Su Yang was a little dazed for a while, but didn’t react, “Who?”

Little Di repeated, “Pan Zhaodis younger brother…”

Su Yang looked unbelievable, “Pan Zhaodi’s younger brother went to Longtengjiayuan as a security guard?”

Little Di:…

Little Di said,” Master, you should talk to him yourself. Maybe…everything is a misunderstanding.”

Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding?

With full of doubts, Su Yang went out of the room, went downstairs, and then went outside the community according to Little Dis guidance. Finally, beside the community, under a tree, she found Jenny. Pan Zhaodis…younger brother who is rubbing on the ground.

Su Yang at first thought it was Janet who caught the wrong person, but after seeing that person’s dress, he knew that he was not at all caught the wrong person: dressed in a windbreaker, wearing a hat and sunglasses, just tracking The one of my own.

Su Yang walked over and looked towards Janet, “What’s the matter?”

Janet said coldly, “I don’t know. Little Di let me stop.”

At this moment, the man who was pressed by Janet on the ground moved towards Su Yang and shouted, “Brother-in-law! Brother-in-law! Let me let you go!”

Sister… .husband?

Su Yang is full of question marks, what is this all about?

He didn’t let Janet let go, but squatted down and took off the mans hat and sunglasses. Under the sunglasses was a young man who looked more than 20 years old. Su Yang groaned on Fang Fangs face, “You are definitely not Pan Zhaodis younger brother.”

The young man asked in surprise, “Why!?”

Su Yang,” You are not like her at all. How can she be as ugly as you.”


He quickly explained, “I am like my mother! My sister is like me Dad! That’s why we are not alike!”

Su Yang took a bite of him, “I believe you a ghost!”

“Lets talk, who sent you here? Dont you know what happened to Longtengjiayuan?”

The young man a face of doubt, “Longtengjiayuan? What Longtengjiayuan?”


He doesn’t know Longtengjiayuan?

Su Yang only then discovered that the few words the young man said just now, [the eyes of the higher life] did not suggest that it was a lie. It’s just that Su Yang preconceived that he was lying, so he forgot the polygraph ability of [Higher Life’s Eyes].

Is this young man in front of him really Pan Zhaodis younger brother?

Su Yang is a little confused.

Why do you call yourself brother-in-law?

Su Yang feels this is too weird…

But now that he knows the identity of this young man, he still waved to Janet, “Let him go.”

Janet let go, obediently.

The young man got up from the ground, moved his neck and arms, and then complained to Su Yang, “Brother-in-law, your bodyguard is too violent…”

“But …” He quietly moved to the side of Su Yang, while looking at Janet, he raised an eyebrow at Su Yang, “Flavourful!”

Su Yang:…

It’s enough flavor, take out a flavor bigger than you.

Su Yang ignored him, but asked, “Why do you call me brother-in-law?”

Young man said, “You and my sister are married, of course I want to call your brother-in-law Ah. No. You are divorced, so you should be my ex-brother-in-law.”

Speaking of this, the young man seemed to react. He jumped back and made gestures. Facing Su Yang with his hands, “Yes! I was almost coaxed by you! You scumbag! You dare to abandon my sister!”

Su Yang:…

What’s this all about?

Did this child recognize the wrong person?

Thinking about this, Su Yang asked, “Do you know who I am?”

Young man, “I know. You are my brother-in-law.”

Su Yang, “I’m asking you, do you know what my name is?”

The youth thought for a while, “Liu, Liu Laoqi?”

Su Yang :…

Yeah. Let’s not say whether this name is right…this guy really recognized the wrong person.

Su Yang said, “I am not Liu Laoliu, my name is Su Yang. I am not your brother-in-law either, you have admitted the wrong person.”

The youth waved his hand, “Don’t lie to me I have been observing you for ten days! I have noticed you since you walked the dog. The dog you walked is my sisters egg! And you moved to the basement at first, and later returned to your original home, yes Right? I noticed it all! You lied to me!”

Su Yang:…

He suddenly remembered that this young man was the first person to follow him. And it started from walking the dog.

A few days later, I went to Liu Laoliu by myself and was noticed by the security supervisor, so the burly man from Longtengjiayuan began to follow him again.

The two are too close in time, so I mistakenly believe that they are a group…

so that’s how it is.

Su Yang thought for a while, took the phone from Janet, and sent a message to Little Di, [Put the ID card in my pocket.

After sending it out, Su Yang put the phone in his pocket, and for a moment, he felt a shock in his pocket, and then he took out his identity from his pocket, and gave the youth a look, “Look clearly No, Im really not your ex-brother-in-law, my name is Su Yang. Its your ex-brother-in-laws tenant. I also helped take care of the dog by the way.”

The youth checked Su Yangs ID card. , His mouth grew slowly, and then he couldn’t help but said, “I…then what am I following these ten days!”

Su Yang, “The ghost knows what you are following.”


After speaking, Su Yang waved his hand to Janet, “Lets go, Janet, ignore him.”

