《"National Treasure" is Starlight TV's first variety show since the beginning of the year. Whether its performance is good or not will greatly affect the future development of the TV station. Therefore, on the day of the premiere, everyone at the TV station was fully prepared.

Even Lin Beifan, a salty fish, was dragged to the TV station by the two women, saying that they could get lucky in this way.

Hey, you guys really regarded me as a mascot...

But when I walked into Starlight TV Station with the kitten in my arms, Yang Jiuer pulled me away.

"Come, come drink with me!"

"You smell like alcohol now, what else are you drinking?"

"I'm nervous if I don't drink."

"What are you nervous about? Lin Beifan asked curiously

"Today is the premiere of"National Treasure". What if the ratings of"National Treasure" are not good?"Yang Jiu'er said worriedly.

Lin Beifan rolled his eyes:"You are really just worrying about what you want. How much does it have to do with you whether the ratings are good or not? I found that you really care about the program"National Treasure". Not only did I spend a lot of time designing the soundtrack, but I also cared about the show's choreography, etc. Now I'm worried about whether the show will come out, like an old mother."

Yang Jiu'er's face turned red with anger, and she became furious. She bared her teeth and claws and rushed towards him:"I want you to talk nonsense! Who looks like a mother, you are like a mother!"

"let go let go let go……"

As a result, Yang Jiu'er clung to Lin Beifan's body, almost hanging on Lin Beifan's body. The two of them were so close to each other that they could almost feel the temperature of each other's skin, as well as the breath of... wine.

If you didn't have a wife, I would have executed you on the spot.

Lin Beifan said helplessly:"I'll just drink with you at home!""

"That's pretty much it!"Yang Jiu'er finally let go of his hand and found that he was already hanging on Lin Beifan. His face turned red again, looking extremely charming. Then he came down as if nothing had happened and said with a straight face:"Why don't you come with me now!"

So, the two went to a small wine cellar that had lost a music space, drinking wine and watching TV.

At this time, many loyal viewers of Starlight TV were already waiting in front of the TV to watch.

All this happened Because Starlight TV has previously launched three ace programs, which not only achieved this year's ratings, but also received wide acclaim, and also won multiple awards at the nationally recognized Golden Bell Awards. Therefore, Starlight TV is now a brand guarantee, as long as It’s a program they launched. It doesn’t require much promotion or recommendation to attract a large number of people’s attention.

In particular, this program is the first new variety show launched since the beginning of the year and the fourth program launched in more than half a year. It is very It’s exciting.

Therefore, even though it is a historical variety show, the opening ratings are still not low, reaching 1.80%. Although it is not as good as the opening ratings of previous programs, it can still crush other TV stations.

Although Xiao Zhao is less than 20 years old and very young, he is a loyal viewer of Starlight TV.

To be precise, his whole family is a loyal viewer of Starlight TV.

His parents prefer"If You Are the One" and"It's Only You" These two variety shows are said to be a way to learn experience in advance so that he can find a job and a wife when he grows up.

But Xiao Zhao himself prefers"King of Chefs" because he can appreciate Chinese cooking skills in this show He was so broad and profound that he had a taste of China’s 5,000-year food civilization.

China’s long history fascinated him.

Now, Hong Kong Satellite TV has launched another variety show about history, which he is looking forward to. He will wait in front of the TV to find it. As the program started broadcasting.

The time finally reached 9:00, and"National Treasure" finally started broadcasting.

Accompanied by the clear and beautiful sound like a mountain spring, it was particularly comfortable. The first thing that appeared in front of Xiao Zhao was the beautiful mountain lake. The scenery, the tranquil scenery of bluebirds foraging for food, the happy time of children chasing and playing, and the modern and beautiful modern buildings...

These scenes all tell the story of the beautiful and desirable life now.

Xiao Zhao wondered in his heart:"It is not a national treasure. ? Why are you playing these things? However, the music is quite nice!"

All the beautiful scenery from far to near converged on a vermilion door.

At this moment, a shocking and slow sound of bells and drums sounded, like evening drums and morning bells, knocking on the deepest historical memory in his heart , the vermilion door opened, and the scroll of history slowly opened. The majestic Forbidden City, the Great Wall that runs from east to west, the majestic and solemn Luoyang City...

With the ups and downs of the historical narrative, the rhythm is constantly changing, and the low blows The music seems to ring the bell of history.

The soul-stirring notes are like a dreamlike magical journey, and like a large-scale epic movie, the ancient and magnificent scenery passes by, and the pictures of rich civilization are displayed one by one.

"This music... this music is so beautiful!"

Xiao Zhao murmured to himself, and his heart was filled with unspeakable shock. Especially when he saw the scenes of the ancient Chinese city, he felt that his soul was being hit hard, and he would rather sink than to extricate himself.

Unfortunately, this opening music It only lasted less than two minutes, which was very unsatisfactory for him to listen to.

"Be sure to search for this music when you come back!"

At this time, Xiao Zhao was not the only one who was shocked by the opening music.

There were also many viewers in front of the TV who were shocked by this majestic music. From this music, they seemed to see the ups and downs and rise and fall of Chinese history. After the replacement, I felt a lot in my heart.

Even the opening music was so classic, and they had more expectations for"National Treasure". The ratings increased slightly, slightly exceeding 2%, reaching 2.05%. At this time, the camera turned, Finally came to the studio.

As soon as the music changed, the rhythm became brisk. This rhythm seemed to combine the melodiousness of Chinese musical instruments and the compactness of Western pop music. It was also very nice to listen to.

Along with the brisk rhythm, various lights changing and flickering

"The choreography is really beautiful and fashionable. It’s not like a historical show, but more like a youth variety show!"

Compared with the traditional historical program stage design, Xiao Zhao, a young man, is obviously more accepting of this kind.

Accompanied by the beautiful music and the changing stage lights, the host Meng Xiaofei, wearing a suit and leather collar, walked out from behind the scenes seriously.

"It's Meng Dabald again, this show should be very interesting!"

Bald Meng is already the signature of Star TV. He not only has profound hosting skills, but also has strict requirements for the program. As long as you see his shining bald head, you can prove that this program is not bad. Facing the camera, Meng Dabald speaks in a mellow voice. Another magnetic voice said:"Let the national treasure come alive. This is the large-scale cultural exploration program"National Treasure". This program is exclusively sponsored and broadcast by Tianjiu Group. With such a cool opening, you can tell at a glance that we are a young program. How young are we? It’s only about five thousand years."

"bang bang bang bang bang……"There was applause.

Meng Guangtou continued:"I am Meng Xiaofei, the commentator No. 001 of"National Treasure". How heavy is this title? Let's take a look at the nine protagonists gathered here. You will know. They are——"

"The Palace Museum is about to celebrate the 600th anniversary of the Forbidden City!"

"The Shanghai Museum encompasses all aspects of ancient Chinese art!"

"The first large-scale comprehensive museum invested and built by the state, Nanjing Museum!"

"The Hunan Provincial Museum is a history and art museum that witnesses the multi-source pattern of Chinese civilization!"

"In China, the place where ancient civilization originated, Henan Museum!"

"The Shaanxi History Museum is the world's most important civilization with the Zhou, Qin, Han, Tang and Four Dynasties!"

"The Hubei Provincial Museum gathers the culmination of Jingchu culture!"

"The Zhejiang Provincial Museum has recited songs that have lasted for thousands of years!"

"The first museum in New China, Liaoning Provincial Museum!"


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