After deciding to add some points to Janet, Su Yang looked at Janets location.

That guy is soaking in his own swimming pool in the virtual space, which is the split space of the swimming pool in Kochi.

In the mobile virtual space app, he is a charming Q version image with a big head and very cute.

Anyway, people can’t run away, so Su Yang decided to clean up the house first.

He closed the door of the room, then released two demon beans from the space, let them clean up the room, and he returned to the bedroom, intending to retract the bed into the virtual space.

When I came to the bedroom, the faint fragrance of Tang Jing still remained inside. The quilt had been folded, and even the sheets had been neatly laid. For Su Yang, who never folded the quilt or made the bed, It’s just…unimaginable.

Why do the quilts have to be folded? Just spread them on the bed…

But…with such a diligent mom, Xiaomi must be very happy.

Su Yang laughed, as soon as he wanted to put the bed in the virtual space, he saw a pair of stockings on the bed…

Su Yang:…

Is this forgotten here by accident?

Su Yang, who came into contact with this thing for the first time, picked it up and touched it. It was very delicate and slippery.

He thought: Do you want to remind Tang Jing?

Su Yang imagined that scene:

He took a photo of Tang Jing and sent a WeChat message, [Sister Tang, yours…forgot it at my house. ]

Um…very embarrassing.

Forget it, put it up first.

Su Yang put it in the bedside table, then turned on the rear camera, scanned the entire bed, and then the bed returned to Su Yang’s bedroom.

Next, Su Yang also entered the virtual space and went to the swimming pool to find Janet.

When we came to the swimming pool, Janet was snorkeling in the water wearing a black tight-fitting diving suit. His gills were like sharks with several gill slits, so he could breathe freely in the water .

Su Yang found that monsters like him and Baobao can have some of the characteristics and functions of the body, which is very interesting.

Janet stretched out her hands underwater, put her two legs together, and then swayed like a fishtail, moving forward at high speed.

Besides, he can also perform various difficult movements such as backstroke, spinning, rolling, stretching, etc., just like swimming dragon-like, much more flexible than when he was a shark.

Little Ha, this licking dog kept jumping on the shore, yelling, “Wow! My wife is so beautiful!”

“Wow! My wife is praised!”


Su Yang:…

He picked up Little Ha and threw it into the swimming pool.

Close the door of this swimming pool, Su Yang knocked on the side of the pool, “Janet.”

Janet heard Su Yang’s call and stood up straight under the water, then With a strong swing of both legs, the whole person rushed out of the water like an arrow from the string, jumped into the air, and then fell heavily to the swimming pool!

“oh la la!” He brought the sky full of water, one-knee kneels by the pool, “Master, you look for me.”

Su Yang used to face him. There will be an inexplicable resistance, the reason is the reason of normal people: the long and beautiful Celestial Immortal is bigger than you.

But since discovering that Janet is obedient to her words, and only doing things silently, not talking much, and still very strong, Su Yang has looked at Janet differently.

So Su Yang took the initiative to help him and said, “You don’t need to be so polite in the future. It’s all a family.”

After raising Janet, Su Yang said, “Last night and Xiaochi After chatting, I found that you only added one point now, and I plan to add it for you twice.”

After speaking, Su Yang asked, “You have no other ideas?”

Janet shook her head. “No.” Although he looks like a beauty, in the bones is very dull.

Su Yang said, “That’s OK. Then I’ll add something for you.”

Speaking, Su Yang opened the system store and bought a [Guardian God Symbol] in it. : Give the little monster a second time. Su Yang always needs to add insurance. Although it costs 20% more, but at least buy a peace of mind. After all, the little monster was already a living being, and it was already his family.

After buying the Guardian God symbol, Su Yang put the divine talisman on Janets forehead.

divine talisman posted it, flashed a few times, then disappeared, and then Janet began to glow with a red light.

Su Yang didn’t wait much, but directly turned on the system and started adding points.

As the system is turned on, a translucent “+” sign appears on top of Janet’s head. Su Yang tapped the plus sign lightly.

Suddenly, Janet suddenly issued a groan, and then dazzling rays of light appeared all over him, and then turned into a light ball and flew into the air.

Su Yang took out the small bench, and while eating popcorn, he watched the rays of light in the sky and waited quietly.

Its just that the more you wait, the more Su Yang feels that something is wrong, because in the light group, the shadow of Janet is getting smaller and smaller. At first, you can still see the shape of Janet, but slowly… .Almost nothing can be seen.

Su Yang “ge-deng” in his heart, and the hands of eating popcorn stopped: Doesn’t it really fail to add some points?

Su Yang frowns, worried, and not in the mood to eat, just stood up and kept paying attention to the light group.

