Thanks to the success of the adaptation of the"MasterChef" novel, it has caused a viewing frenzy at home and abroad. Therefore, the popular novels on Hongdou Chinese website have become popular in the eyes of major entertainment companies.

They believe that if"MasterChef" can do it, then other novels must also do it!

They don't need to be as popular as"MasterChef". As long as the ratings can reach 1/2 or even 1/3, they don't need to become famous overseas. As long as it is popular in China, they will be satisfied!

After all,"MasterChef" is a rare miracle in the past 10 years, and miracles are difficult to copy!

But if they can seize a TV series with the potential to become a hit, the revenue will be enough for them to eat as much as they want.

Moreover, this can be regarded as an indirect cooperation with Star TV.

Now, Starlight TV is the uncrowned king of the entertainment industry, with numerous resources and channels. Actors have become famous one after another. All entertainment companies and celebrities want to cooperate with them.

But there are many monks and few people, and not many people have the opportunity.

However, through the novels owned by Hongdou Chinese website, through copyright operation and development, we can establish a relationship with Xingguang and share some of their resources and channels.

"Boss, now 8 more entertainment companies have contacted us and want to develop the copyright of our novels. The lowest quotation is 20 million, and the highest one is more than 50 million.……"He Shen reports to Lin Beifan

"It's still a bit low. Give me a tough quote and raise the price! We don’t do one-time deals, we want to participate in the development of works with copyright and share the benefits it brings."

"Boss, I think so too. So far, several core works have been released. Our Hongdou Chinese website has sold 25 works. The copyrights involved include TV copyrights, movie copyrights, game copyrights, animation copyrights, etc. The copyright interests involved have been More than 8 billion. Starting from the beginning of next year, these works will be unveiled one after another"

"In addition, our overseas Hongdou Chinese website has basically been set up. Thanks to the popularity of"God of Cooking", the three major overseas websites are currently developing rapidly, and the traffic has nearly doubled compared with two months ago. This traffic is the highest among overseas countries. It is also ranked as a second-rate website. When"God of Cooking" actually lands on Hongdou Chinese website, the traffic will usher in the biggest blowout. By then, the basic layout of our Hongdou Chinese website will be successful!"

Lin Beifan nodded to express satisfaction.

Although 20 billion was invested regardless of the cost to build the overseas Hongdou Chinese website, the effect is still obvious, and it has gradually become a content provision and transmission platform connecting China and foreign countries.

Just relying on this traffic to earn money A lot of advertising costs.

Moreover, he can export online novels and peripheral works developed by novels to the world through this channel. Or import excellent works into the country through this channel...

With this two-way operation, he will definitely make money without losing money!

If this Once the platform is built, its value is no less than that of Taobao Mall! However, Taobao Mall sells goods, while his Hongdou Chinese website sells content.

In addition, through this channel, Starlight Video can also be built overseas. Network Channels go first, and then content is used to conquer cities and territories. Capital follows suit, gradually encroaching on overseas markets, and finally feeding back the**……

This cycle repeats itself, forming a perfect chain of interests.

Next year will be the year when Hongdou Chinese website explodes!

It is also the year for Starlight to integrate its resources and fully move overseas!

"By the way, boss, seven or eight TV stations including Mango TV, Lychee TV, and Blueberry TV will contact me tomorrow. They want to purchase the copyrights of several novels on our website for development. I have not replied to them yet. Look at this……"

Lin Beifan was stunned for a moment, then understood.

These TV stations must have been influenced by him and are preparing to invest heavily in large-scale productions.

However, large investment in large-scale production also requires risk consideration. Of course, they are more willing to choose novels that already have the potential to be popular for adaptation, so that at least there is a basis for ratings and the risk can be reduced.

After all, this is how"MasterChef" came about, and they want to replicate this success.

However, this involves a problem, that is, the most popular novels on the Internet are currently concentrated on Hongdou Chinese website, and Hongdou Chinese website is owned by Lin Beifan...

This is more annoying.

But because he was unwilling to give up the huge benefits, he wanted to explore the situation through He Shen.

"Yes, as long as they give you enough money, then everything will be no problem! After all, there are so many novels on our website that we cannot develop them ourselves. These TV stations have better resources and channels than other entertainment companies. If we develop them better, we will reap the benefits. However, He Shen, you must kill them hard and don't be polite to them! Lin Beifan said with a smile.

Nowadays, due to the formation, all the major TV stations are basically in his hands. They want him to live or die. In this case, why not make more money?

After all, the more money he makes, the stronger he is.

If the work is well developed, I will let you go temporarily, and when you make money, we will make money too.

If the work is not well developed, and you develop it haphazardly, see if I can kill you.

Of course, if there is no TV station cooperating with Hongdou Chinese Network, you should continue to be unlucky. If it is not a work of Hongdou Chinese Network, let it continue to be unlucky. Only in this way can you realize the charm of Hongdou Chinese Network's novels, and in this way will you be more enthusiastic about development.

He likes to do things that benefit himself at the expense of others the most.

"OK, boss!"He Shen breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that his boss would be motivated, but he didn't expect him to be so open-minded.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Beifan was in a happy mood.

Just when Lin Beifan was in a happy mood, Li Wushang from the overseas Li Group came by plane** Jiangnan, and then went straight to the Ziyuan Building, the Li Group's office in **.

At this time, the leaders and staff of the office were already waiting at the door. They were originally preparing to celebrate the arrival of the chairman of the group headquarters, but they saw A gloomy face.

He passed through the crowd without saying a word, led everyone straight to the conference hall, and sat on the main seat.

The other people sat down according to their status.

The atmosphere in the conference hall was terrifyingly solemn, no one dared to speak, the air was Anxious.

Especially the staff in the office, lowered their heads and trembling with fear. Because they knew that the chairman of the board came to China this time not to commend, but to call for punishment.

After a long time, Li Wushang said expressionlessly:"I'm sorry to you Very disappointed!"

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