When you hear Su Yang’s words, Ying Shao froze directly in place.

His face changed back and forth, and finally turned into a wry smile.

Although his family is among the first builders of the Republic, their strength is not Peak. As the fourth generation of Ying Shao, although father is in a high position, the help received is not as many as imagined.

One billion, if you say assets, he has, but cash, certainly not, dont say he does not, there are not many private companies with this strength in the country.

So Su Yang couldn’t satisfy his request.

Ying Tian is not hypocritical. If he can’t do it, he says he can’t do it. “Shao Shao, I really can’t do this. Why don’t I change it?”

Su Yang of Higher Life Eyes] knows that Yingtian is telling the truth, so he is not embarrassed, “Forget it.”

Speaking, he beckoned to Janet and signaled to go home.

Janet gave Ying Shao a cold look and let go of her hand.

The look in Ying Shao’s eyes is cold and sweaty, and his back is cold. He is like facing a terrifying beast. There is undisguised contempt in his eyes, which comes from the biological chain. Look down from a higher place.

For a moment, Ying Tian felt that if she dared to make a move, the woman in front of her would bite her head off without the slightest hesitation!

Who is this woman? Why doesnt it feel like a bodyguard, more like a killer…

Just when Ying Shao was thinking about it, Su Yang walking into the community suddenly frowned and stopped because he suddenly [Awareness] A person was secretly observing himself. It was a person wearing a trench coat, sunglasses and a hat. The mysterious person who had observed him once again appeared in his sight!

The only difference is that this mysterious person is using a Telescope to observe himself.

Su Yang turned his head abruptly, looking towards the place where he was [aware], which was the roof of a residential building not far from the community.

Su Yang pointed her hand, “Janet!”

Janet took a look. Even though the distance was far away, she still easily locked the target, she without the slightest hesitation. She stepped away and ran over there, her speed was extremely fast, but her legs, which were obviously not strong enough, seemed to contain extremely strong explosive power, and one shot was two steps away.

And Su Yang also follow closely from behind, chasing that person away.

In Su Yang’s [Awareness], the person was surprised, put down the Telescope, fled back, and then his vision disappeared.

When Su Yang and Janet arrived, the person had disappeared in place, and there was no trace left around, or even if there were traces left, Su Yang could not find it.

Su Yang was so angry that he clenched his fist and fiercely hit the wall: he let this person run away again.

Who is this person!

What is the purpose!

Is it really the mysterious person who pushed Wang Shan down to the lake? Or the people from Longtengjiayuan?

Su Yang thought, while walking back.

Halfway through, the blue Ferrari drove in front of Su Yang again, Ying Tian pressed the car window, “Su Shao, talk about it.”

Su Yang:…

Su Yang is convinced, this guy is definitely a shit plaster, he can stick to death!

It seems that it wont work if you dont talk about it!

Su Yang looked around all around, pointed to a 24-hour convenience store next to him, and then walked in first.

Janet followed him closely and entered the convenience store.

Ying Shao was stunned for a moment, then stopped the car and walked in.

After Ying Shao entered the convenience store, Su Yang happened to come to the cashier from the shelf. He bought three bottles of yogurt, settled the bill, and each assigned one, and then took them to the door of the convenience store. , Sit down at the bar for customers to rest.

Janet sat on Su Yang’s left side without saying a word, Ying rarely sat on his right side.

Su Yang opened the yogurt and took a sip, “Lets talk. Give you a chance.”

Maybe the first time I am in this environment, Ying Tian is a little uncomfortable. His ass moved a few times on the round chair, and the expensive private tailored trousers made a “sha sha” rubbing sound, “Su Yang, I want to be friends with you.”

Su Yang is too lazy Turning around, “No show.”

Ying Tian, “Then at least dissolve the stubble.”

Su Yang took a sip of yogurt and licked the yogurt bottle cap, “If I Secretly plotting against you, can you forgive me because of my sincerity?”

Ying Tian was silent.

For a while, he said, “I will.”

He didn’t lie. Su Yang did not receive any prompts.

Ying Heavenly Dao, “Politics is the art of compromise, and so is business. In this world, there has never been an eternal enemy. As long as the interests are large enough, a little contradiction is what counts?”< /p>

Su Yang looked towards him.

Ying Tian went on to say, “If there is a contradiction, it is irreconcilable. Unless every enemy is killed directly, or the whole world will become the enemy in the end. Regardless of business or politics, it is to treat more and more The enemy, strangers turn into friends, and then defeat the game of direct competitors.”

“I think, at least until now, there is no place for direct competition between the two of us. If there is, I am willing to quit automatically. “

Su Yang who listened to Yingtian thoughtfully.

Ying Tian said again, “I admit that I let Tang Dafa target you before, the purpose is only to test. Of course, if you fail, you will have nothing, I do not deny this.”

“But now he has failed, and I have also failed. I am willing to bear the consequences of failure, and I am willing to pay the price to repair the relationship with you.”

Su Yang said, “I have a spirit of heart. Now, the two of us are not in harmony, and we can’t be friends.”

Ying Tian looked at Su Yang, resolute and decisive and said, “If you can’t be friends, you don’t have to be enemies.”

< p>His purpose for so many days was not completely exposed until this sentence.

Actually, starting from the matter that heaven knows “Su Yang knew that he was plotting Su Yang”, he no longer puts his hope on becoming a friend, but only hopes not to become an enemy.

