However, this matter is far from over.

Although Lin Beifan only stayed here for less than an hour and played less than two pieces of music, his heroic appearance of playing the violin had already been recorded and uploaded to the Internet and became an instant hit, becoming famous all over the United States. I arrived in Europe and became popular.**

"666! One"Canon" and one"Mysoul", really TND classics!"

"It turns out that pure music can be so beautiful, so poetic and picturesque, so beautiful and intoxicating!"

"Among the masters among the people, this is definitely a god-level figure!"

"I also use"Mysoul" to express my feelings, it's so romantic! If anyone creates such a beautiful song for me, I must marry him! The woman in the video is so happy. Do you see how happy she is smiling?"

"Moreover, the two of them look like they are Chinese?"

"Isn't it classic enough to cause tens of thousands of people to dance together?"


Good music knows no national boundaries. I can only say that the two light music pieces"Canon" and"Mysoul" are so classic.

After listening to it once, I wanted to listen to it again, and then listened to it on a loop, but found that it was still not enough. Many music companies wanted to find these two people to get the copyright, but in the end they couldn't even find them.

This incident had a greater impact in **. Because these two people looked obviously Chinese, and they talked and behaved very much like Japanese people, they had a great affinity and indescribable expectations.

After all, the current music scene in Taiwan is withering, and it is entirely supported by these two people, Lian Xue and Ai Jiu. In the past year, all they listened to were songs about falling in love with snow and wine.

Now a talented musical genius who was suspected to be a Japanese suddenly appeared, and his interest suddenly increased.

"This person's level is almost as good as Lianxue Aijiu!"

"They should be from Taiwan. Look at the sharp features of the young man playing the violin and the beautiful dancing woman. Although you can't see her face, there is no doubt that she is Chinese!"

"And their clothes and matching outfits all have a bit of Chinese style!"

"We have another musical genius!"


Suddenly someone asked:"Do you think that young man playing the violin is Lianxue?"

As soon as this suggestion came out, it immediately caused a commotion.

"I wipe it! That’s really possible!"

"Moreover, the two musical geniuses are equally mysterious and equally talented! It's impossible for someone to suddenly appear without a reputation for so long. There is an 80% probability that the two people are the same person!"

"Moreover, how can there be so many talented musical geniuses in the world? So they must be the same person!"

"The one who dances gracefully may just love wine!"

"The truth is revealed, Lian Xue Ai Jiu finally revealed!"


Although this incident was just a matter of speculation, I didn't expect it to come to light.

There are also people who specifically seek the truth @星光TV.

The impact of this incident is even greater. It involves Xingguang, Lianxue and Liquor. This is no small matter. Some familiar people got the news they wanted through this video.

**Tingfeng Pavilion in the Magic City.

Bai Qingxue's grandma is watching the computer with her reading glasses on. Although she is too old, she is old-hearted and likes young people's things, so she usually watches short videos.

"Hey, aren't these my granddaughter and grandson-in-law? Can't see clearly with a hat on……"Grandma called out:"Wanrong, come and see if these are our two little babies?"

Wanrong, Qingxue's mother, walked over quickly, took a closer look, and then said excitedly:"It's true that they two went to the United States to play quietly and made such a big fuss!"

Seeing the two young people having so much fun, grandma laughed:"Young people should have fun , business matters should be put aside for now! There were rumors in Starlight that they were at odds before, and I was worried, but it turned out that everything was a scandal! Now that I see them so happy, I am satisfied!"

So, the two elders Just watched it with relish.

Jiangnan City Shizhi Tianshan Villa.

Several old men gathered together and watched the video with relish.

The old drunkard said:"You said that this boy Lin and his wife went to the United States to play quietly! Now that he has a lovely wife, he has forgotten us old guys!" The old chef smiled:"This is normal. They are going on their honeymoon, which is what young people love to do! Are they going to stay with bad old men like us all day long?"

"This guy is so romantic and has 1/10 of the skills I had back then!"Old Qin started to brag.

"This joke is not funny at all!"

Old Qintou:"……"

**Jiangnan City Gemini Tower.

Two girls, Yang Jiuer and Lai Weiwei, gathered around the tablet and watched it with interest.

Lai Weiwei's eyes lit up and turned into two red hearts:"I played"Mysoul" for my beloved in the New York Square, and tens of thousands of people danced in the whole square. It's so romantic!"

Yang Jiuer said with disdain. Said:"Only you little girls desire these things that have no practical significance! Super geniuses like me, Yang Jiu'er, don't need it!" He calmly took a sip of wine, with envy still hidden in his eyes.

Justice Fund Office.

Han Chuchu locked herself in the office and watched the video secretly, filled with envy:"Bai Qingxue, you must be very happy now to get all his love, right?"

There is also the office of the vice president of Starlight TV.

Wu Qianmei looked at the video and said excitedly:"Great! Her Majesty the Queen smiled, they reconciled!"

Before, Bai Qingxue ran away to the United States, and she had been very worried.

Contact Lin Beifan every day to learn about Bai Qingxue's latest situation. But later I lost contact with Lin Beifan, and my worries increased day by day, and I almost couldn't sleep at night.

But now seeing the two of them staying together happily, especially seeing the smile on Bai Qingxue's face, Wu Qianmei finally felt relieved, her burden was half lighter, and then she enjoyed the dance of the two with a smile.

"My Queen, I'm waiting for you to come back!"

Lin Beifan and I spent two days in New York. When they were done playing, they flew to the next city - Las Vegas.

During these three days, Bai Qingxue's face has been smelly.

Because she has been working hard these two days. Spending money, but spending money is not that easy.

I finally paid out more than 3 million U.S. dollars before, and now I have spent another million U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to spending money in less than 5 days. 4 million US dollars, nearly 25 million yuan.

She used to only make money, and it was really difficult to spend money. Maybe Wu Yaojing wouldn't have so many worries here.

So these days, the most important thing for Bai Qingxue is to rack her brains How to spend your money.

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