Scarlett John smiled charmingly:"Mr. Lin, guess what role we are playing?"

Lin Beifan smiled:"When I see you, I think of Black Widow, the character you play It should be the character Black Widow, right?"

"Mr. Lin, you are so accurate! Scarlett took a step forward and smiled sexyly:"Are you free tonight?""

Lin Beifan:"……"

My wives are watching from behind, how dare you seduce me?

Jessica Alba felt unconvinced and showed her beautiful side. She asked with a smile:"Mr. Lin, what role do you think I should be? I am so beautiful and sexy too."……"

This... Lin Beifan really couldn't make up his mind for a moment.

In the previous time and space, Jessica Alba did not join the Marvel family, so there is no reference.

However, there are not many female characters in Marvel. Considering that there are only 4 movies so far, you can guess it with a little analysis.

"You're not a little pepper, are you?"

"Is it spicy?"Jesse Alba immediately showed off her sexy spiciness

"Needless to say, this person who looks upright, has strong muscles, and a slightly raised butt must be the actor who plays the captain of the United States! May I have your name?"Lin Beifan looked at Chris Evans.

Chris Evans was a little embarrassed:"Mr. Lin, my name is Chris Evans. It is my honor to meet you!"

"Me too! Lin Beifan nodded and looked at the other strong man next to him:"Thunder God?""

"Hello Mr. Lin, I am Chris Heimwangs, the actor who plays Thor. I am very happy to meet you!"This young guy also looked a little nervous, especially when Lin Beifan glanced over, he seemed to have seen the real God of Thunder.

"You look so energetic young man, but your muscles need to be more developed!"Lin Beifan patted him on the shoulder.

Chris Heimwangs was nervous:"I'll practice more immediately when I get back!"

"Are you Spider-Man? Lin Beifan saw a young man next to him. He was short and thin.

He was Tom Holland. He was easy to get to know and not afraid of strangers at all. He said in surprise:"Mr. Lin, how did you tell?" Lin

Beifan laughed:"Because you are the only one here who can fit into Spider-Man's tights!""

Everyone thinks about it. Spider-Man flies around in the sky. He is as flexible as a monkey. He cannot be too big, otherwise it will look very inconsistent.

Finally, Lin Beifan looked at the last man who was a little decadent..

This is a movie-level actor with a dark history, but he is a man who brought Marvel back to life. However, due to the devastating blow to his acting career, he has an aura of decadence, so it seems that he is not in the movie yet. So confident

"Robert Downey Jr.? I heard you've taken drugs?"Lin Beifan.

The surrounding atmosphere has changed.

Robert Downey Jr. suddenly felt nervous:"Mr. Lin, I did take drugs, but now I very much regret what I did. I have decided to change my ways, and I hope you can give me this chance!"

"Remember what you said, play the role of Iron Man well, and at the same time, don’t touch drugs again, otherwise I will ban you from the entire industry!"

"Definitely not!"Robert Jr. immediately promised.

At the same time, he felt relieved. He finally passed the test and won the role.

Finally, Lin Beifan smiled and said to Robles:"I am very satisfied with your selection, so let's do it! I'll excuse you in advance, but you can do as you please. I wish you a happy evening!"

"Okay, Mr. Lin, you can do whatever you want!"Robles smiled, his job was stable.

As soon as Lin Beifan left, the people here suddenly felt relaxed.

"Mr. Lin's aura just now was so powerful that it almost made me speechless!"Robert Downey Jr. wiped the sweat from his face.

Just now, he was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat and his back was soaked.

"I feel the same way as you, especially when he patted me on the shoulder just now, it was so strong!"Chris Heimwangs grinned, and he still feels the pain.

"I think it’s okay, this is how men are attractive!"Scarlett John said reluctantly.

"You are a nympho! He is a man with a wife!"Jessica said

"I can be his little lover……"

Lin Beifan's figure suddenly appeared in a corner. In front of him was a beautiful girl in a small dress, who was looking secretly:"Where did this bastard Lin Beifan go? He was just talking and laughing with a Hollywood star. He was really eating a bowl." Look at what's in the pot, men are not good people! You must drink up all his wine when you get back!"

Lin Beifan chuckled and had the idea of ​​teasing Yang Jiu'er.

Sneak close and hug her from behind.

Yang Jiu'er was startled and struggled desperately:"Who are you! Let me go, you bastard!"

Lin Beifan didn't say anything, but turned her around and gave her a wet French kiss, which made her breathless..

Yang Jiuer was furious:"You bastard! You scared me just now and you kissed me. What if someone else finds out?"

Lin Beifan disagreed:"Don't worry, I don't want them to find out. They will never find out! Let's do it again?""

"are you mad at me!"


About half an hour later, all the star actors and actresses were in place, leaders of relevant national departments were also present, Bai Qingxue, Wu Qianmei and other Starlight executives were already seated, and the annual Golden Bell Awards Ceremony began.

According to the procedure, the leaders of relevant national departments first reported on the achievements made in the entertainment and cultural industry since the beginning of last year, and then focused on praising Starlight Group and hoping that it will continue to work hard.

Immediately afterwards, the awards were awarded.

The process is basically the same as last year, with no big differences.

Since this year, Starlight's various undertakings have blossomed and achieved extraordinary results, so more than half of the awards have gone to Starlight. If it weren't for the organizer's desire to avoid suspicion, I'm afraid I would have won 3/4 of the awards.

For example, if you don’t award major music awards to Lian Xue Ai Jiu, fans around the world won’t agree.

You won’t give it the Most Popular Movie Award《"Wolf" won't work, because the box office is there. It is the highest-grossing Chinese-language film and ranks fourth in the global box office. Such achievements are destined to win awards.

The Best Film Award was also awarded to"Infernal Affairs". This is a classic film that has brought together many best actors and actresses, both in terms of reputation and box office. You can't do it without awarding it.

During this period, Starlight also arranged eye-catching performances. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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