Lin Beifan smiled and said:"Perhaps I was not clear about what I just explained. Now I will reiterate: Anyone who wins the Best Director Award, the Most Popular Film Award, the Best Film Award, and the Most Popular Film Award We welcome directors who have won five major awards, including the Foreign Language Film Award and the Best Foreign Language Film Award. For their next film, our Starlight will guarantee 10% of the film schedule and arrange for simultaneous release around the world. If you win multiple awards at the same time, the number of awards will be accumulated.These 10% of movie schedules are valid globally!"

This time it’s real!

5 awards, all enjoy this incentive policy!

As long as the director's next work is released, 10% of the film schedule will be guaranteed, and this scope is global!

If you win multiple grand prizes, the number of rewards can be accumulated!

It will be released simultaneously around the world, and there will be discounts on box office sharing!


I’m afraid only Starlight can achieve such an incentive policy!

This news is so big, it is simply good news for directors all over the world, and it encourages creation!

The better the film, the more awards it will win, the more filming arrangements it will make, and the director will have more say!

It will be of great benefit to directors at home and abroad!

So heartwarming!

10% of the world's movies are scheduled for release. Apart from the top international directors, who else has this treatment?

But through this incentive policy, many directors can have the treatment of top international directors and bring their films to audiences around the world. Just thinking about it is exciting!

Others think of deeper reasons.

Looking at the current international film awards, there is no award that rewards film arrangement. This huge benefit will cause many foreign films to flock to the Golden Bell Awards, and the status of the Golden Bell Awards will rapidly increase.

There is also Starlight who implements this policy and firmly binds himself to the Golden Bell Award. The position is more consolidated!

It can also win the favor of directors all over the world, which will make future development smoother!

He has truly changed from a rule participant to a rule maker!

Lin Beifan was very satisfied with everyone's response and said with a smile:"I hope all filmmakers will work together to bring more good works, prosper our film market, and make our film industry bigger and stronger!"

This year's Golden Bell Awards are over. But the craze it brought is far from receding.

On the contrary, with the TV broadcast, extensive reports from various media, and word of mouth from celebrities, the event became more and more intense.

Two new international awards were established...

Hollywood stars from all walks of life came to participate and walked the red carpet...

Lin Beifan appeared as the final award guest...

The most eye-catching one is the encouragement policy implemented by Last Starlight.

Its impact is far-reaching.

The most realistic impact is that once a director is awarded this year, he immediately becomes a hot commodity and gets many invitations.

Because their next movie schedule has been guaranteed, and box office revenue is also guaranteed, many producers and actors have contacted them, hoping to make another movie with them.

After the meeting, reporters came to interview Lin Beifan.

Reporter:"First of all, thank you Mr. Lin for your outstanding contribution to world cinema! I believe that from now on, all the movies in the world will thank you!"

Lin Beifan:"Thank you for the compliment!"

Reporter:"But why did Starlight implement this What about a policy? This is a loss-making business!"

Lin Beifan:"This is mainly because our Starlight, as the number one entertainment company at home and abroad, has been deeply aware of our responsibilities. We hope that while making money, we can also Promote the development of world cinema. As for the loss you said, it actually won't happen."


Lin Beifan:"Because we only guarantee 10% of the opening number of films. If the film is popular, the number of films will increase. If the film is not good , then the film schedule will be reduced. We are just giving the director a chance!"

Reporter:"That's it. Many people responded, why are the rewards limited to directors this time? Others have also put in a lot of effort, such as producers People, such as actors……"

Lin Beifan:"Because directors are the basis of creation and are the key figures for them to present the movie completely. Without them, there would be no good movies. Therefore, at this Golden Bell Award, we mainly reward directors. As for the other characters you mentioned, They are indeed working very hard, and maybe there will be other incentive policies in the future!"


After this interview went viral, many filmmakers were inspired.

After the Golden Bell Award, everything returned to normal.

According to Starlight's plan for this year, there is still one movie left,"I'm Not the God of Medicine" and a fairy tale TV series"Legend of Sword and Fairy", both of which have been completed.

Among them,"Legend of Sword and Fairy" is currently in post-production and will take more time to be released by the end of this year.

However,"I'm Not the God of Medicine" has been produced, taking over the"Wolf Warrior" stick and hitting the cinemas.

If you just look at the names of the director and actors, I'm afraid not many people will take a look.

But with the Starlight sign on it, everyone bought the tickets without even thinking about it.

《Although the premiere of"I'm Not the God of Medicine" was not as brilliant as"Wolf Warrior", it also attracted many stars to attend.

The most eye-catching thing is that the three giants of Starlight come together, which sends a different signal to people.

Aoyama is a well-known film critic, and he is also a truth-telling, persistent and ethical film critic.

He won't take money, and others can't bribe him.

Because he is a second-generation rich man himself. He is very rich and has no worries about food and drink.

Being a film critic is just my hobby.

Therefore, no matter whose movie he is, he can provide objective and fair reviews, which is very popular among movie fans.

Every year he watches hundreds of movies, both domestic and foreign.

But his favorite is Starlight's movies.

He found that Starlight's movies were not only beautiful to watch, but also had a kind of emotion in them, which was particularly touching.

For example,"Oldboy" tells the story of two middle-aged people chasing their dreams.

《"My Sassy Girl", with a fresh love

《"Infernal Affairs", the bad guys want to be good guys, but the good guys pretend to be bad guys and are misunderstood. The two are intertwined in love and hate.

《"Wolf Warrior" sparked the nation's patriotic enthusiasm


Each of Starlight's movies touches the softest part of people's hearts and always makes you cry in the end.

The only criticism is that there are too many ads!

At this time, the cinema was full of people and the movie finally started. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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