Su Yang seemed to be forced into the circus of reincarnation, and saw the lions, black panthers, fierce bears, and countless animals, one by one. They all showed weird smiles…

Seeing that smile, Su Yang felt that his eyes became blurred, and the whole person walked into it unconsciously…

Just when Su Yang was about to indulge, he suddenly shivered and broke away from that state.

Su Yang’s heart “peng peng” is beating, almost jumping out of his throat.

That state is too terrifying.

What exactly is this reincarnation circus? Su Yang always feels extreme danger, even more dangerous than killing bears.

Is it something evil again?

And… how did it get into your hands?

Su Yang looked down at his left index finger and found that there was a crown tattoo on his left index finger. The crown was in the style of Western kings, yellow, and looked simple and simple. Exquisite.

But…no matter how simple and refined, it is also a tattoo?

Will I become so unfathomable mystery in the future?

And still the social people who have been eliminated?

Nowadays, people in society are all tattooed with Peppa Pig, who still tattoos these outdated things.

Su Yang looked at the crown tattoo, and the introduction interface of the circus reappeared. Su Yang looked at it, and the conditions for the use of this ability were actually more demanding than the bricks.

The maximum number of bricks is the long cooling time, and this is only on the 15th of the lunar calendar of each month.

Su Yang called out an interface and checked the date. The 15th of the lunar calendar is the 18th of the solar calendar of this month. It also happens to be… the day before the end of the brick cooling time.

This… is all things crowded together.

Su Yang feels inexplicably interesting… just next week, there are four days left. What will happen in those few days?

Just as Su Yang was thinking this way, suddenly a picture appeared in front of him.

[The Eyes of Higher Life] was activated, and a scene that Su Yang was extremely familiar with appeared in front of him: the second floor of Villa 1, Longtengjiayuan Villa.

Two middle-aged men in the uniforms of case handlers stood at the scene and were discussing.

“Old Xu, what do you think about this?”

Another middle-aged man named Old Xu, “You want to ask me what I think about that person named Su Yang What do you think?”

Old Xu looked at the crime scene surrounded by white circles, and said, “Recently, the security guards of Longteng Jiayuan have come back to the crime one after another and mentioned this young man. I also asked the people below to investigate. I read his message. To be honest, it’s weird…”

The picture stopped here abruptly, Su Yang’s heart burst. Why did you still find yourself?

But he is really not worried, because if he killed the security chief and went to the scene, he might have left some clues and was found out, then he would not be wronged at all.

But killing Zhao Xiao, Su Yang has completely used special ability. He hasn’t even touched anything with his hands. If anyone else checks the sky, it is impossible to find himself.

Its just that, even so, I should prepare for a rainy day…

Longtengjiayuan, the two case handlers Continue to chat.

Old Xu, “To be honest, its weird… He was just an ordinary person a few months ago, but he set up a company by himself and started working as a student. Later, he suddenly took over. It is the staff of Junqing Company. Only then did it become bigger and bigger and make a fortune.”

Speaking of this, he looked towards the person next to him.

The middle-aged investigator was taken aback, “Junqing Company? Is that the one that made a lot of trouble a while ago?”

Old Xu nodded, he whispered, “And the old Lu, you may not know that Junqing Company is actually the industry of Jiang Family.”

Old Lu frowned, “Which Jiang Family?”

Old Xu pointed up. , “We have a second Jiang Family in China?”

Lao Lu took a breath.

Old Xu looked at the scene and said, “So, when it comes to that status and people in that circle, we must handle it carefully. You can’t wrong a good person out of suspicion. And…”


He paused, “In contrast to this incident, Longteng Jiayuans involvement in gangs is actually the major event.”

Old Lu nodded, “Then ask about it routinely. Anyway. We checked all the cameras near Longtengjiayuan, and we didnt see him appearing. He didnt have time to commit crimes, and of course, he didnt have such a means of committing crimes.”

Old Xu, “en.”< /p>

2nd day, Su Yang received a call from the police station early in the morning, and politely hoped that Su Yang would assist in the investigation.

As a good citizen, especially a well-prepared good citizen, Su Yang is of course extremely cooperative. So early in the morning, then went to the police station.

Originally, he had made preparations for the night, but after he went there, he found that the person who handled the case was very polite. He just asked about it routinely, mainly asking Su Yang what he was doing that night and if there was any who certificate.

In addition, I asked if the person who injured the security guard of Longtengjiayuan was he.

Su Yang of course denied them all.

The investigator used the law enforcement recorder to record it in detail, then wrote a statement on paper, and asked Su Yang to check the signature, and also gave Su Yang a cup of tea.

After turning off the camera, the two investigators politely sent Su Yang away after drinking tea last night, saying that Su Yang should not be offended. They are also their duty.

They also said that they had ruled out Su Yang’s suspicion a long time ago. After all, there is simply no evidence to prove that Su Yang has been to Longtengjiayuan, but all the security guards think that Su Yang did it, so they do routine work. Make a confession.

Su Yang was actually holding the hourglass in his hand, took the opportunity to check the memory of one of the case handlers, and found that it was exactly what they said, Su Yang was relieved.

According to the memory of the investigators, the focus of the Longtengjiayuan incident has now shifted from murder to a major criminal case. This is the focus of this case. After all, Longtengjiayuans affairs are too big, involving pornography, drugs and gambling, as well as many murders and other criminal cases.

