Shao Kanghua's eyes narrowed, and his opponent was coming.

Anyang Group is an emerging 100-billion-dollar enterprise, one of the best in the country in the sauce business. Although the scale is much smaller than that of his Longmen Group, if the other party wants to be determined, it is still a formidable opponent.

However, his Longmen Group is completely worthy of his reputation.

The bidding depends on who is more ruthless and more willing to spend money.

The achievements that Shao Kanghua made last year are obvious to all.

It has pushed Longmen Group to a new level, and also opened up overseas markets. The overall asset value has increased by more than 50%, and the profit has increased by more than 300%. These achievements are all due to the investment in Starlight's film and television dramas and variety shows. He came here, so he has a great say in the group and is very important.

And with the endorsement of the chairman, funds within the range of 20 billion can be used. It depends on whether the other party can be ruthless!

"I, Longmen Group, have 5 billion!"

Shao Kanghua despised Anyang Group and raised the price to a sky-high price for the second time, sealing the daily limit.

The boss of Anyang Group was lying.

At a price of 5 billion, their group's net profit last year was only 5 billion. In order to earn a sponsor spot, it cost 50 100 million yuan, if it’s worth the money, it’s okay, but what if it doesn’t work? Who will take the blame?

He is just a CEO. To put it nicely, he is a wage earner, and to put it worst, he is a senior wage earner. If he doesn’t do well, He would definitely be kicked out, and he was reluctant to give up such a position.

Therefore, he sat down unwillingly.

In the end,"The Bite of the Tongue"**》Captured by Longmen Group

"Next up is the bidding for the TV series! Our Starlight mainly launched two TV series in the first half of the year. One of them is called"In the Name of the People", which is an anti-corruption TV series launched by our Starlight in response to the central government.……"

Hearing this, many bosses felt disappointed.

Not many people watch political films like this, and they basically have no ratings.

For TV series of this type in the past, no matter how well-produced they are, the highest ratings cannot exceed 2%. If they can reach 1%, it is already considered good.

There are a lot of such TV series, and if you grab a few idol stars and make an idol TV series, you can easily achieve such ratings. If you are not careful, you may become famous.

Why should they abandon the near and seek the far away and come to Starlight to spend a lot of money?

However, several CEOs of Longmen Group looked at each other with great understanding.

Pick up the leak!

Can Starlight's TV series be bad?

In the past, they launched many TV series that were favored by others, but it turned out that others were blind.

No one liked"Love Apartment" before, but now it has become a profitable TV series

《No one liked"Wulin Gaiden" and it became a profitable TV series

《No one was optimistic about"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" when it first started. Now it has become a phenomenon-level TV series. It is still in the second round of popular broadcasts. The ratings have also reached national ratings, ushering in the second new era of martial arts!

This drama was launched in such a grand manner, and it must be quite effective.

Because this film is quite special, we only recruit 3 sponsors. Each spot has a base price of 500 million, and each increase in price is no less than 1 million.……"

"I, Kangzheng Group, bid 1 billion!"

"I, Zhenghui Group, bid 1 billion!"

"I, Fengxiang Group, bid 1 billion!"

"My beauty group bids 1 billion!"


The CEO of the six major railway groups stood up immediately, with lightning flashing in his eyes.

Now it is an internal competition. There are 3 sponsorship places and 6 groups are competing. Three of them will definitely be kicked out. But there are not many opportunities to pick up the slack like this. They don't know if they will encounter it again in the future, so they compete at full strength.

Eventually, the price soared to 3 billion before stopping.

Three sponsorship quotas were won by Fengxiang Group, Beauty Group, and Tianjiu Group, with a total price of 9 billion.

They all felt lucky that 3 billion was enough to get a quota, which was really cheap. Looking at other new programs, the lowest price has reached 6 billion

"Next is the second TV series launched by Starlight in the first half of this year. It is also the second martial arts TV series launched by Starlight.——《The Legend of Condor Heroes》!"Bai Qingxue solemnly introduced

"Wow!!!"The whole audience was in an uproar.

No one would have liked the martial arts TV series before.

But since the release of"Legend of the Condor Heroes", the phenomenal ratings have set off a martial arts whirlwind in Asia, kicking off the first 2 Martial Arts Era!

I heard that due to this influence, many martial arts TV series have been launched in a hurry. Even the martial arts TV series that were poorly remade before have been put on the schedule again. However, not everyone can start the martial arts era. These martial arts dramas that have been launched, It's not so much a martial arts TV series as it is an ancient romance drama dressed in martial arts, which is very eye-catching.

However, the martial arts TV series produced by Starlight are definitely different from those coquettish bitches.

"Mr. Bai, what type of martial arts drama is this? What story is it telling? Someone asked.

Another person asked:"Mr. Bai, I have a question in my mind."The Legend of the Condor Heroes" also contains the word"eagle". Is it related to"The Legend of the Condor Heroes"?" Bai

Qingxue smiled slightly:"Mr. Xu asked a good question just now. Let me answer your question!""The Legend of the Condor Heroes" still tells a martial arts story from the Song Dynasty, including the eccentric Huang Rong, the honest and patriotic Guo Jing, the Wujue who stand at the pinnacle of the martial arts world, and so on."The Legend of the Condor Heroes" can be seen as the continuation of"The Legend of the Condor Heroes"!"

《The continuation of"The Legend of the Condor Heroes"?

And Huang Rong, Guo Jing and the Five Greatest Talents in the World will appear?

"In this TV series, we will try our best to use the original cast for filming. In addition, the music is still responsible for the original music, and we will take you into a fantasy world of martial arts!"

Try to film with the original cast as much as possible?

And Lianxue Aijiu is responsible for the music?

It has been confirmed that"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" will undoubtedly be the next phenomenon-level martial arts drama!

This time, many bosses present were moved.

Because this is watching Remarkable ratings!

No one can resist this temptation!

Whether it can soar into the sky depends on this time!

"《"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" only recruits 5 sponsors, each sponsorship quota is not less than 1 billion yuan, and each increase in price is not less than 10 million yuan. Now the bidding for the first sponsorship quota begins!"

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