[The husband is angry! Five steps to blood! I dont ask you to work hard for me, you expose him on the Find Me app! Let him ruin!

Su Yang: Sister, dont think about things, the Find Me app is also your future boss…

Lin Jiali, [oooo…so upset. Why change the boss at this time! My new play contract has not been signed yet. The company changed the boss and refused to sign the contract. The producer kept urging me! I also plan to rely on this movie to beat Han Yi! so annoying!

Su Yang now believes that the system evaluated Lin Jiali as “depression precursor”.

This is more funny than depression, I feel almost schizophrenic.

He replied, [Dont worry. It’s definitely no problem. Let me count, the contract should be over tomorrow.

Lin Jiali, [Really? Can you tell a fortune? ]

Su Yang is nothing short of meaningless, [required. You can inquire about it in the Shanghai circle, and I will tell you that Su Xiaoyang is me. ]

Lin Carrie made a [hey] expression: a cat lying on the ground, shaking two light sticks, [then let you auspicious words.

After a while, Su Yang hasn’t responded yet, Lin Jiali sent another one, [Su Yang, you are really my fan, every time I chat with you, I feel a lot happier! thank you. ]

Su Yang replied, [It’s okay. Think about how to repay me. ]

After half a minute, Lin Jiali replied, [I will mail you a signed photo of me. Hehe, isn’t it a pleasant surprise? And I can leave you a lip mark on it.

Su Yang:…

Surprise! What do I want your autographed photo for! I am a fake fan!

Furthermore, I am still your boss! Dont I have as many autographs as I want!

Can you be a little practical thanks! For example, its quiet at night…please have supper.

While complaining, Su Yang opened the information Wang Dong sent to him from his mobile phone, found the number of Tan Mei, the general manager of the artist agency, and dialed it.

After a few beeps, a slightly mature female voice came on the other end of the phone, “Hello? Excuse me, are you?”

Su Yang said “I am Su Yang.”

The woman on the other end of the phone was taken aback for a while, and said, “Oh, you are our new boss, are you?”

Su Yang “Yes. The company has been changed, so I will be your new Boss in the future.”

Hearing Su Yangs introduction, Tan Mei suddenly became more enthusiastic. She asked, “Mr. Su Call, do you have any instructions?”

Su Yang said, “There is no instruction, just let you know. Although our companys equity has changed, within a short time, our company is still operating normally. Your position remains the same, and all commercial activities and artist arrangements should not be changed.”

Tan Mei said, “Yes.”

Su Yang said again, “In addition, I dont I hope that the change in the companys equity will cause panic among the artists, so I still need to reassure sister Tan as much as possible. The two major artists of our company, Luo Yi and Lin Jia, should also do a good job of reassurance. If they have plans in the near future, follow the original plan. Just execute the plan.”

Su Yang paused, “I may go to the company next month. I hope that there will be no accidents in the company this month.”

Tan Mei He said quickly, “Please rest assured, Mr. Su, there will be no accidents.”

Next, Su Yang chatted with Tan Mei again, encouraged her, calmed her heart, and Hang up the phone.

Imperial Capital.

Tan Mei, who hung up, copied Su Yang’s number and sent it to a WeChat friend.

The friend’s remarks are [White Secretary], and his head is the professional art photo of the beautiful female secretary Ying Shao that Su Yang has seen.

Tan Mei, [Secretary Bai, is this our new boss number?

After a while, Secretary Bai replied, [Yes.

After a while, Secretary Bai said again, [Su’s background is not simple, and Ying always treats him differently. He is very interested in the film industry, so you Come on.

Tan Mei replied, [Thank you.

After the chat, looking at the phone screen, Tan Mei fell into deep thought: The new boss has background and strength, should he work harder? Having hibernated for so many years, I felt that my bones were about to rust.

No matter what, lets take a look first. Let’s straighten out the backlog of these days. After all, Big Boss has already spoken, so there is no problem if you continue to follow the original operation.

She didn’t deliberately suppress the contract before leaving. She was also responsible for her artists: After too many companies were acquired, the new boss began drastically rectifying or cutting off some of the original business.

If she deliberately ends the contract when she knows that she wants to change the boss, then the new boss when the time comes to cut off these contracts and projects, the artist will be more embarrassed…

Of course, now Su Yang has spoken, so there is no problem to continue the process.

At the same time, Su Yang got off the subway and walked to the community.

As his company expands and has more and more people, he has a deeper and deeper understanding of people’s hearts, power, and wealth. So he believed that after he called, Lin Carrie’s concern would no longer be a matter.

He couldnt help but remember that three months ago, he was a poor student who earned the first pot of gold by organizing Han Yi fans. He didnt expect a few months later, he was already a good The people who affect the lives of third-tier celebrities.

Standing on the night to return to the community, Su Yang hasn’t entered yet, [High Life’s Eyes] reminds him that someone is watching him.

Su Yang Yi Lin, is that mysterious person again?

