Coming out of the swimming pool, Su Yang walked out of the virtual space and walked to the supermarket.

After half an hour, Su Yang returned home and entered the virtual space.

I asked Little Di and confirmed that Little Ha was still lying on his stomach in the utility room. Su Yang brought the things to the door of the utility room.

He looked at it quietly, and Little Ha was like a dead dog without a soul, lying on his back at the four “corners” with his eyes closed, not knowing whether it was outside the wandering object or sleeping.

Su Yang walked in quietly, put the things aside, and then slammed Little Ha up and yelled, “Little Ha!”

Little Has entire dogs head violently There was a tremor, then his eyes widened, and he looked left and right with a dazed expression, not knowing what happened.

Su Yang smiled stupidly, “Are you sleeping?”

Seeing that it was Su Yang, Little Ha regained his half-dead expression, “Um” , Not talking.

Su Yang threw it into the kennel, then sat cross-legged, and pretended to say nonchalantly, “I heard that you gave up dog food and chose gold bars.”

Little Ha squinted at him, “Don’t you know, why come and ask again.”

Su Yang looked at it, “But I heard that it is a bag of dogs that can be filled indefinitely. Food.”

Little Ha’s eyes were a little erratic, “Who did you listen to! He lied to you! How can dog food be added infinitely? You have never learned the theory of relativity. Matter can’t be produced out of thin air. Disappear out of thin air.”

Su Yang:…

Hey, go far!

And that’s not the theory of relativity, it’s the law of conservation of matter, dog!

Su Yang said, “Don’t talk about those useless, I listened to Kochi.”

“Um…” Little Ha was dismantled, no longer pretending to be stupid, Instead, he lay down and continued to pretend to be a dead dog, and while pretending, it was still muttering, “Dead Koike, he also said that he would keep the customer secret, but it was leaked within a few hours.”

, Little Ha kept his eyes away from Su Yang, curled his mouth, and said, “Dont think too much, I didnt choose gold bars for you. Its just…I dont have a mouth, I cant eat dog food, even if it can fill up automatically, It doesn’t make sense to me. That’s why I chose gold bars.”

Su Yang looked at Little Ha and suddenly understood the behavior of this little monster for so long. Until nows weird, deliberate mess, and many other things, maybe its just the way it wants to get everyones attention.

In fact, under its playful appearance, there is a gentle heart.

In general, it is… Tsundere.

Su Yang is best at treating arrogant people. He patted Little Ha and exaggeratedly said, “I didn’t think about it too much! But I feel like you are a fool!”

Little Ha really lifts the head, glaring at Su Yang fiercely.

Su Yang said, “Look! How much gold bullion can be sold for? If you recycle it, it will cost you fifteen thousand. But the dog food that is automatically renewed is different! If I pour it out and repackage it every day, Pack and sell, and within a few years, you will earn a piece of gold. Two years of capital protection, five years of blood to earn!”

“You said you are a stupid dog!”


Little Ha:…

Maybe I was stunned by Su Yang’s way of thinking, and he was obviously taken advantage of by Su Yang, and I found a bunch of reasons to criticize people. The practice is so angry.

Little Ha grinned and rushed towards Su Yang, “I did it with you!”

“haha.” Seeing Little Ha finally regained his former spirit, Su Yang fought with it for a while, then fled the utility room.

Little Ha, who successfully drove the “enemy” out of his territory, snorted with a high head, bounced back to the kennel.

At this time, it suddenly found a bag beside the doghouse.

“Huh? Where did it come from.” Little Ha opened the bag with its short corners, and the eyes immediately lit up.

There are chocolates, dog food, ham, and all kinds of delicious food.

Even…and one…baseball! !

Little Ha’s eyes were shining when he saw the baseball!

Dogs like baseball the most!

When it thinks of Su Yang throwing the baseball far away, and then picking it back up and down, it feels very happy!

It’s just wonderful!

2nd day, Su Yang went to class in the morning, and after eating at noon, he went to the company.

Yesterday, he sent an interview invitation to five people who submitted their resumes. He will go for an interview this afternoon.

In order to appear mature, Su Yang went home to dress up, and took out a cheap shirt that he had worn almost once.

Probably because of his youth, the cheap shirt looks very stiff on him.

Looking at the decent self in the mirror, Su Yang finally faded away from the age of 20, with a touch of maturity.

After getting dressed, Su Yang walked out of the basement to the company.

As a result, he ran into Pan Zhaodi before he left the gate of the community.

Pan Zhaodi brow beaded with sweat came out of the community and ran all the way to the Hi-Tech Park.

Maybe because of something urgent, she was still wearing the uniform from the last time she saw her, and the clothes on her chest were about to explode tightly, shaking violently as she ran.

She overtook Su Yang from behind, and said hello indifferently, “Morning.”

Su Yang looked up at the sky, the sun was on top of her head, really… .It is late.

He replied, “Good noon.”

Pan Zhaodi waved his hand, passed Su Yang, and gradually disappeared from Su Yang’s sight.

Su Yang found that women who practice martial arts or exercise all day are really different from ordinary women. They are like wild horses, with a wild nature that cannot be tamed. That kind of long-term exercise brings Their health gives them a kind of rays of light radiating everywhere.

When I came to the company, Wang Dong has arrived. Su Yang discussed with him what the company would do next, then turned on the rented computer, logged in to the website, and checked if there was a new resume.

Maybe because the website gave a small recommendation, Su Yang found out that he received a dozen resumes today.

It seems that there are more entrepreneurs and more people looking for jobs. But it’s no wonder that now it’s just over two months after the new year, which happens to be the peak season for recruitment. So it’s normal to have more people.

However, it is not certain how many qualified people there are.

Su Yang is also a little bit distressed. The current resumes are all said to be in a mess. Simply can’t tell what is true and what is false.

I dont have any contacts with large companies, so I called the applicants original company to find out the situation.

If there is any way, it would be nice to know the applicant.

Su Yang thought so, opened a resume and almost squirted water out of his mouth.

It says on the resume: working at Taobao and assisting Mr. Ma to manage Taobao to the top 500 in the world.

Su Yang took a closer look, and found that… it turned out to have opened an online store, so I worked at Taobao. As for why he only assisted in operating to the top 500, it was because…the online store closed down.

But… this kind of resume also says that he has marketing experience.

Um…very good.

It’s three changes today.

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