"You kid is really amazing. It took you half a year to go from a person who knew nothing about cooking to a professional chef. You kid is so cruel to yourself! There is a huge lack of people like you in the entertainment industry right now. It seems that the role of Liu Angxing is prepared for you. Mr. Liu expressed his heartfelt emotion.

He has been immersed in the entertainment industry for decades, and has seen everything through his rise and fall.

But people like Wang Chunsheng who risk everything for acting are still very rare.

Think about today's The entertainment industry is full of glitz, and everyone is busy making money. Everyone acts for the sake of making money, not for the sake of art. As a result, the current TV series are not as good as the other.

There are also so-called young talents who are just He knows that smiling means grinning, crying means crying, being angry means staring, and the lack of tension on the surface of his acting makes him often feel sad.

But fortunately, there are still people like Wang Chunsheng who persevere, and there is still hope for the entertainment industry.

"Not necessarily. This is the protagonist of this TV series. Many people are vying for this role, but I may not be chosen!" He said modestly, but full of confidence in his heart.

Because he had indeed prepared for this TV series for a long time. In other words, he had already started preparing when Lin Beifan revealed the information, because he always believed that the opportunity was For those who are prepared.

So he signed up for a chef training class and studied hard for more than half a year, turning from a person who knew little about cooking into a professional chef. He also used this free time to study acting skills so that he could gain The biggest improvement.

The past six months have been busy and sufficient for him.

Especially when he accidentally came into contact with the novel"God of Cooking", he found that the protagonist Liu Angxing in the novel was just like him, both for the goal. A person who is persistent and persevering is unyielding even if there are many difficulties.

Rather than playing the role of Liu Angxing, it is better to say that he is Liu Angxing.

So, as the novel continues to deepen, and as his cooking skills become more and more refined, his temperament becomes closer and closer. He was already into the role, or rather possessed.

So this audition, he was 100% sure.

At this moment, a girl in ordinary clothes rushed over from the stairs, and accidentally bumped into an oncoming man. Little fresh meat

"what are you doing? You can’t walk without eyes!"The little fresh meat said anxiously.

Because just now, the water in the girl's cup spilled out, and it happened to hit his clothes, making him wet.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to be sorry.……"The girl kept apologizing

"If an apology is useful, why do we need the police?"The young man was still very angry. When he saw that his clothes were wet and sticky, he was not angry at all:"What do you think we should do? The clothes I'm wearing were bought by you from the internationally renowned designer Andrew Nana. They're worth 1.5 million. They're all dirty now that you've splashed them on me. How do you think I'll pay for them? If I fail the audition later, can you afford to pay for the loss?"

"It's too expensive, I can't afford it, I'm sorry……"The girl is about to cry

"If you can't afford the compensation, get out of here! Get out of the TV station! I do not want to see you! Get away!"Xiao Xianrou pointed at the door and said

"But I still have to audition……"Tears were already welling up in the girl's eyes.

At this time, such a noisy scene must attract other people's attention

"That person seems to be Leslie Cheung?"

"It was him. His clothes were splashed with water. He just let them dry. Why was he so angry?"

"Don't be deceived by his appearance, he usually has this temper! Whoever you see bites someone, it's like the boss of heaven, the second boss of earth, the second boss of others! No one who worked with him wanted to be around him!"

"I heard that he did a lot of bad things behind his back, such as beating and scolding his assistant, and even being a fan!"

"Isn't this scumbag? How can you still act?"

"It's just a little piece of meat, it can bring in ratings, what else can you do if you don't like it!"


Precisely because Leslie Cheung is a popular star and a relatively important figure in today's entertainment industry, many actors present watched but did not stand up to stop him.

Even the group of traffic celebrities next to them were just watching the excitement and did not stop it.

Because they do this kind of thing a lot.

But at this moment, Wang Chunsheng stepped forward:"What are you doing? This little girl has already apologized, why are you still trying to embarrass her? Besides, your clothes are soaked by water. Let them dry. That's fine. Is it interesting for you to continue doing this?"

"Who are you? You'd better stay out of my business, or I'll make sure you're left with nothing to eat!"Someone dared to contradict him face to face. Zhang Guolun was very angry and issued a warning.

"I am Wang Chunsheng, an actor from Starlight TV. What do you want to do to me?"Wang Chunsheng said proudly. He is from Starlight TV. He has the support of the entire TV station. He is not afraid of you as a traffic star.

Hearing this, many people present were shocked.

"He is actually an entertainer from Star TV, no wonder he has the guts to contradict Leslie Cheung!"

"Yes, Starlight TV is now comparable to a large entertainment company. It has such a strong star-making ability and has its own broadcast channels. It has become the target of many small and medium-sized entertainment companies!"

"With the support of Star TV, he is running rampant in the entertainment industry!"

"Zhang Guolun is about to hit the iron wall!"

"I really envy Wang Chunsheng!"


Zhang Guolun was indeed a little more wary. He thought that this was the territory of Star TV and it would not be good for him to continue making trouble, so he snorted and left with a dark face.

"Thank you, Brother Wang!"The girl whispered, very grateful.

Wang Chunsheng shook his head:"It's nothing, I'm just pretending to be powerful, borrowing the name of Starlight TV"

"Thank you very much, Brother Wang. The girl lowered her head and packed her things, trying not to let the tears fall from her eyes:"It's getting late, I'll go back first.""

"Wait, where are you going? Don't you still have to audition?"

"I offended Leslie Cheung, and I was afraid that this audition would be bad, so I wanted to go back early. Accommodation here is too expensive and I don’t have much money, so……"The girl is a little shy.

Indeed, it is embarrassing that someone of her age cannot afford accommodation for one or two days.

However, Wang Chunsheng did not see inferiority in her eyes, but saw perseverance.

Wang Chunsheng actually saw a trace of the heroine Zhao Meili in him

"Why don't you hold on a little longer, since everyone is here anyway, hold on until the audition is over. What if you are chosen?"Wang Chunsheng said half-jokingly

"How can it be? There are so many powerful female stars over there. If the crew didn’t choose them, why would they choose me, an ugly duckling?"The girl stared with big eyes

"How is it impossible? Because the interviewer is Mr. Lin, a very unique person."

"I only know that he is very handsome, what is different about him?"The girl continued to ask, very gossipy. After all, handsome boys like Lin Fan have always been the object of her sexual desire, but it's a pity that he has his own master.

Wang Chunsheng twitched the corner of his mouth:"You will know this later."

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