Lin Beifan seriously underestimated the enthusiasm of the players.

This tree-planting game was only launched during the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival has not yet passed, and millions of trees have been accumulated. Lin Beifan learned through the background that there are as many as 60 million players participating in tree planting.

Just relying on the population base and the speed of planting, I am afraid that the desert in the game will be green in less than a year.

Lin Beifan was a little nervous and felt that he could act in advance.

Lin Beifan immediately transformed into the Eye of God and flew to the Tengger Desert to control the wind and rain.

The first is to attract warm currents and drive away the cold temperatures.

Then the wind and rain came, mainly the drizzle, which made the Tengger desert rich in moisture.

Finally, a large amount of dragon energy was attracted from other parts of the world to nourish this land.

This makes planting trees much easier.

This is how the Spring Festival ended.

Although the Tengger Desert still looks like a desert, in fact its essence has changed, from a barren land to a place where grass can grow.

As Lin Beifan's dragon energy continues to be nourished, this place will eventually transform into a lush forest.

Then, Lin Beifan contacted Feng Shui Master Liu.

Previously, Lin Beifan had asked him to set up a timber company, contracting a piece of land in the Tengger Desert to plant timber, develop cash crops, improve the desert environment and make money at the same time.

So now I want to know the situation

"Boss, with the help of relevant national ministries and commissions, we have already contacted the Gansu Provincial Government and are very supportive of our company's activities. At present, our company has contracted 1 million acres of land and has made plans for planting. We can open up wasteland and plant trees after the Spring Festival.

Lin Beifan frowned:"One million acres is too little."……"

The Tengger Desert covers an area of ​​43,000 square kilometers, equivalent to 64.5 million acres. One million acres is just a small piece of land, accounting for less than 2%. He is the one who wants to make the Tengger Desert green. This small area cannot satisfy his appetite.

"There are already quite a few bosses. Because they are afraid that our economic model will fail, they will first give 1 million acres of land for trial planting. If the effect is good, they can continue to increase the number. Moreover, we have also received great preferential policies. Basically, we do not have to pay taxes in the first 10 years, and we pay half of the taxes in the next 10 years. Lin

Beifan nodded. At present, the country has made great efforts in greening.

We need both gold and silver, as well as clear waters and lush mountains.

"And how are you collecting farmers? We need a lot of manpower!"

"The wages we offer are still very advantageous, and we have recruited 3,000 people so far. We have also contacted the local Poverty Alleviation Office, and they promised to transfer more than 2,000 people."

A large tree planting force of more than 5,000 people!

Lin Beifan nodded, and Master Liu was indeed reassuring.

"I started taking action in March. I still owe more than 1 million trees, and I will try to pay off the debt as soon as possible!"Lin Beifan smiled.

More than 5,000 people were recruited to plant trees at once. Such a big move could not be hidden from other people.

In addition, Lin Beifan was already a hot figure, so many news media reported the matter, which caused a huge response.

"As expected of a prodigal son, he makes big moves every time he is in the news!"

"Lin Beifan was about to start planting trees, and he actually hired more than 5,000 people, making him a wealthy man!"

"True to your word, I support you and plan to donate a few more trees!"

"I have already donated 32 trees, and I will donate the remaining 32 barley trees tomorrow!"

"Let us work together to green the Tengger Desert!"


Ma Dayun even made a special call:"Okay, little brother, if you don't sing, you will be a blockbuster! I thought I was fast enough, but I didn't expect you to catch up and even have a tree planting team!""

"Of course, you are a straggler. Although you have a huge momentum, it is also difficult to organize. On my side, we have an organized and disciplined team, and we will get to work as soon as the money is given! Lin Beifan said proudly

"But you also spend a lot of money. You have to allocate 60 to 70 million every month to support the tree planting team."

"60 to 70 million per month, less than 1 billion per year, which is nothing to me. I also feel that 5,000 people are too few. At least 20,000 people are barely enough!"

"Little brother, you are awesome!"

Ma Dayun also felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

As Lin Beifan said, he spent money to raise an organized and disciplined planting team. They definitely acted faster and worked harder than him. In addition, Lin Beifan was willing to spend money. Money, the growth of this kind of tree will never be slowed down.

And the volunteers he summoned are all acting with enthusiasm. It seems that there are many people, but it is difficult to organize. In the end, he may not be as good as Lin Beifan.

"We can't wait any longer, I have to speed up here too."

So, just after the Spring Festival, the two big guys have already begun to compete.

Everyone feels that this Spring Festival is very fulfilling. First of all, the big dark horse"Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes into the World" has almost overturned the entire Spring Festival, and many All the movies have been overturned.

Even the star-studded"Legend of the Gods", you will be eclipsed in front of Nezha, and you will not be able to survive for more than a few days.

Everyone loves Nezha very much and likes every character in the movie. Characters.

At the same time, everyone has also had a great change in their view of animated movies. They no longer think of them as a children's movie, but as a theme movie suitable for all ages and both men and women.

This is a milestone in the history of Japanese movies. Huge progress.

The game"Martial Arts World" also developed rapidly during the Spring Festival, with an average number of online users reaching 1.5 million and peak support exceeding 10 million, dominating the domestic game market. President

Huang Zhengqing is ambitious and ready to launch A series of game planning.

In addition, due to public welfare undertakings, Lin Beifan's bet with game players, and Lin Beifan and Ma Dayun's tree planting competition also added a lot of talk to this Spring Festival. After the Spring Festival, there is another big event , that’s when Starlight’s investment conference is about to begin.

As always, this investment conference has attracted the attention of many well-known enterprise groups, as well as people across the country and even the world.

Because every investment conference brings huge development opportunities.

Who can Winning the first place in the investment promotion conference and winning the Starlight project means that the development of the enterprise group will be smooth and rapid this year.

This is already an open secret._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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