Just when he was anxious, the light ball disappeared, a transparent liquid slowly floated down from the air, and then fell to the ground…

Su Yang:. ..

It really failed! Su Yang’s heart was about to jump out, he ran over quickly, wanting to look at the water, but who knew that the water slowly flowed into the swimming pool along the edge of the swimming pool.

The water dripped into the sea and completely disappeared.

Su Yang felt his head buzzing, not knowing what to do.

But he still has only one thought to comfort him: he has used the Guardian God symbol, even if he fails, he shouldnt turn into water, right?

So… should something good happen again?

Just as Su Yang was thinking this way, suddenly there was a loud “bang!” loud noise in the swimming pool!

Su Yang quickly moved towards the swimming pool and saw that there was suddenly a giant shark almost seven or eight meters in size in the swimming pool, with a huge mouth open underwater, roaring rampage. , Biting!

Su Yang was taken aback, but he couldn’t help but cried out, “Janet?”

The giant shark seemed to have heard Su Yang’s words. Looked towards Su Yang, his fierce gaze was as if he had seen his own food, and then the one meter long tail fin swung, with a “bang!”, the bottom of the water exploded, pushing it toward Su Yang!

That huge force set off the waves, and Su Yang couldn’t help but back away.

As a result, the giant shark still jumped out of the swimming pool high, opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl moved towards Su Yang, swallow it!

Hiding the sky and covering the earth with a big mouth, covering the sky and covering the sun! Su Yang seemed to be able to smell the fishy smell in the shark’s mouth. He gritted his teeth and was ready to leave the virtual space at any time to avoid danger!

At the crucial moment, suddenly, the huge mouth became transparent, and the transparent and fast moved towards the other parts of the giant shark spread!

A moment! The whole shark became transparent, and then the body merged to become a shark made entirely of water!

The water gathered together and turned into a stream of water, turning around Su Yang two times as if it was alive, and finally separated from Su Yang, bounced in front of Su Yang, and slowly formed a human form!

The human figure slowly became solid: a new Janet appeared in front of Su Yang!

He one-knee kneels and said to Su Yang, “The lord was shocked.”

At this time, Janets system evaluation also appeared after adding some points.

Shark+2: Obtain a special water form, please research by yourself.

Su Yang:…

Su Yang, who was still in shock, clutched his chest, moved towards Janet and waved, “Wait a minute, let me slow down!”


He took a few heavy breaths, adjusted his state, and looked towards the system again.

Special water form? Do your own research?

Is it over? It’s simpler than Little Di’s original. What do you study? How to study this!

Su Yang looked towards Janet, “Do you know your special form?”

Janet was nodded, “I know.”

This stuffy bottle gourd If you really ask, you can say anything. Su Yang couldnt help but say, “Then you say it.”

Janet said, “I seem to be in the state of a small water ball. This state can make I blend into the surrounding water, perfectly hidden.”

Su Yang opened his mouth into an “O” shape.

Janet continued, “And I seem to have the ability to control water. This ability is different from that of Xiaochi controlling the water in his own pool, but controlling all the ordinary water within 10 meters of me.”

Su Yang’s mouth continues to “O” shape.

“In addition, I can also restore my body form. And I can change my body shape according to the amount of water.” Janet, “I can also use water to make my human body bigger.”


Speaking, Janet stood up from the ground and waved her hand. Suddenly the water in the swimming pool flew towards him as if being pulled by something, and then became entangled.

With the entanglement, Janets body is getting bigger and bigger, 2 meters, 3 meters, 4 meters!

Soon, he became a giant able to support both heaven and earth!

Su Yang’s mouth has been kept in the “O” shape and never closed. There is only a single thought in his heart: the phenomenon of Heaven and Earth? !

Half a while, he rubbed his dislocated chin, “Is there any ability?”

Janet stretched her hand down, and as his hand fell, his hand It becomes bigger and bigger, and finally becomes as big as a swimming pool. He asked, “Does this count? I can control any part to become bigger and smaller.”

Su Yang:…

The bunker! There are wood!

Looking at Janets invincible state, Su Yang has only one thought: I want this ability too! I can’t become a water person! It’s okay to become a fireman! It’s okay to not become a fireman and become a native!

This is the real superpower!

What are all my strange special abilities before! How can Janet have this cool ability! How can Janet have such awesome ability!

This is the movie, the real superpower that transcends the mortal in the comics!

Looking at Janet, Su Yang became very interested in special ability for the first time! And if you want to have this ability, the most important thing is the silver point!

After all, only silver points are the points that can be used to empower oneself, no other points are allowed!

If you want to complete the silver mission, you must spend all of your 5 million in the next half a month, or invest!

Su Yang thinks! Don’t fucking half a month! Just today! Do nothing today, just get this task done!

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