"Zhang Guolun actually came out? Why is it so fast?"

"It looked like he was eliminated... The whole process took less than two minutes, which was faster than many grassroots contestants!"

"Who was bragging about the difference between cloud and mud just now? I think he himself is the mud!"

"Do you still have any doubts about Leslie Cheung’s acting skills? Everyone knows except him!"

"It seems that traffic stars don’t work in front of Star TV’s judges!"

"This is big news, be sure to take note of it!"


Zhang Guolun was looked at with astonishment by everyone and felt ashamed and angry to death.

Has he never been so embarrassed in his life?

Today, for the first time in the world, he felt the urge to die!

So, he said angrily:"What kind of crappy TV series? What kind of crappy director? I won't be here anymore! Without me, your TV series will be on the street! I'll go back and gather fans to block you!"

Then he pushed through the thick crowd and rushed out. , with his head lowered and ashamed to see others.

Lin Beifan, who was sitting in the audition hall, smiled disdainfully.

I'm not a celebrity, so what's the use of blocking me?

What a retard!

Wang Chunsheng, who was watching all this silently, had a smile on his face, as if he had expected all this. If someone else meets a traffic star, they will give him some face, but if he meets Mr. Lin, he is destined to become cannon fodder.

Who is Mr. Lin?

He was a bold man who dared to fight no matter who he met, and he had never suffered a loss. With the arrogant look of a traffic star, how can he please Mr. Lin?

"Brother Wang, you seem to have expected all this?"The girl asked in a low voice with delicate thoughts.

"It's nothing, you are overthinking. Wang Chunsheng coughed and changed the subject:"Wait for the audition. You just need to be yourself. Don't have too much psychological burden.""

"oh."The girl nodded in understanding.

It turned out that the distracted traffic stars became insecure. On the contrary, the actors with more acting skills were overjoyed and secretly thought that their opportunity had come.

As a result, the 13th contestant had just Upon entering the venue, Lin Beifan immediately raised the"elimination" sign.

The man was very shocked:"Mr. Lin, why? I haven’t even started auditioning yet! Lin

Beifan said without changing his expression:"If I remember correctly, you should be from Hanting Entertainment Company, right?" I remember seeing you at Hanting Entertainment.

The man nodded and said,"I am indeed an artist from Hanting Entertainment Company." Lin

Beifan said:"That's right. You are the one we want to eliminate because you are from Hanting Entertainment." Because Hanting Entertainment dared to block our Starlight TV without shame, do you think I will still hire their artists?"

"Won't."The man shook his head and smiled bitterly.

He didn't expect that he would be the one to eat the bitter fruit that the company sown back then.

But he really wanted to participate in the drama"MasterChef", and he made a lot of preparations for this:"Mr. Lin ,I……"

Lin Beifan waved his hand and said firmly:"Go out, and when I get out, I will tell you the people from Hanting Entertainment and those close to Hanting Entertainment, and tell them not to come to the audition. Our Starlight TV does not welcome people from Hanting Entertainment.". He banned us at first, and now we want to ban him!"

In this way, more than 100 people were eliminated directly before auditioning.

Such a missed opportunity to become famous made many artists very sad and angry. They not only resented Starlight TV, but also became dissatisfied with their old employer Hanting Entertainment.

After this incident spread, it caused an uproar, and many actors waiting outside rushed in

"Why can't I participate? Just because I am from Hanting Entertainment?"

"I’m not Hanting Entertainment, so why can’t I?"

"Why? Why do you deny us?"


Facing the accusations from everyone, Lin Beifan's expression remained unchanged.

"Why? Just because I am the general person in charge of"God of Cooking"! It's all up to me! Lin Beifan said domineeringly

"It's obviously an audition... It's not fair for you to do this!"Some people are sad and angry

"Is there anything fair in this world? The copyright of this TV series is ours, the investment is ours, the crew is also ours, and it is still broadcast on our Star TV. It is all ours, and we have the final say. We can choose whatever we want, no matter what. If I choose you but not you, what can you do to me?"

Everyone was speechless.

At this time, several bodyguards rushed in and blocked Lin Beifan's side.

"Kick them all out! Anyone who dares to cause trouble is free to attack. As long as you can't kill anyone, it's all mine!"

"Yes, Mr. Lin!"

As a result, this group of troublemakers were kicked out of the TV station by tough bodyguards and lost all face.

Many people secretly laughed at Hanting Entertainment. They clamored to block Starlight TV at first, but now they have been counter-blocked.

Missed"Chef""God", this big drama, Hanting Entertainment has no idea how many opportunities it has missed?

Other companies and other artists can rely on this TV series to become famous and develop rapidly, but Hanting Entertainment has missed the opportunity. What future does Hanting Entertainment have?

Some people are considering leaving Hanting Entertainment.

After all, Starlight TV is getting stronger and stronger like the rising sun. Both its programs and TV series are excellent, and Hanting Entertainment has never been I don’t know if it’s bad luck that has been stagnant since last year. Every time a TV series was launched, it was just another TV series. The profit actually increased negatively. It seems that there is no benefit in staying any longer. Maybe...

I heard that on the same day, Hanting Entertainment Shaotong’s Everything in the office was smashed. Wu Feifan even accidentally injured himself on the broken glass and was rushed to the hospital.

This unlucky kid... auditioned several times in a row, and basically few people passed. A lot of people were eliminated.

Finally, it was Wang Chunsheng’s turn.

When Wang Chunsheng walked in in a straight suit, Lin Beifan, who was playing with his cat, was stunned.

Like, he really looked like Liu Angxing.

Every move was very similar, even the clothes he wore They are all similar. The most important thing is the pair of eyes, full of longing, persistence, hope and no regrets. They look alike.

Lin Beifan clearly remembers that the last time he saw him, he was not like this. Unexpectedly, half a year ago No, I don’t know if he turned into Liu Angxing or Liu Angxing turned into him.

Even Qian Duoduo’s eyes lit up and he whispered to Lin Beifan:"I think he can do it!"

"Mr. Lin, Director Qian, and the three judges, hello everyone! I am actor Wang Chunsheng, and the role I want to audition for is the protagonist Liu Angxing!"Wang Chunsheng said in a calm tone.

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