A layman looks at the excitement, an expert looks at the door.

For those in the industry, the Lee Group is actually headed straight for the stars.

At the beginning, Haishan International Entertainment, which they formed, was preparing to make great achievements. However, due to the"Yin Yang Contract" incident of Starlight's"Voice of Justice", it went bankrupt and bankrupted, and billions were wasted.

Now it is making a comeback, and it is also entering the movie theater segment where the starlight is weakest. The purpose is very obvious.

Starlight Pictures, Dada Pictures and Shanhai Pictures are three major theater chains. Among them, Starlight Pictures has problems with the other two film companies, and the future of Starlight Pictures is worrying.

And Starlight is the uncrowned king of the entertainment industry, and the entertainment industry is about to be in turmoil again

"Starlight Pictures, Dada Pictures, and Shanhai Pictures, the three major theater chains are divided, and the entertainment industry is about to change again!"

"Starlight's status has been challenged, and it's been a really eventful time recently!"

"If Da Pictures and Shanhai Pictures join forces, Starlight Pictures will be in danger!"

"But I don’t think so. Since Starlight’s rise, I don’t know how many powerful enemies they have faced, but they are getting better and better. Moreover, Starlight Pictures relies on so many resources, and two of them may not be able to compete if they join forces!"

"It seems that since the rise of stardom, the entertainment industry has never been quiet!"


The young fresh meat and traffic stars who have been silent for a long time are also uneasy.

Previously, because of the Yin Yang contract incident, these young talents were dealt with by the National Taxation Bureau, which highlighted huge profits and caused a sharp drop in income. They were silent for a long time.

It's impossible to say in my heart that I don't hold grudge against Xingguang.

It's just that the Xingguang family is the dominant one, and they, the little stars, have no way to resist and can only be honest and contented. Now that there is another giant, Starlight's film and television status has been challenged, and they finally see a glimmer of hope for revenge.

"Finally someone challenged Starlight, it’s really great!"

"I don’t know how long I have been holding this breath, but now I finally see the hope of revenge!"

"Starlight is a cancer in the entertainment industry, it’s best to get rid of it!"

"It's better to squeeze out the starlight and let them never turn over!"


They cursed fiercely, and some even took the initiative to contact Shanhai Pictures.

This incident naturally reached Lin Beifan's ears.

At this time, he was out on an outing with a few old people and fishing beside a reservoir, full of leisurely elegance.

Suddenly I received a call from Xingguang, and I found out that Li Wushang, who had not been seen for a long time, had come out to act like a monster again.

"Life has been so wonderful lately that I almost forgot to take care of this grandson.……"Lin Beifan whispered.

But if you want to kill this grandson, you must make his death worthwhile!

"Boy Lin, what are you looking at? There's a fish caught on your fishing rod, why don't you catch it quickly? Boy, this fish weighs at least 6 pounds!"Old man Qin sitting aside was excited and urged loudly

"Hold on!"Lin Beifan grabbed the fishing rod and pulled it skillfully, and a big fish jumped out of the water quickly.

Old men Qin and Han immediately handed over the bucket.

As a result, the fish fell into the bucket and was still very restless. The water splashed.

The old drunkard was overjoyed:"It's so lively and energetic. Let's take this fish to drink today!""

"You can make two dishes, one steamed and one braised."The old chef nodded.

Lin Beifan coughed and said,"Brothers, are you short of money recently? I have another money-making project. I am going to take you to the US stock market and make a fortune."

"Did someone offend you?"Old Hantou asked

"Yes, someone has been restless recently, so I think it’s better to beat him to death!"Lin Beifan said calmly, as if he killed just a few ants in his mouth and they were not worth mentioning.

Several old men felt the same way.

"Since he is an enemy, he should be beaten to death with a stick!"

"Is it troublesome to keep it, or is it best to eradicate it? How much does it cost?"

"Needless to say, I will stick with you until the end!"


These old men are usually harmless to humans and animals, but at critical moments they are ruthless characters, otherwise they would not have succeeded in their current business.

Lin Beifan said:"This time our opponent is the overseas Li Group, which is relatively strong, so we need to prepare more funds. I plan to invest 40 billion." 40 billion, of which 10 billion is for the high-end food base in Jiangnan Of the monthly earnings, 20 billion comes from Starlight TV, and the last 10 billion comes from rewards from Starlight Pictures and the"God of Cooking" novel.

This is the largest amount of money he currently has access to.

However, 40 billion funds seem to be sufficient, but they are only a drop in the bucket for the Li Group.

Overseas Lee Group is an old 100 billion group that has been developed for decades. Its total assets exceed 300 billion. It owns several listed companies. It is rooted in the Philippines and has an official background from the Philippine government. It is difficult to shake without 200 billion.

Therefore, Lin Beifan needs to raise more funds

"I absolutely support your matter. This time I will provide 10 billion. Except for keeping a few hundred million for daily expenses, the rest will be given to you."Old Qintou was full of a faint air of pretentiousness, as if he was not talking about 10 billion, but 100 yuan.

Someone is actually pretending to be pretentious in front of me?

I can't bear it anymore!

Old Hantou said lightly:"I am also talking about the Li Group. I don't like it, I've wanted to fight them for a long time! I don’t have much money, about 12 billion, and I’ll give it all to you."

Old Qintou glared at him angrily.

The old drunkard took a sip of wine and said melancholy:"All of you are rich people. I'm probably the poorest here. I don't have so much money, so I'll make up for it. All in all, give me 10 billion!"

The old chef god didn't say anything more. He took out a few cards from his pocket and gave them to Lin Beifan, saying:"These old men are too rich, I can't compare them. This is my coffin book. Take it.

Lin Beifan took the card and asked curiously:"How much is there?" The old chef shook his head and said:" I haven't counted it. The money in it was all earned by you last time. It has not been touched now. It should be about 16 billion, right?""


Everyone glared at him angrily,"You're pretending too much."

16 billion coffins, your coffins are so rich, are they used to build the imperial tomb?

Lin Beifan didn't want to talk because he felt inferior.

Each of these old men was better at showing off than the last. Lin Beifan felt that his skills were still too shallow and could not compare with these old fairies, and he did not want to be embarrassed.

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