Out of the police station, Su Yang walked on the road, feeling the sun was extremely bright.

He strolled slowly along the street and found a good looking breakfast shop to have breakfast.

Well, breakfast at 10 oclock… Actually its not too late, but for the breakfast shop, its almost time to clean up.

The boss of the shop put two fried dough sticks and a bowl of tofu nao in front of Su Yang, and said, “Huo, you’re eating late enough. You can eat lunch.”

Su Yang took it, said with a smile, “It’s a bit late. I used to eat breakfast every day, and since I live on my own, I’ve started to make do.”

The shop Boss shook his head, “Don’t eat Breakfast is not good.”

Su Yang lowered his head and took a sip of tofu brain, which was a bit salty, “Yes, my parents said the same. Not eating breakfast is bad for my body. I had a relative before, so I didnt eat breakfast. I got stomach cancer and died later. So our family has to eat three meals a day.”

Boss said with a laugh while wiping the table next to him, “I don’t know what you said. What I said is not good because I have no business.”

“You dont eat breakfast, our business is not good.”

Su Yang:…

Realistic Boss.

He took a bite of the fried dough stick, um, it’s not delicious, it’s a bit noodle. Plus the slightly salty tofu brain just now…Boss, your business is not good because it is not delicious.

Although the meal is not delicious, but the money is paid, Su Yang, who has always been thrifty and thrifty, will continue to eat this unpalatable breakfast.

While eating, his phone vibrated, and Little Dis voice rang in his ear, “Master, its Carrie Lins WeChat.”

Carrie Lin looked for herself again Up?

Su Yang took out his phone, while biting the soft dough stick, looked towards WeChat.

Lin Jiali, Su Yang. You will not be my fan anymore.

Su Yang has a question mark on his face. So suddenly? Has your fake fan matter been exposed?

Lin Jiali, [I will be your fan in the future!

Speaking, she sent Su Yang a prostrate oneself in admiration emoticon package of “Meet the boss”, [Idol, you are amazing.

Su Yang replied with a question mark, [? ]

Lin Jiali, [I really want to shoot the net! The task assigned by our company’s parent company forced us to act! Ahhh! so annoying! ]

[But… after reading the script, I didnt see the potential for fire. Can I really go all over the country with this drama? ]

What can Su Yang say, he can only reply one word, [Yes. ]

Lin Jiali posted a prostrate oneself in admiration expression exactly the same as before, [Thank you for your kind words!

Su Yang laughed. I really hope that Lin Carrie will not kill herself on the day her identity is revealed.

Lin Jiali, [Idol, I dont trust you, but you said Im the only one whos hot, and that drama rushes? After I read the script, it really feels so vulgar…]

[Do you think our new bad luck boss made a street drama? hehehe.

[Thinking about this, Im a little excited.

Speaking, Lin Jiali made another “smirk” expression.

bad luck new Boss Su Yang:…

In fact, Su Yang is also a little imaginary in his heart. He really has no confidence in this drama. After all, if he was allowed to choose, he would definitely not watch this bad movie.

Su Yang was not in the mood to reply to Lin Jiali either. He put down the phone and wondered: Its not okay for him to be so worried every day. Is there no way to let himself know the result of this drama in advance?

Thinking about it, Su Yang’s eyes lit up: Little Ha!

Little Ha’s [Smell of Opportunity] Since stocks can be smelled, can we also smell whether movies and TV films are popular?

Thinking of this, Su Yang didn’t feel much in the mood to eat. He hurriedly stuffed the fried dough sticks in his mouth, drank the tofu brain, and then drove back home.

When he came home, Su Yang entered the virtual space and found Little Ha.

Little Ha is still in his storage room, sitting against the wall. There is a virtual interface in front of it with a picture of Janet on the interface. And it is holding a drawing board, holding a pen with its small corner, and staring at the picture of Janet while drawing seriously.

But its a pillow. There is no innate talent for painting. The paintings are simply spicy eyes: Although Janet is a male, she looks like a beautiful woman. In her paintings, she looks twisted and twisted. , With a monstrous one. The problem is that it hasn’t noticed it at all, and enjoys itself there.

Su Yang feels…There may be the “credit” of Xiaodao Ji.

Because Xiaodao Ji is sitting next to Little Ha, watching Little Ha draw, and then clapping her hands exaggeratedly, “Wow! Little Ha big brother did a great job!”

By this time, a triumphant smile appeared on Little Ha’s dog face.

But… Xiaotou Ji is blind! She can’t see it! Little Ha, what are you proud of! She obviously said that just to make you happy!

So Su Yang walked over and mentioned Little Ha directly, and then said to Xiaodao Ji, “I borrow your Little Ha big brother for a use, the sword junior sister Ji will wait here.”

Little Dao Ji is cute, milky voice said, “Okay, Su Yang big brother.”

Take Little Ha to the living room, Su Yang put a bunch of “Victorious Battle Buddha” related materials Placed in front of it, and then asked, “Help me smell, can this project make money.”

Little Ha crawled on the table, smelled it for a long time, and then frowned.” Su Yang, your project…seems to have a problem.”

Su Yang said in his heart: There is a problem? No way …

Don’t tell yourself that you will lose money for this 5 million investment project!

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