《"Dragon Knight" became cold so quickly, Lin Beifan was also puzzled.

Before he could do anything,"Dragon Knight" caused troubles one after another, destroying him, as if the whole world was targeting him.

And my own"My Sassy Girl", a low-budget love movie, has developed rapidly. Not only has it broken out of Asia and gone global, it has also surpassed many outstanding commercial blockbusters and achieved enviable box office results. It feels like this. All like a dream

"Could it be that this is the power of the protection of national destiny?"Lin Beifan can only blame this for the big reason.

Originally, Lin Beifan considered starting the global operation of movies next year and making money crazily around the world. But now that he has taken a step ahead of schedule due to some strange combination of circumstances, he has to think more and advance in advance. Be prepared.

When it comes to Chinese movies, we have to mention kung fu movies.

In the 1970s and 1980s, Bruce Lee entered the global market with his hard-hitting kung fu movies, allowing Chinese movies to enter the global scene for the first time.

Later, with Jet Li, Jackie Chan, etc. Thanks to the efforts of Kung Fu superstars, **Kung Fu movies are famous at home and abroad and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

That era was also the era when the development of Kung Fu movies was at its peak.

A good Kung Fu movie is very popular around the world.

But after 2010, as the old A generation of Kung Fu superstars are gradually getting old and can no longer be beaten, while the new generation of Kung Fu superstars have not yet fully grown up, and the world has gradually lost the best Kung Fu movies.

Many people are working hard, hoping to take over the expectations of their predecessors. , carrying the banner of the best Kung Fu movies. But for some unknown reason, there is no way to reach the heights of Jet Li and Jackie Chan.

This is not to say that Kung Fu movies or martial arts movies have fallen out of favor internationally. In fact, Kung Fu movies have always been popular. It became very popular and developed in another way.

You might as well think about it, are the male protagonists you see in European and American movies almost all tough guys?

In the past, they were fighting against people, but now they are fighting against monsters and aliens. Fighting? In the past, fighting was only in a room or a street, but now it has expanded to fighting in the entire city, around the world, and even in the starry sky?

**The reason why kung fu movies declined may be because they did not recognize the new situation, so they gradually fell out of favor.

Lin Beifan believes that if you want to explore the international market, you can start in this area, which will be easier.

So he decided to set up a training class to cultivate martial arts superstars through professional means, just like the previous"Seven Little Fortunes".

In the past, there were classes for married families and classes for Hong families, but now we have a starlight class.

Then we create some new Kung Fu movies based on the new international situation. Then Kung Fu movies will definitely become popular again, and Starlight will be able to earn a lot of money from them.

"Well, it’s such a happy decision! Lin

Beifan did it as soon as he thought of it, and immediately gave his task.

There is no airtight wall in the world, let alone the high-profile Xingguang, so when the news that Xingguang was going to open a martial arts class had not been announced, it had already spread quickly. Entertainment

"Oh my god, Starlight is going to open a martial arts class to train martial arts stars?"

"Starlight makes big moves every time, so this time he wants to directly start a class to train martial arts superstars?"

"My kung fu is pretty good. If I join this martial arts class, I will be able to skyrocket! My chance has finally come!"

"This is an opportunity, an opportunity to leap over the dragon's gate!"

"No matter what, you must join this martial arts class!"

"But what should I do if I don’t know Kung Fu? Waiting online, urgent!"


Not only many people at the bottom are moved, but even some celebrities are moved.

Because entering this martial arts class means entering Starlight's field of vision, there will definitely be more opportunities in the future than outside, and the probability of becoming famous is also greater than outside. This is not only a martial arts class, but also a star class, a cradle of stars.

The entertainment industry is turbulent, and everyone is openly or secretly asking for news about this martial arts class.

Bai Qingxue and Wu Qianmei were both shocked by the news.

"Husband, I heard that you are going to hold a training class?"Bai Qingxue asked

"Is it a martial arts star?"Wu Qianmei asked

"I think it is imperative to set up a martial arts training class! Lin Beifan nodded and expressed his thoughts.

The two women agreed.

"I think it's pretty good. Just like what the little man said, if you want to take the road of international film and television, you will definitely need martial arts stars and these tough guy images. Now that our films have taken a step forward, we will definitely participate in the global film and television wave competition in the future, so it is very necessary to reserve talents from now on."Wu Qianmei said

"I thought the same thing! We have never lacked talents, but we have always lacked professional training, so we have gone through many detours. Those who have a solid foundation in kung fu can’t fight well enough. The fight was beautiful, but the kung fu skills were not good and the fight was not exciting enough. If you have the foundation in kung fu, you need to be able to fight beautifully, but your acting skills and image are not good enough. Therefore, **kung fu movies have never improved. Therefore, it is really necessary to hold a training class and let us, Xingguang, take the initiative!"Bai Qingxue's clear analysis

"Little man from the Queen’s family, what are your admissions requirements? In other words, what kind of martial arts star do you want to cultivate?

Lin Beifan smiled:"Actually, Qingxue has already said it just now. We must first recruit people with a foundation in kung fu, and then train talents with good fighting skills and outstanding acting skills. It would be better if the image is good.""

So, after the enrollment conditions were announced, there were bursts of wailing in the entertainment industry.

Because just having a Kung Fu foundation eliminated 99% of the people.

The so-called Kung Fu foundation means that you must have two years of Kung Fu foundation. The above-mentioned real martial arts experience. It’s impossible to fool around, because experts will know if they have it as soon as they reach out.

Therefore, there are many people in the entertainment industry, and more people dream of entering the entertainment industry, but there are very few people who meet the conditions.

But For some, this is an opportunity to soar

"I studied in the Shaolin Temple for six years and worked as a group performer in the film and television city for three years. I finally got an opportunity!"A country-looking man who was playing the role of a corpse suddenly laughed.

"Baby Wang, you are playing the role of a corpse now, don’t talk!"

"No more acting, no more acting, I have to rush to Jiangnan Film and Television City to sign up for a training class, otherwise it will be too late!"The man named Wang Baobao jumped up and ran away as fast as lightning.

"Then take off your clothes!"


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