But then I thought about the reason Lin Beifan thought of.

It turned out that these theaters were in the hands of Li Wushang. After they were suspended for rectification three months ago, Li Wushang must have used this time to update all the equipment, renovate, and prepare to regroup.

As a result, before Shanhai Pictures had time to reopen, it was ruined because of all the mess. The theater chain returned to the hands of the original owner, who then took advantage of Lin Beifan.

It’s really time and destiny, and no one else has this kind of luck.

After a wave of attacks, all the enemies rushed to the street, and in the end they all took advantage of themselves.

His luck was already incredible before, but now that he is protected by the national destiny, it is even more incredible!

Wu Qianmei gushed:"Originally, I thought I was going to spend a lot of money for decoration and renovation, but now I have saved all of it. I just need to replace our Starlight signboard and we can reopen. Now our"Those Years" It has only been released for less than a month. After the theater chain is expanded, I can take the opportunity to make more money."

After saying that, he ran back to arrange work.

The result was just as she expected. When"Those Years" was released in these new theaters, it really won another wave of movie viewing frenzy.

So far,"Those Years" has maintained the daily champion, weekly champion, and even monthly champion.

The total box office has reached 3.5 billion, and it is expected to exceed 4 billion!

The film's influence grew and grew, and it was introduced to Japan, Han Dynasty and Southeast Asia.

This is a theme of youthful sadness, which is very consistent with Asian emotional culture, so it resonates widely.

《In those years,"The Girl We Chased Together" was released less than three days ago, and it already won the local daily champion and weekly champion. It can be described as a complete hit.

Starlight's movies have finally gone abroad.

After more than a year of construction, the first phase of Jiangnan Film and Television City has been completed, and an opening ceremony will be held soon to welcome tourists and film crews from all walks of life.

At the same time, preparations for"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" have been completed and the opening ceremony will be held at Jiangnan Film and Television City.

Both ceremonies were held on the same day, allowing them to be tied together for publicity.

Starlight also released a promotional video to promote"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and also promoted Jiangnan Film and Television City.

This is the first work of the Starlight Special Effects Department. It is built and synthesized with the film and television city as the skeleton. It is beautifully made and bizarre, just like a fairy city.

When this promotional video was released, it received a lot of praise

"It’s really beautiful. I didn’t expect that we have the most beautiful city in Jiangnan!"

"This city only exists in the sky, so how many times can humans see it?"

"Don’t be fooled by promotional videos. These travel promotional videos are all very good-looking, but if you find nothing when you get there, I don’t know how many times I’ve been fooled!"

"What's the point? It doesn't cost any money anyway, and it's close to Jiangnan. Let's go take a look!"

"Yes, not only can you watch Jiangnan Film and Television City, but you can also watch the stars of"The Legend of the Condor Heroes"!"

"It’s decided that the weekend trip will be to Jiangnan Film and Television City!"


Everyone is paying close attention to Jiangnan Film and Television City, a newly built film and television city, especially the people in Jiangnan City are the most curious.

Thinking that this is a city built by Starlight after all, the quality shouldn't be too bad, right?

Everyone wanted to take advantage of the weekend to go shopping, since it didn't take any time or money anyway. Just to see the stars of Starlight and see how the TV series is filmed is worth the price of admission.

Since Jiangnan Film and Television City is a key project in the city and the province, it has received strong support from the municipal government. A direct train to Jiangnan Film and Television City has been opened at the four major transportation hubs in Jiangnan. The train departs every half hour, which is very convenient..

So on the opening day, Jiangnan Film and Television City gathered guests from all walks of life.

Almost all the stars of Starlight are here to stand on the platform and get a wave of traffic.

Important officials from the city and province were sent to attend the ribbon-cutting.

First there was the opening ceremony of"The Legend of the Condor Heroes", where everyone killed pigs, burned incense and paid homage to the gods.

Then came the opening ceremony of Jiangnan Film and Television City. Bai Qingxue, important guests, and several important leaders from the province and city participated in the ribbon-cutting ceremony, beaming with joy.

"Let me announce below: Jiangnan Film and Television City officially opens today!"Bai Qingxue said in an emotional voice.

The door opened, Jiangnan Film and Television City opened, and tourists filed in curiously. As a result, what came into view was a beautiful building with intrigues and carved columns.

Although it was imitated from the Song Dynasty. The architecture is not rigid, but it maintains the ancient charm while innovating just right, achieving the perfect integration of ancient culture and new scenery.

The most important thing is that the environment here is so comfortable.

The air here is so fresh and natural, it is very refreshing. Taking a deep breath makes you feel happy.

The temperature here is as cool as spring, and the breeze is gentle, with some warm breath, as if you are in the mist and rain of spring, which is completely different from the Jiangnan-style summer heat.

And the scenery here , there are flower beds everywhere, dazzlingly colorful and beautiful.

There are also light green grass, accompanied by a light grass fragrance.

There is an ancient poem"The flowers are gradually enchanting the eyes, and Asakusa can have no horses walking" just describes this place

"Oh my god, I felt like I fell in love with this place the moment I stepped through the door!"

"It’s so comfortable, a summer resort!"

"Next time I will come, I will bring my mother with me!"

"There are also those flowers and plants, it is obviously summer, but they are blooming more beautifully than in spring!"

"I have entered another world!"


Everything here makes people feel a new experience, and I feel that my mood is inexplicably better here, it is so magical.

This is because Lin Beifan has arranged various formations here to create a paradise that is warm in winter and cool in summer, with green grass and blooming flowers, and removes all negative influences.

This is also the most powerful competitiveness of Jiangnan Film and Television City that cannot be copied by others.

On that day, with the opening of Jiangnan Film and Television City and the word-of-mouth spread among tourists, Jiangnan Film and Television City became popular, attracting more and more tourists to stop and play in the film and television city.

At the same time, the beautiful scenery of the film and television city attracted many crews to shoot here.

There are many extras, slowly gathering here.

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