Su Yang was a little dazed when he saw the contents of the information bag.

Because it is not a file, but a photo with your back facing away.

Su Yang took out the photo, reversed it, and then found out: It was actually a photo of a woman! And it’s a picture of a woman without clothes!

Su Yang looked at the woman in the sultry pose on the photo, and felt a little lost for a while. After all, the rural child has never seen the world…

Su Yang blushed and took the photo. Put it down, and then looked in from the mouth of the file bag, as if it was full of photos!

He simply poured out the contents of the document bag, and the result… really poured a table of photos.

Su Yang one after another picked it up and looked at it, and found that…all were photos of women without clothes as before, except that the women in each photo had different postures and movements.

Some are like posing, and some are like sneak shots.

The black line at the end of Su Yang, what kind of fetish is this Young Master Chen! All surnamed Chen like to take pictures!

You hide so secretly! Just to hide such a few photos? !

But let alone, this photography technique and the appearance of women are really good, and I dont know who they are.

While thinking, Su Yang sorted out the pile of photos, only to find that there was a USB flash drive between them.

Is there any information in it?

Su Yang hesitated. He decided to check it out later to see if there would be any unexpected gains.

Next, Su Yang put the photos back into the file bag with no joy or sadness, and then directed Xiao Yaodou to move all Young Master Chen’s things to the yard, and then sort them one by one.

Because it is midnight, the little demon beans in the house are very full. The 13 little demon beans, including the third brother of the milk tea shop, on the 18th, moved everything to the yard diligently, and then began to organize.

Only 17 is like an uncle, waving and commanding, but he doesn’t move at all.

Su Yang quietly walked behind it, gave it a kick, kicked it into the yard, “You also work for me! Don’t be lazy!”

No. 17 He got up from the ground, made a grimace at Su Yang, stuck his tongue out, and ran away.

This guy is really lazy.

It took more than half an hour for the 13 Little Demon Beans to finally sort things into categories.

In this pile of clutter, there is nothing useful except a pile of furniture, old clothes, a safe and an imac computer.

Su Yang did not believe in evil and asked the little demon beans to look through the clothes carefully, and then knock on every piece of furniture carefully to see if there are any hidden grids. As a result, Still nothing.

Su Yang, who had no choice but to take the USB flash drive in the photo, picked up the imac Apple all-in-one in the study of Young Master Chen and returned to the study.

Place the computer on the desk, plug the U disk into the computer, Su Yang plugged in, and then turned on the computer. The mouse and keyboard of this all-in-one machine are compatible with Apple, and Bluetooth, so there is no need to connect.

After turning on the computer, after Apples logo, an input box came out, and it said, please enter your password.

Su Yang:…

Does this broken computer still have a power-on password? !

Su Yang wondered, what could the password be? There is no clue at all.

Su Yang couldn’t help but look into his pocket, he still has the paper key just used tonight…

By the way, can the paper key unlock this lock?

In this strict sense, it should be considered a computer password lock, right?

After all, in the introduction, it is said that this [universal paper key] can open an electronic lock.

Thinking so, Su Yang took out the kraft paper. Because I used it today, the kraft paper is still in the state of a paper key.

Su Yang directly put it on the screen, one second, two seconds, three seconds… nothing happened.

Su Yang is a bit embarrassed.

It seems to be useless?

Su Yang tried to put the paper key on the keyboard, but the paper key changed this time. It slowly became longer and softer, and then tapped on the keyboard a few times slowly , And finally press the Enter key.

The screen opens, and the desktop of Apple system appears.

Su Yang looked at the paper key in his hand in surprise, it was really possible!

This thing is simply Divine Item!

There will be this in the future, even if the QQ space is locked, he can open it!

If anyone shares a password-encoded sharing link, he can open it too!

If you download a compressed package and find a password, you can still open it with this!

This is invincible.

While putting the paper key back into his pocket with emotion, Su Yang picked up the mouse while trying to operate the computer.

Maybe because its the first time to use Apples computer system, Su Yang feels very inhuman, and its not the same as winsystem. I cant find everything: the only good news is that Su Yang found that U disk.

He opened the USB flash drive and found…they were all electronic versions of those photos.

Young Master Chen, this guy…

Su Yang patted his own face, I feel like I think too much, what else can I put in that kind of file bag?

Since there are no clues in the U disk, Su Yang is not very good at operating the system, looking for files one by one, so he just picked up the computer and went to Little Di’s room, planning to let Little Di search it quickly.

Entering the Little Di room, Su Yang is like entering a magical ocean. The formerly girlish-style room is now densely packed with interfaces. Dozens of interfaces are parked in the air and swiped. Swipe towards Little Di, from the translucent screen behind you can see a string of codes sweeping across the screen.

