Seeing that it was too soft, she became hard.

He Shen's expression suddenly changed.

Penguin Group is a giant group. Because they have a huge user base, their status on the Internet is unquestionable. They have always been unparalleled and domineering. Other Internet companies basically look up to them.

Moreover, they are particularly good at copying. As long as it is an Internet platform, as long as it is profitable, they can quickly copy it, and support one company to squeeze out another, or many companies are swallowed up by them, and finally they expand to this extent..

His achievements are paved with the bones of thousands of fallen companies.

Now, she has finally set her sights on the Internet literature industry and Hongdou Chinese website. Hongdou Chinese website may be in danger.

The consequence of non-cooperation is that it will either be defeated or annexed. There is never a third way.

He Shen was filled with worry.

The atmosphere at the scene was terrifyingly solemn!

Shao Qingli said with a sense of superiority:"I think it is better for Mr. Lin to be aware of current affairs. In this way, you will make money, and our group will also have an additional business segment, and everyone will make money. How great? If you continue to persist, you may lose money." You can't even get a penny!"

This is Shao Qingli's tried and tested trick.

The first is a money offensive. If money doesn't work, then use threats and intimidation. The combination of the two has an excellent effect.

It turns out that several tens of billions of companies were stubborn and stubborn, but in the end they just surrendered?

Lin Beifan snorted coldly:"Then don't worry about it, Manager Shao, wait until you get the website out first. Although Penguin Group is powerful, it cannot be successful in every industry. If you are not in a good mood now, go slowly and don't give it away!"

Lin Beifan issued an order to expel guests.

"Mr. Lin, I look forward to the next time we meet, you can still be so tough!"Shao Qingli packed up and left.

At this time, Bai Qingxue came down from upstairs and met Shao Qingli head-on.

Shao Qingli immediately spread a friendly smile, walked up to her quickly, and said:"Hello, Mr. Bai, I have long admired your name. I am so happy to see you. I am so happy that you are the famous White Goddess. I admire you very much! I am Shao Qingli, the manager of the Investment Department of Penguin Group. You can just call me Xiao Zhao."

His treatment of Lin Beifan is almost a 10-point dog-leg.

Because Bai Qingxue can be said to be a big shot on the same level as the boss of his group.

The Bai Group, which previously managed assets worth hundreds of billions, has doubled its assets. Now we have set up a TV station again, and it is even more powerful. It has expanded ten times in just one year.

Last year's revenue reached a terrifying tens of billions, and the foreseeable revenue at the beginning of this year is already close to 60 billion. It's fierce. A batch!

Now Starlight TV has been valued by the outside world at more than 100 billion. In other words, Bai Qingxue's worth has exceeded 100 billion.

How could she not fawn over such an awesome person?

Bai Qingxue did not stretch out her hand and looked down at her stand. :"I’m not in the habit of shaking hands with strangers."

Shao Qingli retracted her right hand in embarrassment, then took out an exquisite business card from her bag, then handed it to Bai Qingxue respectfully, and said,"I'm sorry, Mr. Bai, I don't know about this situation. This is my business card. I am the manager of the investment department of Penguin Group. I am mainly responsible for investment business. If you need anything, you can call me!"

She emphasized the four words"Penguin Group" again, as if only in this way could she have the confidence to stand in front of Bai Qingxue, the proud woman of heaven.

Bai Qingxue continued to be cold, looking arrogant and taking it for granted:"Don't give me this thing, if If necessary, I will contact Mr. Ma directly from your group."

The subtext is that you are not qualified to talk to me.

"Now I want to catch up with my husband, please leave!"Bai Qingxue turned away from Shao Qingli and didn't even want to say a word.

Shao Qingli was embarrassed again. She felt that she had lost all face. No one had ever dared to look at her face to face.

Especially when her colleagues saw this scene, she was ashamed.

"let's go!"Shao Qingli ran away in embarrassment.

"Boss, I have something else to do, so I’ll leave first!"He Shen ran away very wisely.

Seeing no one around, Bai Qingxue trotted over on high heels and said somewhat flatteringly:"Husband, how was my performance just now? Did you express your anger?"

"You are the most naughty!"Lin Beifan held his lover in his arms.

Knowing that he had been wronged, he immediately came down to avenge his husband. With a wife like this, what more could a husband ask for?

Lin Beifan is so in love with his beautiful wife who is a little overbearing and a little cute.

"Do you want me to tell Lao Ma about the manager Shao who asked him to drive?"Bai Qingxue suggested.

Lin Beifan shook his head:"She is just a little minion. She just follows orders, so don't pay too much attention. The real enemy is actually Lao Ma, Ma Datang, or the Penguin Group. They have set their sights on the online literature industry and our Hongdou Chinese website. This matter will definitely not end here."

"Yes, according to their usual behavior, if the acquisition fails, they will directly copy or acquire similar companies, and then use their huge user base to squeeze out the other party. Hongdou Chinese website is in danger."Bai Qingxue said worriedly.

Bai Qingxue frowned and thought hard, trying to find a way to help her husband out of the predicament.

Lin Beifan smiled and said very confidently:"My dear wife, don't worry about this matter. Internet literature is not that easy to do. Although Penguin Group There is a massive user base and a powerful content output platform, but it is still nothing to be afraid of. Because the real competition of online literature is content, not channels!"

Yes, in Lin Beifan's view, the magic weapon for online literature is content, not platform channels.

Powerful platform channels do provide great convenience, but they only allow more people to access this online work. If this online work cannot move people's hearts, then it is nothing more than a piece of literary garbage.

Literary garbage has no value.

Because as long as this literary work must be classic enough and influential enough, IP pan-entertainment development can be carried out. Converted into real money.

Maybe in terms of platform channels, Hongdou Chinese website is not as good as Penguin Group, but in terms of literary content, Lin Beifan can beat them by 8 blocks, which makes him invincible.

And, who says Are their platform channels weak?

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