Due to the super popularity of"Wulin Gaiden", with more than one billion in revenue, Lin Beifan is one step closer to the next upgrade. Everyone who Lin Beifan sees is happy, and his steps are a little lighter when he walks on the road.

At this time, Xu Hanjie came to him carrying a big box.

"Lao Xu, what brought you here? Isn't it your busiest time now? How come you have time to come see me? You came here carrying a box... huh?"Lin Beifan said hello with a very cordial tone.

"These things are for you!"Xu Hanjie put the box on the table, took a breath, and wiped the sweat from his face.

"Are they all for me? what is that?" Lin Beifan opened the box curiously.

Xu Hanjie smiled bitterly:"Mr. Lin, these are scripts someone asked me to hand over to you, and I'm looking for investment from you."

"so much?"Lin Beifan was surprised.

He opened the box and found that it was filled with thick scripts, some of which were twenty or thirty pages long, and many of which were as thick as a book. There were about seventy or eighty scripts piled together.

"This is still a small amount. I have declined some unreliable ones, otherwise it would fill three full boxes."

"It seems that you have a lot of friends...all of them have found you. Lin Beifan joked.

Xu Hanjie smiled bitterly again:"I have no choice. I rely on my brothers at home and my friends when I go out." If my friends think highly of me, it’s easy for me, so I’ll lend a hand. The main reason is that Mr. Lin, you are so popular in the industry. You are known as the God of Wealth in the entertainment industry. You are generous and heroic, and you drive a car full of money to distribute money, including dozens of sacks. Everyone is jealous when you look at it... They have no way to contact you and can only find an opportunity through my channels."

"God of Wealth? I think he was taken advantage of!"Lin Beifan rolled his eyes.

Xu Hanjie chuckled and didn't answer.

This Mr. Lin is indeed the one who was taken advantage of in the eyes of everyone.

Logically speaking, as the only investor in this TV series, when the TV series makes money, it means giving some red envelopes. That's what it means. After all, the investment activity has ended, and no one owes anyone.

It turned out that this guy was good. After the investment was completed, he continued to send out money, and he did it every day. He paid out every day the TV series was broadcast, and the money he spent could be pretended. Filling dozens of sacks is equivalent to giving away benefits. What is it but taking advantage of others?

Lin Beifan didn't expect him to answer. Do n't you understand his"personality"?

That's just a pretty boy who has no ability but prefers others. Spend money, as long as you feel happy, don't regard money as money at all, and look like a super nouveau riche.

This kind of persona is both despised and envied by people.

However, Lin Beifan feels that it is good to keep this"persona" and shine. Liang is so attractive that you have a reason for spending money. You don’t have to go out and others will hand you scripts for you to choose from. Maybe you can actually find one or two good ones.

"Okay, if you send all these things to me in the future, the more the better for me!"Lin Beifan follows the good deeds and follows the flow

"Okay, if I spread the news, everyone will be very happy!"Xu Hanjie said happily

"Mr. Lin, I still have a lot to arrange, so I’ll leave first!"After talking for a few words, Xu Hanjie left. He came and went in a hurry. This shows how busy he is now.

Now that he has nothing to do, Lin Beifan decided to take a look.

He took the script out and found that Xu Hanjie had laid it out in different categories. Among them, TV drama scripts have the largest number, accounting for more than half of the number, with more than 40.

The reason why there are so many is because Lin Beifan has more advantages in this aspect and is more attractive.

Today, more than 30,000 TV dramas are produced every year** episodes, but less than half of them can be broadcast successfully. Among the half that can be broadcast, most of the TV series are broadcast on non-star TV stations, with a limited scope.

But Lin Beifan is different. He My wife runs a TV station, so as long as he likes to invest in her, she basically doesn’t have to worry about whether it will be broadcast. This way she can make money and gain a reputation, which is the best. The second most abundant thing in the box is movie scripts, with more than 20 copies.

Lin Beifan currently has little interest in movie scripts because the film market is too deep.

First of all, filming is relatively difficult. If the director is not good enough, there is a high probability of being rejected.

Secondly, there are many stakeholders involved. More. The current film market has begun to integrate resources today, including distribution resources, publicity resources, screening resources, star resources, etc. There are several companies behind every movie. If you don’t give up the benefits, don’t let them When it comes to investment, you can't make progress, and it's very difficult for a movie to be a hit. In the end, after the movie is finally made, it has to find a distributor to distribute it, and then find a movie theater to show it online. There are too many hurdles, and the profits are exploited layer by layer, and finally it ends up in the hands of The money is not much.

If it does not sell well and is cut off by the movie theater chain, the risk is very high.

Even if a movie is a hit, it will only have a box office of more than 3 billion at most, but in the end it will be good to have more than a billion in the hands of investors. This money must continue to be divided and distributed to each investor, and cannot be taken alone.

You said that if I have this money, I can just develop a TV series or a variety show. I have no shortage of scripts and variety show plans. There is also a company behind it The wine group is waiting for help. Billions of sponsorship fees have been delivered to the door. You can make money at any time. Isn’t it easier than investing in a movie? The third most abundant item in the box is variety show planning plans, with about 10 copies.

Star TV’s variety shows It can be said that it has already made a name for itself in the minds of the audience, and the money it makes is crazy. Therefore, many program planners are very excited and submit the planning proposal, just in case they are interested. The last category is project investment. There were less than 5 projects, purely to attract investment. The first thing Lin Beifan watched was the TV series. However, he quickly read it and found no more amazing scripts. The quality was average and lackluster, and most of them were relatively poor. It's still a thunder drama

"It seems that the previous encounters with"Love Apartment" and"Wulin Gaiden" were just sheer luck!"

Lin Beifan was not too disappointed and went on to read the movie script.

He is not interested in investing in movies at the moment, but if there is a good one, it might be adapted into a TV series.

The result was still no surprise.

Next came the program planning plan, which is all cliche. There was no creativity in anything, and none of them were as good as the plan she had in hand, so Lin Beifan just flipped through it and stopped reading.

As for the final investment push……

"Hey, what is this? Lin Beifan saw a unique plan, took it out and looked at it, frowning and said:"It's not about attracting investment, but selling websites?" Hongdou Chinese website, online literature website……"

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