Its also amazing to say. I originally looked at the blank page on the word. In early summer, I was only confused, because her book has 1 million words. The previous big story has just ended, and the new story is still It didn’t come out, it was in the middle of the transition between the two stories, so it was very troublesome.

This kind of transition part needs to be written interesting, attractive, and can elicit new plots, so it is very difficult.

This is also the reason why she dropped from 6,000 words per day to 4,000 words per day, and she was scolded by readers.

But now when I look at the blank word again, I suddenly feel inspired in early summer. Interesting plots flashed in my mind one by one, and the inspiration was born endlessly.

At first, she still thought that even if she could write it, she would deliberately fail to write it in order to win the bet, but in this state, she simply couldn’t help it!

So she didnt care about betting, let alone the weird squid that Su Yang brought over, let alone Su Yang became the boss of a company out of thin air, she put all her thoughts on it. Literally!

Her beautiful eyes are staring at the screen, her white fingers are “crackle” on the keyboard, her eyes are flowing, as if light is shining…

Su Yang I glanced at her, saw that she started to code, poured a glass of water carelessly, sat on the chair moved from outside, then took out Little Di, unfolded, and started to browse the information on the Internet.

He is very familiar with this state in early summer. He used to doubt the ability of special item himself. Later, he was taught how to be a human being, so he got used to it.

So, when the bet started, Su Yang believed that the two meals were settled.

Why are there two meals? In the early summer, didnt it say that I would invite myself to drink coffee, plus this meal, wouldnt it be two meals?

Scratching Little Dis screen, Su Yang went online and watched the news. As a result…he found some news about my app that was hacking me online, and this time it was not only news, but even Some posts and Weibo have started to have topics.

This time I didnt use Little Di to analyze it. Su Yang knew that it was probably [in] who did it over there.

What the hell is that company doing? There are that many software in the same industry, why do you do it yourself? Are you sick?

And this kind of negative news and news has no effect on you. As long as you check your app carefully, these soft articles will not have any effect other than generating heat and attracting traffic?

Su Yang doesn’t understand [in] the idea there.

[in]’s Mr. Sun is not sick…but the news is not well informed.

Since Zhao Xiao made an appointment with him to suppress the search for me app, he started to do it.

As a result, did not expect that Zhao Xiao had an accident, and because of the account book, an ordinary murder case was turned into a major criminal case, so the investigator immediately blocked the news of Longteng Jiayuan.

As a result, except for some people in the upper echelons of Shanghai, or people with special relationships, almost no one in the outside world knows that there is something wrong with Longteng Jiayuan, and no one knows that Zhao Xiao is dead. Mr. Sun is even more impossible to know.

So he is still in the illusion of making an agreement with Zhao Xiao to suppress the [Find Me APP] together, and then divide up Su Yang.

As everyone knows, now that Zhao Xiao is dead, Zhao Xiaos small clique has fallen apart, and he is the only soldier who is still charging.

[in] In the office of the general manager of the company, Mr. Sun has instructed the following market, “Buy some hot searches and adverts. Try to make the search for my app related to pornography hot.”

< p>The market hesitated and said, “Mr. Sun, but these news equivalent to have been advertised there. There was not much enthusiasm for the Find Me app, now…”

Mr. Sun waved his hand,” It’s okay, I just want to stir up its reputation, and then we report it to the relevant department to investigate him.”

The market said worriedly, “What if the other party is not involved in pornography?”

Mr. Sun laughed disdainfully, “How can there be software that does not involve pornography? Like this kind of social software, the amount of data is so large. Even if it is reviewed for 24 hours, there must be a fish that escaped the net. Yes.”

The market is bright, and I feel that Mr. Sun makes sense.

At the same time, Su Yang is typing on Little Di, “Little Di, you assign the core processor assigned to me to the find me app. Turn on the strict investigation. All those who judge pornography Delete all, ban.”

Little Di said, “Understand.”

Su Yang said, “Is there any pressure?”

Little Di, “No The amount of data is very easy for me.”

Su Yang is relieved.

In fact, reviewing this thing is very troublesome.

Using machine review, its easy to miss a lot of content: after all, many people now post yellow content not directly using sensitive words stupidly, but using some changed words, such as WeChat to write vx, such as chest Written as a bear and so on.

With manual review, the workload is too large, and when people are always inattentive, it is easy to miss some information.

So for ordinary companies, review is a very troublesome task.

But for Su Yang, its incredibly simple…

Since [in] has been advertising himself, and he is a seamless egg, Su Yang Decided to keep it and let it advertise for itself.

And of course Su Yang did not forget to tell Little Di to watch them closely.

In addition, Su Yang is still wondering, should he also take the opportunity to find someone to take the opportunity to promote and whiten it on the Internet? How hot is it?

Thinking about this, Su Yang sent a WeChat message to Xiao Baozi Li Zijun, the only employee of the search for me app, to tell her about the situation, and let her prepare to stir up the heat.

Li Zijun quickly replied, “Mr. Su, it just happens that we have signed an agreement with hundreds of stars and we can promote it.”

Su Yang feels…the timing is right .

And Li Zijun discussed the publicity matters again, Su Yang authorized her, let her do it boldly, lack of people and money to start a business company adjustment.

