"Mr. Lin, Mr. Turtle Island, please change your chips!"

Mr. Hei and Mr. Gao each picked out a card.

"Give me 20 million chips in exchange!"

"Me too! Kameshima

Masao took out a gold card, handed it to the waiter, and said:"Like the two gentlemen, give me 20 million in exchange. I will fight to the fullest today!""

Then he looked at Lin Beifan with burning eyes.

"Don't look at me, I have no money. Lin Beifan said frankly.


The situation is all set, and you actually say you have no money?

Tangtang will lose money if he bets to death, are you kidding me?

Mr. Dennis smiled stiffly:"Mr. Lin, stop joking."

Lin Beifan spread his hands and said helplessly:"I'm really not joking. I'm traveling on a budget now. I don't have a penny with me. I only have the chips in my hand, which is about 100,000."

"We are playing the fairy game, and the chips must be at least 5 million."

"Then I can only do nothing to help and stop playing."

However, Old Man Hei and Old Man Gao's eyes flashed.

"If Mr. Lin needs it, I can temporarily lend you 5 million!"

"I'll lend you 10 million to let Mr. Lin have fun!"

"Then I will lend you 20 million!"

"Me, 30 million!"


This scene stunned everyone around.

Are these still the mysterious Mr. Hei and Mr. Gao? Why are they acting worse than being a loser now?

Where is your moral integrity?

What about your style?

In another hall, two old men peeked with interest.

The old gentleman scolded loudly:"It's so bad! It's too deliberate! It's so rude! If I were to take action, I'd make sure that people would feel like a spring breeze without any trace!" The fortune-teller and beggar said calmly:"It's a pity that you have already shown your face. , can't appear again."

The old gentleman said:"……" in the hall.

Dennis was surprised:"Mr. Black, Mr. Gao, what are you doing?"……"

Looking back, the two old men felt that they had gone too far and were very embarrassed.

"Ahem...it's nothing. I saw Mr. Lin hit it off just now, so I wanted to help him."

"Yes, yes, I thought so too."

The two old men were quite thick-skinned and explained with normal expressions.

Kameshima Masao was jealous. I've been here for so long and I've always been polite and know how to advance and retreat. Why didn't the two gentlemen"feel like old friends" with me at first sight?

Could it be that I didn't act too well ? not good enough?

"There is no need for these two gentlemen to spend any money. This bet was initiated by me and I should pay the bill. Kameshima Masao said to the waiter:"Give me another 20 million, give it to Mr. Lin!""

The old black head and the old tall man looked at Kameshima Masao in a bad way.

Okay, they actually interrupted our opportunity. I want you to look good in a while!

Kameshima Masao felt puzzled.

Everyone had 20 million, so the gambling kings fought It officially started.

Dennis, the veteran gambling king, dealt the cards, eliminating the chance for anyone to cheat and win.

The game was traditional stud.

Although Lin Beifan didn't know how to play, he was calm.

Because Lin Beifan had just changed chips. I searched the strategy from the Internet at that time.

The gameplay is as follows: Each family has a hole card, which cannot be revealed until the winner is decided. Starting from the second card being dealt, every time a card is dealt, the one with the bigger card comes first. Make a bet.

Someone places a bet and those who want to continue playing can choose to follow. After following the bet, they will bet the same amount of chips as the last player, or they can choose to raise the bet. If each player feels that their hand situation is not good, they do not want to If you continue, you can choose to give up and wait for the end of the game. The chips you have followed cannot be retrieved. The last round of betting is the key to the game. In this round, players can perform stud. The so-called stud means betting all The maximum chip that the player who has not given up can follow. After all the bettors have expressed their stance on the bet, the hole cards will be revealed to determine the outcome. At this time, the person with the highest card can win all the chips on the table... temporarily After cramming, he still didn't understand much.

But Lin Beifan still didn't panic.

Doesn't gambling rely on luck?

He is the master of luck and controls the luck of the world. Can he still not be able to beat ordinary people like you?

Wait, I What did his eyes see?

Someone was cheating!

Lin Beifan was shocked, and he was furious for a moment!

How dare you cheat in front of me? Do you want me to lose everything and lose my life?

But when he saw Qian Ren, he suddenly It's...

Mr. Dennis, the veteran gambling king!

He shuffled the cards so fast that he couldn't see it with the naked eye.

If it weren't for Lin Beifan's extraordinary eyes, he might not have been able to see it.

Lin Beifan felt something was going on, so he entered the network of destiny, but I discovered the relationship between Dennis, Mr. Gao, and the Venice Casino: Mr. Gao is the big boss behind the scenes of the Venice Casino, Dennis works for Mr. Gao, and Mr. Gao is part of the group of fortune tellers and beggars... Everything suddenly became clear to me.

I glanced at Old Man Gao and Old Man Hei, both of whom had kind smiles.

How is this society? There are unspoken rules everywhere!

Forget it, I don’t care, just make you happy.

Take another look at Kameshima Masao who is preparing for battle seriously, Lin Beifan's heart was full of pity. Poor baby, you are so innocent that you didn't even know you were being betrayed.

At this gambling table, everyone except you is mine, how do you want to win me?

Lin Beifan thought of himself, I suddenly felt melancholy.

I just wanted to make some pocket money with my own skills. Why can't you let me do it?

Forget it, I have to work hard to get the money with peace of mind.

So, Lin Beifan used the formation to cover up. Dennis.

In this way, Masao Kameshima will not be able to find out.

Mr. Dennis dealt two rounds of cards. Except for the first round of cards, all the cards were hidden cards. The cards in the second round were all open cards. Among them, Mr. Gao’s card was the 9 of Hearts. He had the biggest face, so he placed the bet first.

Mr. Gao laughed:"9 is my lucky number, and it is also a heart. This indicates that I will be prosperous and have good luck tonight!" So, 500,000!"

"I'll follow!"


"Me too, 500,000!"


The third round of dealing.

Masao Kameshima has the best card, so he bets first

"Since everyone is in high spirits and I don’t want to disturb your enjoyment, I’ll invest 500,000!"


"Me too!"


In the third round, everyone followed the cards.

In the fourth round of dealing, it was again Mr. Gao who had the highest card.

"I'll bet another 500,000!"



Lin Beifan is a very stubborn person, he just follows whatever others say.

After the fourth round of dealing, the board gradually became clear. Everyone has three bright cards, but everyone seems to have scattered cards so far, and they are very scattered.

Kameshima Masao thought about it and chose to give up.

Even though he knew there was no big chance of winning, he felt it was wise to avoid risks. Moreover, it has just started and is under observation, so there is no need to use one's skills.

Now only Xianyu Lin Beifan, Mr. Hei and Mr. Gao are left.

The two old gentlemen looked at each other knowingly.

After the fifth round of dealing, it was Lin Beifan's turn with the highest card.

Lin Beifan threw away 500,000 chips without thinking.

Why 500,000?

Because I just got used to it.

Mr. Gao looked at his cards and suddenly said sadly:"The lineup is really bad. I was too happy just now, so I chose to give up and stop playing!"

Mr. Hei was also very sad:"Seeing Mr. Lin He is so confident and throws out 500,000 without hesitation. I am afraid that his hidden card is at least K. I dare not follow this, and I will admit the loss!"

Mr. Dennis announced on the spot:"Mr. Turtle Island, Mr. Gao and Hei If all the gentlemen give up and admit defeat, then Mr. Lin wins this game!"

Lin Beifan was confused:"I haven't played stud yet, so I won?" He won without even revealing the cards, can you stop being such a childish person?

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