After three consecutive days of auditions, we finally entered the final stage.

The 300 people selected were very excited, which means they are one step closer to success. As long as you pass the final selection, you will stand out and become a member of the cast of"MasterChef", then spread your wings and take off, quickly becoming famous.

They are ready to conquer all the judges present with their stunning performance, and the most important thing is to conquer the God of Wealth of Star TV.

However, the final interview place was a bit strange, it was actually in the cafeteria of the Twin Stars Towers.

Moreover, the judges are not the original ones, but 25 people selected from Starlight TV. They have various identities, including directors, art editors, program planners, cleaning staff... just Even Hongdou Chinese website and Jiangnan Food Company were roped in to make up the numbers. There were also three chefs mixed in. Suddenly, there was a sense of"King of Kitchen" coming soon.

Looking at the crowd gathered together, Lin Beifan smiled and said:"Everyone has seen that this is the final stage for our"MasterChef" crew to select actors. That is the cooking competition. The 25 people present will be your judges. Who can do it within the stipulated time? Within, make a dish that conquers all the judges present, who will stand out and win the role you are auditioning for!"


The scene was immediately in an uproar.

Everyone present had made a lot of preparations to show their most perfect and exciting side and conquer the judges present with their superb acting skills. However, they did not expect that the last stage would be a competition of cooking skills.

The people in Xingguang who had already received Lin Beifan's reminder were very happy because they had been preparing for this for more than half a year. Even yesterday they cooked vegetables to hone their skills.

Although they are not as good as professional chefs, they still It can still crush Xinshoucun.

It is better than the first, and this role is a sure shot.

However, many people are panicking.

Especially celebrities with a certain degree of popularity, they have been busy acting and doing variety shows, and they have no time to go. Cooking?

"Mr. Lin, I think this is not good. We are all a group of actors. We are usually busy filming. How can we have time to cook in person? Even if your cooking skills are not very good, is it inappropriate for you to ask us to compete in cooking?"

"That is, we are actors, not chefs!"

"I estimate that there are probably less than 20 people present who can cook, but do you believe their acting skills?"

"If you ask us to play like this, there is no way we can continue to act!"

"We are only responsible for acting, and we can also find substitutes when chopping vegetables!"


Faced with the resistance of the vast majority of people, Lin Beifan remained calm:"Objection is invalid! This drama is about chefs. More than half of the roles you applied for are chefs. If I can't even cook, how can I?" I believe you can play the role of a good chef?"

"Moreover, especially the actor competing for the role of the protagonist Liu Angxing, there will definitely be a lot of scenes showing his cooking side in the TV series. Do you hope that your face will not be shown throughout the whole process? Or do you want to cut out pictures and replace them with your own face? Our TV series are worth more than 20 billion, and the quality must be worthy of the price. Otherwise, what's the point of asking you to act?"

Everyone at the scene was immediately speechless.

Lin Beifan smiled coldly:"If anyone continues to object, then please go out and turn left, and you won't be sent away!"

When Lin Beifan burst out with his own aura, everyone at the scene was chilled.

No one objected. Lin Beifan continued:"Due to the large number of people, we adopt a quick battle mode. We have a total of 30 stoves and 30 chopping boards here. Each person has a stove and a chopping board, and it takes 15 minutes. You can choose any of the ingredients here. Please show off your cooking skills within 15 minutes and make at least one dish for the 25 judges on site to taste and score. Whoever has the highest score will win the final role."

It takes 15 minutes to make at least one dish, and there is no helper. Everyone feels huge pressure.

This means that if you make one wrong dish, you may lose everything. This kind of rule may not matter to those who cook often. But those who rarely cook or even those who have never cooked will find it very harsh and have no idea where to start.

Seeing so many people at a loss what to do, Lin Beifan was very happy.

Because this method was the one he came up with. Isn’t it very interesting? Head?

To this end, Longmen Group has generously sponsored 200 million yuan, and will eventually be put into"King of Chefs" so that a wider public can see it.

Qian Duoduo stepped forward and said:"Anyone whose name comes up, please follow me. Zhang Zidong, Xu Huazhen, Dong Ran……"

One by one, the actors followed Qian Duoduo into the kitchen, and number plates were put on their backs. The plates in front of them were also put on number plates, and then assigned to various chopping boards for placement.

With the referee's order, the cooking competition begins.

30 people immediately rushed to the food area to choose the ingredients they needed. After choosing the ingredients, I hurried back immediately, really not wanting to waste a second.

The place was a bit messy, everyone was eager to cook, and it looked like a starving ghost had been reincarnated.

Several chefs quickly caught up, and then scored the cooking skills of 30 people on the spot, and then combined them with the scores from outside judges to form the final score.

Lin Beifan also started to patrol. He first took a look at the food area and found that a lot of eggs had been taken away. There were also some easy-to-handle tomatoes, leeks, green onions, etc., and a lot of them were also taken away.

Among the kitchen novices here, the most they can do is scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and the more awesome ones are scrambled eggs with leeks.

Regardless of whether it tastes good or not, so many eggs will definitely make you vomit.

Thinking that the judges outside were about to suffer, Lin Beifan felt very happy.

At this time, Lin Beifan saw Zhao Xiaodao, a girl from the countryside who had always caught his attention.

Although he is small, his hands and feet are very nimble. Whether he is washing vegetables, chopping vegetables, or cooking, he does it all at once, and he does it very seriously.

Unlike others, in order to save time, he even skipped the dish washing process. Lin Beifan couldn't do it, so he deducted 10 points first.

Zhao Xiaodao is also making a home-cooked dish, but the technical content has finally been upgraded, because there is meat in the dish, and the processing is pretty good, which makes it very different.

Looking at the other people, I decided not to watch anymore. They were all dark dishes. One look at them would make you poisoned. If you continue to look at them, you might be poisoned to death and affect your appetite for the day.

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