And Little Di expressionless was lying on the ground, posing a strange posture. She was lying on the ground, her upper body was raised high, her upper body was lowered, her abdomen was suspended, her feet, both feet Knees, chest, hands and chin are pressed to the ground, and then head up.

Su Yang was taken aback, what is this doing? Do you practice?

Then he saw that although Little Di kept this posture, her hands kept hitting the ground, and the speed had turned her hands into phantoms. And her good-looking eyes have also been captured by the green data stream, which is constantly refreshing.

Su Yang stopped in place, a little hesitant, I dont know if Little Di is at a critical time now, should he be disturbed: Dont cultivation deviation…

After a while, Little Di’s hands slowly stopped, and the data flow in his eyes slowly stopped flowing. The rapidly growing code on the dozens of interfaces also stopped and stopped increasing.

Little Di kept that posture, turned his head slowly, his eyes looked towards Su Yang a little hollow, his face was cold and expressionless.

Just as Su Yang said “ge-deng” in her heart, the expression in her eyes slowly recovered, and a bright smile appeared on her face, “Master! You come to me!”

Speaking, Little Di put his legs hard, sat up from the ground, ran towards Su Yang barefoot, and then flew into Su Yang’s arms.

Su Yang hugged her quickly and relaxed.

He touched Little Di’s head and said, “You scared me to death just now.”

“hehe.” Little Di smiled and looked up in Su Yang’s arms and looked towards Su Yang, “Master, you have to be more serious when you work.”

Su Yang grabbed her white face, and then said, “Don’t always be busy with work. Work is important and life is more important. Important, I haven’t seen you in this period of time.”

Little Di rubbed Su Yang’s arms, “I want to finish early, and then come out to accompany the master.”


Su Yang asked, “So how are you doing now?”

Little Di lifts the head aggrieved, “I feel like I just found the direction, and I haven’t even completed 1%.”< /p>

Su Yang said with a smile, “Its okay, dont worry, take your time. That many scientists have studied for so many years, havent they found it out?”

Little Dis eyes They were all angry with themselves, “But I am standing on the shoulders of human beings. How can I progress so slowly.”

Su Yang looked at Little Di’s eyes, with a blazing flame burning inside. .

Well… its always good to have a dream, or its not salty enough when you are a salted fish.

After all…too little sweat means less salt.

So Su Yang touched her head again, “Then go on.”

Little Di’s nodded nodded forcefully, “Hmm!”

After nodding, she asked, “By the way, Master, what are you doing in my room?”

Su Yang then remembered that he came to the Little Di room for a purpose. He said, “Oh, yes. , I got a computer, I think there should be some useful things in it, but I dont know how to use it, so I want you to find it quickly.”

Speaking, Su Yang put it The imac on the ground picked it up and handed it to Little Di.

Little Di took it, then put it on the table, turned on the power, turned on the computer, the computer needs a password, and Su Yang entered the password.

Little Di started the operation.

Looking at Little Di holding the mouse to keep opening the page, Su Yang asked, “Little Di, the posture when you wrote the code just now was and so on? Why does it feel so scary?”< /p>

Little Di said without looking back, “Oh, Master, that is the eight-body throwing pose in yoga. That pose can strengthen the thigh and arm muscles and has some additional effects.”

Additional role?

Then Su Yang saw Little Di turned his head, made a gesture on his upper body, and then blinked.

Su Yang:…

Well… I feel like it will be needed in early summer.

Its boring to wait for Little Di to retrieve it anyway, so Su Yang simply asked, Is there any action suitable for men in yoga? Can you build your body?

Little Di turned her head, her eyes were full of flashes, “Yes! There are many! And men do yoga very well! Does the master want to learn? I can teach you!”

Su Yang feels There is something wrong, why is he so like a little sheep in the mouth of a wolf.

Little Di said, “Moreover, many yoga sessions are for couples, men and women, and the effect is very good when doing them together. To keep fit and relieve fatigue.”

Su Yang nodded, expressing himself Believe it.

Seeing the benefit of Su Yang’s face, Little Di stopped working on the computer and got up directly, let Su Yang try it with coax and pester.

Su Yang refused, but was instructed by Little Di to pose a very difficult posture: the wheel variant of yoga.

His entire body and his legs are slightly stretched forward, and the distance between his feet is slightly shoulder-width apart, his left arm is straightened, his abdomen is tightened, and then his right hand is slowly lifted and spread back!

Anyway, it is a posture that looks very masochistic and feels all muscles are tight.

Just maintaining it for a while, Su Yang feels sweat oozing from his forehead.

When Little Di saw Su Yang doing that difficult posture, his eyes were full of smiles.

After laughing, her eyes rolled, and then she whispered to Su Yang, “Master, boys do yoga and dont wear the upper body…”

Su Yang:…

Why don’t I believe it!

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