After talking, Su Yang put down Little Di, got up and looked at Chu Xia.

Early Xia was there looking at the screen, typing attentively, her hands were slender and white, very beautiful, she was pressing on the keyboard like pressing the keys, as if she was playing a beautiful song The movement.

With her tapping, one character after another jumped on the screen, and Chuxia also followed the beating of the characters, her face showed a bit of anger, anger, joy, or sadness. , As if immersed in her novel world.

People say that dedicated men are handsome, but looking at the serious look in early summer, Su Yang just wants to say that women who are practical to do one thing are also very beautiful.

They are like their own spotlights, condensing all the light on her body, and time seems to be the only one flashing light.

Su Yang picked up the cup and drank, watching Chu Xia use her slender hands to gently hook the hair scattered around her ears, and then continue typing, he could not help laughing, feeling that this afternoon was over very happy.

Soon, Chu Xia got out of that state of selflessness, she stretched her waist, relaxed her slightly exhausted body because of maintaining a posture for a long time, and made a sound like a coquettish voice from her nose.” Hmm~” sound.

After stretching her waist, Chu Xia suddenly discovered that Su Yang was standing next to her, looking at her beautiful figure with a faint smile.

No matter how flat she is, she is still a girl. Stretching her waist will inevitably expose the undulating curve. Especially her T-shirt is a bit short today, so when she raised her arms, a white and flat belly was also exposed in front of Su Yang.

In the early summer, he blushed and quickly bent over to hug himself, said while playfully pouting, “What are you looking at!”

Su Yang drank his mouth, “I’m looking at your stomach The mole. It feels…well, its cute.”

In early summer, the roots of her ears were red. She felt like a cooked crab now, and the bad guy in front of her was like a gluttonous eater. , Is coveting to look at myself.

At this time, Su Yang was still commenting on himself, “Your mole directly above the belly button actually has a scientific name, called Ten Thousand People Love Tin Mole. People with this kind of mole Its very popular, and it belongs to the not just in name only, but also in reality, “People love each other, flowers bloom”. No matter where you go, you can easily integrate into the group.”

She glared at Su Yang, she felt that Su Yang must be teasing and teasing herself, how can there be thousands of people who love tin moles? This kind of name is deceptive!

Looking at the early summer, I didnt listen to it. Knowing that the little girl had a thin face, Su Yang didnt continue to discuss it. He smiled and put the cup on the table, and then asked, “How is it in my office? Isnt it very inspirational?”

When I mentioned this, Chu Xias face suddenly showed a smile, “Yes, yes, the inspiration is so full, I wrote 20,000 words in these four hours! Really! Its amazing!”

Su Yang Forget it, 20,000 characters in four hours, Huo, 5,000 characters in one hour, the battle strength exploded. This [Squid who doesnt love diving] is a real cock!

Su Yang looked at the time, it was four o’clock in the afternoon, and he said, “That line, since you have finished writing. Then I won’t keep you. Remember to lose my meal.”


Chu Xia gave Su Yang a triumphant glance, said with a laugh, “You owe me.”

Su Yang, “Why?”

Chu Xia,” I plan to have 3,000 words in a chapter, so 20,000 words are less than 10 chapters.”

Su Yang:…

Standing up in early summer, white hands patted Su Yangs shoulders, Said triumphantly, “Remember to owe me a meal.”

Su Yang, “Then we are both clear.”

Early Xia looked towards him in doubt, “Why? “

Su Yang, “Remember the last time you asked me to have coffee, so you owe me a coffee, and now I owe you a meal again, and when we offset each other, we will pay off. We dont need each other. Please.”

Early summer:…

She really wants to open Su Yang’s dumb brain to see what’s inside! Does he think this is a math problem? One plus minus one equals zero?

Early summer panting with rage said, “humph.”

Then…she hummed for a long time and didn’t know how to refute it!

So she can only say “hmph!” again.

I decided to ignore this fool.

I’m a fool, I’m so daunting!

Send the early summer to the taxi, Su Yang carefully noted the license plate number, and then walked home slowly.

July is when the trees are luxuriant, and the sidewalk on the roadside sprinkles the cool shade of the trees. Su Yang walks in it, very comfortable.

The bronze mission has not been prompted yet, and it seems that the early summer’s matter is not over yet.

But now its not a matter of pondering the bronze mission. The recipe items will be refreshed in a few hours, so I need to exchange them.

Just walking home like this, Janet has returned.

Su Yang beckoned to him, “Wait, right? Something was delayed.”

Janet shook her head.

Bringing Janet and the things he bought back to the virtual space, Su Yang asked him to rest first.

Su Yang himself compared all the items according to the formula of the [Circus of Unknown Ability] in the system store. After confirming that nothing was missing, he took out a mask from the package Janet brought , Prepare to add the [+1 mask] needed in [Circus of Unknown Ability].

The function of the salted fish mask is not bad, Su Yang decided to stay, so she asked Janet to buy another mask.

He doesn’t believe that special items can be added to the mask this time!

If you add a special item again! It’s okay. He also asked Janet to prepare five. He doesn’t believe it. Can he add five masks with special abilities at once?

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