After completing the document, the two announced the matter online for the majority of netizens to bear witness.

"The two of them actually competed in planting trees, which was really fun!"

"Whoever loses in the end will have to play a role for the other party. I seem to have a bad feeling!"

"Only such a top boss can do something like this! Small shrimps like us should just work honestly and earn money. By the way, I would like to give a thumbs up to the two big guys!"

"A bet like this should be played often!"

"The question is, which big guy do you like?"


Two legendary rich people actually decided to reserve a desert to plant trees, and finally competed to see who could plant more trees. Such an interesting and charitable act was praised by many netizens.

Many news media also reported extensively on this matter.

Even many people abroad are paying attention.

There are many ways to do public welfare and charity, but no one has seen such an interesting way.

I am very curious about this and want to know more about it.

Some people even opened a voting channel to see who you support.

In the end they were evenly matched, with not much of a gap.

Ma Dayun called Lin Beifan

"Little brother, this matter is being discussed hotly on the Internet now. Are you ready? Brother, I am ready to take action!"

"Not yet, I plan to take action next spring!"

"Haha, then I will act first, I feel that the goddess of victory has already waved to me. When the time comes, if you lose, come and play the villain for me, the villain who will be beaten to pieces by me.……"

Ma Dayun couldn't help but be happy at the thought of Lin Beifan becoming the villain in his film.

He must extend this film to 40 minutes, defeat him in various ways, and really torment this little brother.

After hanging up the phone, Ma Dayun took action immediately and took the opportunity to launch the concept of"Ant Forest".

Its refreshing concept of environmental protection allows people to participate in planting trees just by reducing carbon emissions, which has inspired an upsurge of participation by all people.

"Ma Dayun is indeed Ma Dayun, his ideas are unique!"

"I never thought that environmental protection can be so fun. As long as you pay more attention to it, you can participate in charity without spending any money!"

"Grow a virtual tree and someone will plant a real tree!"

"Even I can't help but want to participate in this kind of gameplay. I feel like Lin Beifan is going to lose!"

"What else could Lin Beifan do? Ma Dayun has reached his limit!"

"Lin Beifan is destined to lose, wait and see him act!"


""Ant Forest" has received support from relevant national ministries and commissions. Many companies, institutions and organizations have actively participated in this action, advocating low-carbon life, planting trees, and making the earth green. There are also tens of millions of netizens actively participating.

Ant Less than three days after the forest was opened, tens of millions of people registered to participate in this large-scale low-carbon action.

Suddenly,"low-carbon life" became a hot word.

Seeing such a huge positive impact, Ma Dayun felt sincerely gratified and satisfied.

How could one person's power be worth the power of the whole people?

So he could only say that Lin Beifan's idea was whimsical.

"Little brother, I'm waiting for you to play a villain role for me."Ma Dayun smiled.

In Starlight Manor

"My little man, Ma Dayun, you have already taken action and now it has caused a sensational impact. Why haven’t you started taking action yet?"Seeing Lin Beifan's laziness, Wu Qianmei became anxious for him.

"It's just a fool's errand. What we're comparing is planting trees. How can we plant trees in the middle of winter? Let’s talk about it in spring! Lin Beifan smiled

"But they have called on the whole people to participate, and the attack is fierce. What else can you do?"Wu Qianmei rolled her eyes.

"Fairy, you have to have confidence in your husband. When have you ever seen him do something you were not sure about? Bai Qingxue sat next to Lin Beiyi and said with a smile:"It's just a harmless bet anyway. It doesn't matter if you lose.""

"That’s right, you have to have confidence in your husband! Lin Beifan was confident:"As for how I will respond, just wait and see the show. I will definitely let Brother Ma come and set up a show for us!""

Since the parties involved don't care, the two women don't pay attention either.

Now, Lin Beifan is most concerned about the situation of the game"Martial Arts World". The person in charge of this matter now is Vice President Huang Zhengqing, who is very enthusiastic about this matter. So I put most of my thoughts into it, and now I know better than Lin Beifan.

"How is the public beta effect? Lin Beifan asked.

Huang Zhengqing smiled happily:"The effect is great!" We recruited about 100,000 people for public testing, and the feedback we received was generally good. Especially those professional players found that operating martial arts characters can actually perform a variety of complicated movements, and the skill effects are also beautiful, just like real people fighting, and they think it is very competitive!"

"What about ordinary players?"

"Our character skills are designed in a fool-proof operation mode, which is also convenient for them to use. However, they generally said that the time design of one hour equals one day is too slow and a bit boring. Can the progress be faster?"

"This cannot be done quickly, this is our time to make money. Lin Beifan smiled and said:"The main reason why they feel bored now is because they just regard this as a game." When we continue to enrich this game and turn it into a virtual and complete world, they will not feel slow, but will feel that there is not enough time!"

Huang Zhengqing nodded, deeply convinced.

It turned out that he thought that such a game could bring tens of billions of revenue to Starlight, which was not bad.

But after hearing Lin Beifan's plan, he realized that his idea was too narrow..

If according to Lin Beifan's intention, this game is really turned into a complete virtual world, then it will definitely make money. At least 7 to 8 billion will be earned every day, which is extremely scary.

"I think the time is almost here to go public. What do you think, senior?"

"ah? It’s on the market, will it be a little quick?……"Huang Zhengqing suddenly became nervous.

Having just come into contact with this game, he was eager to have it released immediately. But after getting in-depth contact and putting all my efforts into it, I feel a little worried about gains and losses. I feel like students are about to face a big exam.

"That’s it. This game is more advanced and complete than any other game on the market. It’s ready to be released. If there are any problems, we can continue to correct them. Lin Beifan said.

Huang Zhengqing took a deep breath:"Okay, I'll go back and prepare right away!""

(Yesterday, my old classmates came to entertain him for a day of eating, drinking and having fun. There is no way to update it. One chapter was missing. I will make it up today! There are still three chapters to come.)

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