After all, this is the enemy he attracted by his carelessness. If when his father is critical, the power behind Su Yang makes his father lose the opportunity, then he will be the sinner of the whole family.

So, his goal is very simple, do not hope to seek help from the people behind Su Yang, only hope that the people behind Su Yang can be neutral.

Is an improper friend not an enemy? Su Yang looked out the window, thinking.

From the memory of Chen Ye and Tang Dafa, he has never obtained Yingtian’s black material, and he has not planned to use an hourglass to directly read Yingtian’s memory for physical considerations recently.

So for a while, Su Yang had no way to deal with him.

Since Yingtian has always wanted to make peace, he must first agree. If he is ready to deal with himself again in the future, it will be better than…being entangled every day.

However, with such a bully, what should I order…

Su Yang took a sip of yogurt and hesitated.

It’s too vulgar to ask for money, and after these few months, Su Yang found that in China, there is too much money to do things that cannot be done. What he needs now is various companies, all kinds of little monsters can play And special item capabilities, and these companies need very complex aptitude.

Thinking so, Su Yang’s eyes lit up, he knew what he wanted.

Su Yang said, “10 million in cash.”

Ying Tian did not hesitate, slightly nodded.

Su Yang continued, “There are three other companies: a health care product company, a film and television company, and an artiste agency. They must have the corresponding aptitude.”

Ying Tian frowned, Money is not a problem, but companies are more difficult to handle. After all, all aspects of the approval of these companies will be very troublesome and complicated. If they are bought on the market, they will cost a few million cheaper, a few 1 billion expensive, or tens of billions.

Fortunately, Su Yang added, “It can be a shell company. I just need aptitude. This way I can save a lot of things.”

Ying Tian thought about it for a while, In the end, he stretched out his hand, “Deal.”

Su Yang smiled and extended the hand, “Happy cooperation.”

This is a win-win thing. For Su Yang, solve it. Because there are no resources and no contacts, various companies and aptitudes, such as “Business Performance License”, “Information Network Audiovisual Program Dissemination License”, “Radio and Television Program Production and Operation License”, and “TV Drama Shooting License” Grade A)”, “Health Food Registration Approval Certificate”, “Health Products Business License” and so on.

Some aptitudes are no longer issued by the country, and they cannot be obtained with Su Yang’s relationship.

In addition, he also received a sum of cash to support his development of these companies. This is the lesson he learned the last time he annexed Jun Qing…

Of course, he still has one less enemy for the time being, so he can wholeheartedly find the person who threatens his safety. As for whether Yingtian will be his enemy in the future, it depends on Yingtian’s own choice.

For Yingtian, he spent 20-30 million for himself, and his father removed a dangerous opponent and potential enemy. Spending money to eliminate disasters is the most cost-effective thing. Ying’s development for so many years depends not on who meets and destroys who, but on knowing…

After reaching an agreement, the two exchanged WeChat, and then Su Yang took Janet and got up and left.

Before leaving the convenience store, Su Yang seemed to hear two customers who had just come in whispering and discussing,

“I met two more pretenders. Convenient on the side of the road The store discussed several companies, and also said that it would give each other tens of millions, and I dont know if its a brain shortage.”

“My net worth is hundreds of millions, shouldnt I still work in a supermarket.”

< p>Su Yang laughed, didn’t say anything.

Yingtian picked up Ferraris car key and pressed it once. Ferraris four lights came on, and there was a sound of “whistle, and then he got on the car amidst the dumbness of the two customers.


Su Yang shook his head, and said that everything is only profit, dont you occasionally pretend to be forced…

On the way home, Su Yang has always kept this vigilance, but never again There is no peeping gaze.

After entering the house, Su Yang wondered, should he add something to something that can quickly locate strangers?

But it requires such precision. Yes, it might be difficult to meet…

Thinking about this, the two returned to the virtual space.

Entering the virtual space, the atmosphere in the virtual space is a bit tense. The little monsters were all concentrated on the dining table with serious expressions.

Su Yang was a little curious, “What’s wrong with you? “

Little Di said, “Master, you are back. Our house is haunted! “

Su Yang put down things in confusion, “Haunted? “

Before Little Di explained, Little Luoli raised her hand and stood up, “Yes! Haunted! When I was walking in the yard, I suddenly fell into the pit. “

Su Yang glanced at her, said with a smile, “Maybe you are not careful. “

Little Ha jumped up from the chair, “It’s not that she was not careful!” When I took a nap, I suddenly found that I was wrapped in a rope, and then when I pulled the rope, a basin of cold water was poured on my head! “

Su Yang looked at it in astonishment.

The little knife girl beside him also stood up and said, “Su Yang big brother, I am taking a shower in the bathroom. After coming out, the floor of the bathroom is all It’s an onion. When I take a step, I have to cut a few pieces of onion. My eyes are almost open when it is spicy. Now the bathroom is full of onion pieces! “

Su Yang:…

Gu lu also patted the table, and his big eyes were full of grievances, “gu lu gu lu gu lu! “

Forget it, I dont understand what its talking about. But Im probably complaining.

Su Yang looked around, then looked towards Little Di, “What about you? ? Have you encountered anything special? “

Little Di nodded shook the head again, “I didn’t meet it myself, but Fatty did.” The fat vegetable plots were ruined, and the carrots were gone. “

Su Yang pondered for a while, these are clearly some people playing pranks, they have a relationship with ghosts?

But who is the prank?

Su Yang I looked around a few people, and he had been keeping [Higher Lifes eyes] open just now: None of them lied.

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