President Trump was also hung up and beaten.

Who vowed back then that ** entertainment companies were not welcome to invest in American movie theater lines?

Are red ideas not allowed to spread in the United States?

As a result, the patriotic military-themed movie"Wolf Warrior" has actually landed in the United States with great success, and the film scheduling rate has actually reached 40%, which is more intense than many American blockbusters. What do you think is going on?

"I feel like this president is good at talking big words, but in fact he has no real skills at all!"

"Seeing that other people's movies have been added to our country, and even Hollywood blockbusters have been squeezed out, I believe his evil!"

"You should never believe what politicians say, what they say is always better than what they sing! Especially Trump’s mouth. He doesn’t even make a draft when he brags, he just lets it out at will!"

"Don’t criticize Trump too harshly. He is worried about his own company now!"

"Of course he became the president, but he can't even run his own company. What else does this guy have to run the country?~"

"How did you choose it to be in this position in the first place?"

"He boasts so well!"


President Trump is really troubled at this time.

I thought that after becoming president and reaching the pinnacle of life, many things would go smoothly. This company that doesn’t know what it did wrong has encountered so many bad things in half a month, and its assets have shrunk by hundreds of millions.

That's hundreds of millions of dollars. How long will it take him to earn so much money?

How much does it cost to be the president of the United States?

It might not even be enough for him to pay for a meal.

Unfortunately, he is now in a high position and is under the supervision of various forces such as the parliament and the courts, so he cannot use some means.

If this continues, he may declare bankruptcy.

In addition, what he said half a month ago was still ringing in his ears, but only half a month later, some people stopped listening?

This is really unreasonable. Do you think I am the president?

When he feels unhappy, Trump just wants to use the topic to his advantage.

He said on his Twitter:"Are my words useless?"

Then he hung up the promotional poster for"Wolf Warrior" and made a big cross.

As expected, many people gathered around to watch.

Major theater chains immediately responded positively.

Some responses were milder

"Dear President, thank you for following"Wolf Warrior" despite your busy schedule! However, I advise you to take care of the country's affairs first, and by the way, take care of those bad things in your family, and don't let them affect your presidential career."

Some responses were more radical.

"I didn’t even diss you when the country was in such a mess by you, but you actually have the nerve to diss me? Go back to the White House, lower the unemployment rate and improve the economy, otherwise you will be better off!"

President Trump was furious.

He wanted to exercise his presidential privileges, but found that there were too many big guys behind the theater chain, with combined assets reaching hundreds of billions of dollars. It was not something that he, a little president, could cause him to wilt. , this incident became a joke.

Major theater chains immediately seized this opportunity to promote

"This is a movie that awakens new peace and overthrows hegemony!"

"This is a movie that shows the world its military power and style!"

"This is a movie that is driving European governments crazy!"

"This is a movie that makes President Trump impotent!"


Because of these messy reasons,"Wolf Warrior" actually became a small hit overseas.

Therefore, on the first day after the release of"Wolf Warrior", the total global box office exceeded US$200 million, reaching US$202 million. Among them, the total box office of ** was 145 million U.S. dollars, and the total overseas box office reached 57 million U.S. dollars. The whole world was shocked.

Even Lin Beifan was surprised. In the previous life,"Wolf Warrior" was only popular in China at most, and people outside watched it for fun. The film scheduling rate was not high and could almost be ignored.

But in this time and space, everything has changed.

Now he monopolizes more than half of the theater chains in the world, ensuring the film schedule of"Wolf Warrior".

In the recent period, the eight major Hollywood film companies have been struggling, but no good movies have been released. This is a window period, so the movie"Wolf Warrior" was cheap.

《"Wolf Warrior" was shot in real locations, and both the tanks, planes and thugs were real, which ensures the quality of the film.

There is also the most mysterious power of luck, which also has the greatest effect. Those messy things were cleverly integrated to promote box office growth.

Therefore, various reasons have contributed to the popularity of the restrictive movie"Wolf Warrior".

On the second day after the movie was released, the country's major authoritative media also expressed their opinions on the movie, including words of praise and calling on everyone to watch"Wolf Warrior" together.

Even the news broadcast that day also broadcast this incident, and finally highlighted:

····Asking for flowers·········

"Wolf Warrior and Leng Feng, national heroes in the new era!"

The country's major authoritative media have stamped and certified it and collectively promoted"Wolf Warrior", further promoting the popularity of the movie.

Major enterprises and institutions, state agencies, schools, military regions, etc. have also begun to arrange to watch this movie and learn about it. The spirit of patriotism in"Wolf Warrior" has made it even harder to get a ticket for the movie"Wolf Warrior".

Many people complained:"I haven't bought a movie ticket until now, but the state department came to grab the ticket with us!""

"No wonder movie tickets cannot be purchased every day. It turns out that they are all contracted by the state!"

"My son has watched it, but I haven’t bought a ticket yet!"

"Only"Wolf Warrior" has such great charm!"


For several days in a row, it was really hard to get a ticket for"Wolf Warrior"....0

All other movies have been removed from the shelves in advance, and all movie theaters are showing only one movie, and that is"Wolf Warrior".

From morning to evening, there were still not enough tickets, which led some people to choose to go abroad to watch the movie.

For seven consecutive days, the daily box office has remained above US$100 million, easily breaking the US$1 billion mark.

All the filmmakers lost their voices because of this, and they don’t know where this movie will go in the future.

Global box office top 20?

Just relying on the ** market will do it.

Global box office top 10?

Well, very possible!

So everyone worked harder, 2 brushes and 3 brushes...

The most powerful one was already 8 brushes!

Director Wu Xiaojing is very busy. He is busy rushing to promote and meet fans every day, and he is also busy answering 10 phone calls every day.

When Lin Beifan saw him, he lost weight.

His wife massaged his thighs distressedly.

I heard that there was a traffic jam yesterday. In order to rush to the venue and live up to the fans' expectations, he ran for more than an hour and traveled more than ten kilometers to get to the venue in time.

As a result, I got clogged again today and ran another dozen kilometers. If I wasn’t a marathon runner, I really couldn’t stand it.

Lin Beifan gave a thumbs up:"You are so awesome!"

Wu Xiaojing smiled bitterly:"There is no way, we can't live up to the fans' expectations!"

"He is just trying to be brave!"His wife complained

"In fact, as long as you tell me, I will arrange a helicopter immediately, so you don't have to travel so hard."Lin Beifan said something particularly heartbreaking.

Wu Xiaojing:"……"

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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