yang was in danger, maybe because Su Yang was not well protected, Janet only felt that her body was full of tyranny, and he had no spare energy for this blow!

That kick out, with a “bang!” sound, even the air is exploding!

Pan Zhaodi’s years of experience in martial arts saved her. Since she was bowing her head, but a feeling of extreme danger suddenly appeared, she felt a great terror coming!

She directly used a donkey roll that worked for thousands of years, rolled over Su Yang’s body, and rolled to the side!

As soon as she stopped, she heard a loud “bang!”

She lifted the head abruptly, and saw the solid wood door of the toilet with a thickness of 5 centimeters exploded. She was kicked to pieces by the foreign woman who seemed to be weak!

What a powerful force this is!

Pan Zhaodi, who has been practicing martial arts for many years, knows this too well!

Her eyes are full of shock and fear!

Be aware that the board used for the demonstration of the Taekwondo Gymnasium is only about 1 cm, and they are all professionally processed, cracked, or cut in half by themselves, which is convenient for a kick.

But this door is a door that I have used for several years. It was made by someone when I was married. It is pure solid wood and 5cm thick.

Even if you are born with great power, you can’t break it with one fist! After all, this is a door!

Who is this foreign woman in front of me!

Just when Pan Zhaodi was shocked, Janet continued to rush over and moved towards her again. Pan Zhaodi hid, “bang!” There was a crack on the wall!

It’s another kick. No matter how many Pan Zhaodi, “bang!” is another crack!

“Hiss!” Pan Zhaodi suck in a breath of cold air. This is too scary!

She feels she cant just sit back and wait! The person in front of me has really reached the top of the single force subduing ten conferences! My own meet force with force is not an opponent at all!

But looking at his tricks, it obviously doesn’t match his power. So there are loopholes!

Thinking of this, she directly supported her with both hands, and a scissor leg swept towards Janet’s bottom plate!

Although Janet is strong, her fighting skills are only elementary, far from being an expert’s opponent.

So I couldn’t dodge in time, kicked it down, and suddenly the bottom was unstable.

Pan Zhaodi continued to support with both hands, the whole person flew up, and a cross leg kicked Janet in the face!

She is born with great power, and this foot is also momentum is big, power is deep!

But Janet is not afraid! He was loudly roared, and three gill clefts faintly appeared on the left and right cheeks!

Then both of his hands crossed into a punch, fiercely moved towards Pan Zhaodi’s leg!

This is abandoning any tricks, and its time to meet force with force!

One punch, one leg! Fire star hit Earth!

With one blow, Janet took two steps back, and Pan Zhaodi only heard “ka-cha”, and only felt a sharp pain in her leg, and then she was beaten away. , Lying on the ground embarrassed!

Even so, her fierceness was also aroused, she shouted loudly, using both hands and feet, she was about to support her injured leg and continue to fight.

At this moment, Su Yang, who had just recovered to the ground just now, finally spirit slowly recovered. He stood up and said quickly, “Stop it! Don’t fight for now! It hurts Lao Tzu. !”

Janet obeyed Su Yang of course. When Su Yang spoke, she immediately stopped her movements and stood beside Su Yang, but her eyes were still staring at Pan Zhaodi vigilantly.

Although Pan Zhaodi has a pain in her leg, she still stares at Janet glare like a tiger watching his prey, she has found an opponent! A woman who is stronger than herself!

Stopping the eyes of the two people, Su Yang closed the door a little tighter, and then he asked Janet to move a chair over, rubbing her neck while watching she sat in embarrassment Pan Zhaodi on the ground said helplessly, “Sister Zhaodi, what are you doing?”

Pan Zhaodi’s cold eyes moved from Janet to Su Yang.

Seeing Su Yang, she suddenly reacted: Why did Su Yang come to Liu Laoliu’s house? And why do you bring a woman?

So she asked, “Why are you here?”

Su Yang:…

He rubbed his neck, “I live here now “

Pan Zhaodi’s eyes flashed, “With Liu Laoliu?”

Su Yang:…

“No! I live by myself! I rent The house of Brother Six!”

Su Yang was really defeated by this woman, he said, “Now this house is rented by me. At least for the past few months, it belongs to me, so you broke in To my house.”

Pan Zhaodi:…

Looking at Su Yang, it didnt look like a lie at all, plus the impression that Su Yang had left before was pretty good. , Pan Zhaodi still believes that Su Yang is not lying.

So… Did you accidentally hurt him?

So should I compensate him a little?

Think of this, Pan Zhaodi nodded towards Su Yang, “I will fight with you.”

Su Yang:? ? ?

Su Yang has a question mark on his face, what kind of strange brain circuit is this woman?

What do you say, just fight yourself?

Is this threatening yourself? Must be threatening yourself?

And who wants to punch her, Tyrant Dragon! Even the murderer Janet was almost at a loss without seeing it!

So Su Yang changed the subject wittily, “Why are you back?”

Pan Zhaodi didn’t want to talk about herself, she is not a person who likes to tell people about her unpleasant experiences The person who listens, or she doesn’t even talk too much, so she said perfunctorily, “Take things.”

Su Yang sees her being so sensitive and feels something.

At this moment, a prompt popped out of his mind, [DI! New bronze mission. ]

Another bronze mission? ?

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