He walked forward quietly, observing the person through [Perception].

The man was a little different from the previous two days. Wearing sunglasses and a mask, hiding behind a tree, he was staring at himself cautiously, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

Su Yang whispered to Little Di through a bone conduction headset, Under the tree about 120 degrees in front of the left and outside the gate of the community, someone is watching me. The feature is wearing a mask and sunglasses. For a while I Throw you in a corner, and you let Janet come out to catch him.”

Little Di, “Yes, Master.”

After walking a few steps forward, Su Yang casually took The phone was thrown into the flower bed.

Then he returned home casually.

Five minutes later, the door of the basement was knocked.

Su Yang opened the door, and Janet “assisted” a man into the basement.

Su Yang opened the door and motioned for him to come in.

Close the door, Su Yang took off the man’s mask and sunglasses, looked at the man carefully, and found that the person in front of him was a bit familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere.

He searched his own memory, and suddenly remembered, this is not…the security guard who stopped him by Long Teng Jiayuan! It is Brother Wang, the security guard who laughed with Liu Laoliu!

Su Yang took a glass of water, poured it on his face, and suddenly the security guard Brother Wang woke up from his coma.

Seeing Su Yang, he stood up conditionally, and wanted to fight back. As a result, as soon as he raised his hand, Janet, who was standing next to Su Yang, took a step forward and kicked On his stomach.

Brother Wang “wu” screamed, clutching his belly, and fell to the ground.

Janet stepped forward and held him down.

Brother Wang still wants to struggle on the ground, but in front of Janet’s power, he is like a kitten, fundamentally impossible to move, just asking for shame.

Su Yang walked up to him and turned his face to himself, “Why spy on me?”

Brother Wang showed a harmless to humans and animals expression on his face,” I didn’t watch you, I just passed by.”

With [High Life Eyes] open, even though Brother Wang performed well, Su Yang did not unexpectedly see that he was lying.

Su Yang stepped on his fingers, stepped hard, and then asked again, “Why spy on me?”

Brother Wang had some cold sweat on his face , Enduring the pain, still said, “I really didn’t monitor you.”

Su Yang smiled, “You forced me.”

Speaking, he spread his hand Open, and muttered softly, “Little Sword Fairy.”

Suddenly, Xiaodao Fairy disappeared from the virtual space and appeared in Su Yang’s hands, but she was completely invisible and couldn’t see it.

Su Yang said, “Extremely sharp.” Then with a light wave, the cup next to it was neatly cut in half, and the incision was extremely sharp.

Brother Wang’s eyes projected outward, and his face was full of panic.

Su Yang’s hand was close to his hand, he felt a bit of chill in his hand, and the hair on his hand was cold.

He swallowed, his face sweated more and more, more and more,

Finally he couldn’t hold on and shouted, “I say! I say!”

Su Yang was laughed, his hand still cut off.

“Ah!” With a scream, Brother Wang was about to faint in pain! He felt that his five fingers had been cut off, blood was flowing, and the five fingers connected to the heart, almost reaching the limit he could bear.

Su Yangs devilish whisper sounded in his ear again, “Why spy on me?”

Brother Wang didnt dare to play slippery this time, he said quickly, “Its us Supervisor! Our supervisor feels that you have been inquiring about us and there is a problem! So let me monitor you!”

No lying.

Su Yang looked at him, “Did you hide anything else about me?”

Brother Wang shook his head quickly, “No, no more!”


Su Yang picked up the Knife Ji, and thrust it ruthlessly on the back of Brother Wang’s hand, and suddenly Brother Wang screamed again.

Su Yangs long voice came, “I dont like others to lie to me.”

Brother Wang said quickly, “I said! I said!”

“Liu Laoliu was beaten by the supervisor and said that it is forbidden to bring other people to the villa in the future! The supervisor also intends to investigate your situation to see if there is any threat to us!”

Su Yang frowned, Is there a threat to them?

I just went to take a look, as to cause such a big reaction? What secret is hidden in Longteng Jiayuan?

Once the question is born, Su Yang wants to be answered.

Therefore, he used the knife girl to intimidate and lure him to ask all the information about Longtengjiayuan that Brother Wang knew.

at first Brother Wang still wanted to hide some important things, but later found out that the person in front of him was simply superpowered. He would always know that he didnt lie, so he didnt dare to hide it, without omission and All in detail are explained.

After Brother Wang finished his explanation, Su Yang asked Janet to knock him out, took out the [Meng Po’s small porcelain bowl (pseudo)], poured two glasses of water, and gave him a drink. In this way, all his memories of the previous hour were erased.

After doing all this, Su Yang asked Janet to send him back to the shade of the tree.

And Su Yang is sitting on the bench in the basement, looking at the only window in the basement: the window that is close to the ground and has more ventilation than lighting, frowning and contemplating.

Longtengjiayuan…It’s actually like this. It really didn’t expect.

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