On the second day, people from all major TV stations gathered together again.

Many are old faces, but the number is much larger than last time. Because the last time it was just a tentative collaboration, I didn’t expect it to become an instant hit."MasterChef" achieved amazing results.

So this time, everyone comes with an attitude of deepening cooperation and is more solemn.

Because there were so many people, and many of them were heavyweights who came with a cooperative attitude, Xingguang also attached great importance to this, and the whole Xingguang became busy.

Old enemies from major TV stations collided together again, creating fierce sparks.

President Aaron of ABC TV station put his hands on his hips and looked at Soros of CBS TV station with a slanted eyebrow:"You are so fast, you ran to the police station without making a sound. Do you want to get there first and monopolize the program?"

"each other! Soros smiled, but there was a hint of sting in his words:"Didn't you, old man, come here too?" Aaron Vice President!"

In this article, the three words"Vice President" are emphasized.

"The role of vice president is in the past. Now that I have become a full-time employee, you can call me President Aaron, which is just one level higher than you!"President Aaron raised his head proudly.

The smile on Soros's face froze, and he was actually ridden on his head by this smelly old man?

"Let’s first say that the show"King of Chefs" belongs to me. I have contacted Starlight in advance and they have basically agreed!"President Aaron looked down at Vice President Soros and said, relying on his old age.

"Why? I'm also interested in"Kitchen King", whoever pays the highest price will get it!"Vice President Soros expressed dissatisfaction.

"It seems that you are not going to give this old man some face?"President Aaron raised his eyebrows

"How much is your face worth? Vice President Soros sneered.


On the other side, Japan’s TBS TV station and Fuji TV station are also at odds.

"《**"Talent Show" is a program that our TBS TV station has decided to order. Don't compete with me, otherwise you will be the one to watch it! President Momotaro of TBS TV station said in a deep tone.

"What a coincidence, I also fell in love with this show! President Xiangshan of Fuji TV said sourly:"I think your TV station should be the same. You have made enough money from"MasterChef", but your TV station can't enjoy the benefits, right?""

"That was what you gave up voluntarily. Who is to blame? President Momotaro said proudly:"**There is a saying that the old ginger is spicy. Compared with me, your heat is still a bit inferior!"

"snort! Then let's do it according to our abilities!"President Xiangshan looked unhappy.


This kind of love-and-kill thing happened in other places too.

Because there were too many such things, Bai Qingxue and Wu Qianmei had no time to mediate, leaving them to fend for themselves.

Fortunately, everyone is a qualified person, and they use words but not hands, otherwise it will be more troublesome.

When everyone finally arrived, Bai Qingxue stood on the stage and said in a clear voice:"Welcome to Starlight TV again! The last time we got together was two weeks ago, and everyone came here for the TV series"MasterChef". Now The TV series"MasterChef" has lived up to expectations and has become popular all over the world! This is inseparable from the efforts of everyone here. Once again, on behalf of Starlight TV, I would like to express my gratitude to all our friends who came from afar!"

"bang bang bang bang bang……"

"The previous"MasterChef" was just our first collaboration and it was very successful, which also pointed the way for us! Although we come from different countries and nationalities, some cultures are common and transcend national boundaries and nationalities! This time we gather together again with the attitude of deepening cooperation. Only cooperation can achieve a win-win situation, and only mutual cooperation can win the future!"Bai Qingxue said sonorously and forcefully.

"bang bang bang bang bang……"

Applause rang out, and everyone couldn't help but nod their heads to express their approval.

"Everyone here wants to introduce our TV station’s programs abroad, and we also want to introduce your TV station’s excellent programs into China. After preliminary negotiations and negotiations just now, everyone is satisfied with my TV station’s proposal.《**Talent Show","King of Chefs" and other programs are all very interesting, some want to introduce them, some want to buy the copyright, etc. I am very happy that our TV station's programs can be recognized by industry professionals! The first cooperation was very pleasant, so the cooperation method introduced will be based on"MasterChef"……"

At this time, someone raised his hand high

"President Adams, do you have any questions?"Bai Qingxue made a gesture of invitation.

"Mr. Bai, don’t act like before, we don’t dare sign a gambling agreement now!"President Adams smiled bitterly:"When we first cooperated, we really didn't expect that"MasterChef" would be so popular and continuously break ratings records. We earned a lot of money, and then spent half of the money. My heart bleeds when I come out to you... Now we really don’t dare to sign!"

Everyone laughed, and Adams spoke their minds.

"Mr. Bai, you really shouldn’t make any more gambling agreements. Our TV station really can’t bear it!"

"Either pay the bill in one lump sum or divide the bill according to a fixed ratio, otherwise if your show becomes popular, we won’t make any money!"

"We don’t want to suffer the same loss a second time!"


Bai Qingxue said half-jokingly:"Maybe our program won't adapt to the local environment this time?"

"Mr. Bai, do you not believe in your own program or do you not believe in our vision?"

"If your show doesn’t take off, we won’t be back!"

"We have already fallen into a pit, but we cannot fall into the same pit twice!"


Everyone rolled their eyes.

We are all professionals and have been immersed in the TV industry for 10 years. How can we not see that these TV shows have the potential to become popular?

Otherwise, they would not have come all the way here, fearing that others would get there first.

"Okay, okay, since everyone is not willing, then we will not enter into a betting agreement, and we will cooperate on a fixed proportion of account sharing!"Bai Qingxue said very helplessly.

"This time, everyone is focusing on"Chef King" and《**Talent Show" these two variety shows. So now, let’s first discuss the cooperation between these two programs……"

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