As a result, Su Yang just turned around and his arm was pulled Lived, Pan Zhaodis younger brother pulled Su Yang’s arm with a weeping face, “Brother-in-law, no…well, Su Yang, can you give me some money, I, I have nowhere to eat for the poor now.”

Su Yang:…

This guy is not a liar…

Finally, after thinking about it, Su Yang still didnt give him money, but gave him Brought home and “made” a meal for him.

Maybe [Grass Wok] The cooked rice is too delicious, or it may be too hungry. Anyway, when the rice came up, Pan Zhaodis younger brother’s eyes brightened, and he took his chopsticks and ate it .

Su Yang looked at him while drinking water, “You eat slowly, I will call the police if you choke to death.”

Pan Zhaodis younger brother stuffed his mouth Fan said, “Brother-in-law, you are really awesome, this meal is also delicious! Why did my sister divorce you!”

Su Yang:…

“Besides, I’m not your brother-in-law.”

Pan Zhaodis younger brother quickly nodded, “Yes, yes, I have been following you for ten days. I’m used to it. I can’t change it for a while. Hey. .. If my sister marries you, its fine.”

Su Yang, “Haha.”

Pan Zhaodis younger brother was eating, and he didnt forget to extend the Su Yang to Su Yang. hand, “By the way, brother-in-law, let me introduce you. My name is Pan Shuai, and I am Pan Zhaodi’s younger brother.”

Su Yang didn’t even excuse him, “Oh…I know. Hurry up after eating. “

Pan Shuai, while stuffing chicken in his mouth, looked towards Su Yang with his square face, “Brother-in-law…you bear it.”

Su Yang said, “Have a heart. After all, I and your sister have nothing to do.”

After eating, Su Yang drove Pan Shuai away. He and Pan Zhaodi know each other, so the meal of her younger brother is love, but…more, forget it. After all, he and Pan Zhaodi didn’t know much.

After driving away Pan Shuai, Su Yang entered the virtual space, and then saw Pan Zhaodi’s Labrador: Dandan.

Grass… forgot to ask Pan Shuai to take the egg away.

Dantan looked at Su Yang pitifully, Su Yang laughed at it.

In the evening, Su Yang finished eating, while reading the news on his mobile phone, while resting.

After scanning for a while, Su Yang suddenly discovered that there are some negative news about the search for me app on the Internet, such as “the search for me app has become a gun app”, “the search for me app involves pornography” and other news.

At first glance, these news are nothing, and may even have a certain “propaganda” effect.

But considering that the country is currently fighting pornography and illegality, Su Yang always feels a bit tricky.

He sent the news to Little Di, “Little Di, help investigate and see if there are any problems.”

For a moment, Little Dis voice was in Su Yangs I heard, “Master. These all are public accounts, or local stations of well-known online media. News in these places is available for money, so someone may be targeting the Find Me app.”

< p>Su Yang frowned, he didn’t guess wrong as expected.

He asked, “Can you lock the target through analysis?”

After a while, Little Di said, “It can’t be locked because these official accounts and local stations All news are posted. But…I found something unusual. All the posts and local stations that said we were involved in pornography have posted a soft post called [in] app at the same time.”

[In] app?

Su Yang still knows a lot about the [in] app. It is also imitated the software developed by foreign ins, but unlike Su Yang, Su Yang focuses on social interaction, and it The focus is on taking pictures and sharing.

The two seem to have similarities, but in fact the positioning is quite different, and the volume of [in] is dozens of times, hundreds of times, that of the Find Me app.

Su Yang remember to read the report before, saying that the registered users of [in] app have exceeded 50,000,000.

I am a little shrimp to them, but I am specifically targeting myself?

Su Yang feels something is wrong…

Is he developing too fast to be noticed?

Su Yang can only think so.

Anyway, facing soldiers with generals and stem water with earth, Su Yang doesn’t care. Instead, he cares about another thing: Its Saturday today, and its Sunday tomorrow. The formula items in the system store this week have not been redeemed yet. Should I redeem it?

Thinking about this, Su Yang turned off the virtual interface floating in front of him, and then opened the system store with a silent sound.

Suddenly, the system shop interface appeared in front of him.

Random point*2

Guardian God symbol*7

Recipe item: circus of unknown ability.

Circus? ?

Su Yang is a little confused, what is this?

Is the circus a place, a group of actors, or an object?

Su Yang looked at the pattern of the product and found that the product was covered with a layer of translucent mist, which made people indistinct.

Its weird…

Su Yang clicked on the formula of the circus: a +1 mask, 10 hula hoops, a clown suit, and five braziers. ..

These things really look like circus things.

But this is also the second time Su Yang has encountered “Limited +1 items”. The last time was [Book of Negative Symptoms]. It was specified that [+1 book] was required, didn’t expect this time What is needed is a +1 mask.

Su Yang is not at all this kind of item in his hands, so…it seems to be added?

Su Yang looked at the mysterious circus in the system store and thought about it randomly. It feels… this thing should be more precious than a random point!

Or just spend a random point, give it a try! See what this circus is!

This chapter says that it was closed to the 7th because of national policies. If you want to complain, or if you want to chat, you can join a group: 664616129

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