《"Chef King's Appearance March" continues to be popular.

For three consecutive days, this short video still ranked first in the hot searches.

For three consecutive days, in addition to more than 50 million clicks on the first day, it actually reached 80 million on the second day, and 70 million on the third day. The total clicks easily exceeded 200 million, making it extremely popular.

On the two stupid short video platforms, there have been many imitation shows, imitating the appearance of the big boss.

Some wore suits, sunglasses and leather shoes, which looked quite serious.

Some simply put on a quilt, shorts and flip-flops, walking out like a model on a catwalk. He was still holding a cigarette, as many diaosi as he wanted, which aroused people's laughter.

Others did video editing, but they re-edited the appearances of classic big guys that I had seen before, or added the appearances of leaders of various countries, and they fit perfectly.

In short, this trailer is already extremely popular.

This situation lasted for a week before the fire subsided.

But at this moment, Starlight TV solemnly launched the second trailer short video"Men Should Be Strong", which was released on all platforms to promote the variety show"King of Chefs"

"Face the waves with pride"

"Hot blood is like the red sunlight"


When people heard the beginning, they immediately knelt down

"This is the legendary kneeling with your mouth open! It sounds so good. I haven't heard such passionate and high-spirited music in many years. Is it exciting? Sing out my deepest desires!"

"It makes me want to cry. It turns out that I still have passion!"

"Who would have thought that this is just a trailer for a cooking show?"

"It’s so heroic, so inspiring, and even more exciting than watching a blockbuster movie!"

"Make all the dishes patriotic!"

"I realized that I was done. From now on, I would think of this song when I was cooking. I wanted to sing it every time I thought about it, and I couldn’t stop. What if I got excited and fried the vegetables?"


This song is more popular and more popular than"The King of Kitchen's Entrance March".

It feels like it is the most authentic voice rooted in the nation.

A well-known music critic also commented:"I have listened to this song several times, and I am so excited every time I listen to it. A man should stand upright. Sunshine, ideal, and vigorous. Especially the lyrics: Use my hundred points of heat to shine out a thousand points of light. The responsibility and sense of responsibility of a man are vividly described. Every time I listen to it, I feel like I have to defend my home and country. But I feel that this song is too used for cooking promotions. What a waste, such a waste of natural resources!"

Another music critic commented:"Today, when young people are strong, the country is strong. This sense of mission and strong ideological attachment are what the new generation lacks. I am not a Beat everyone to death. I just feel that as a good man in the new era, essence, energy, and spirit are the most important, and at the same time, responsibility. This kind of spirit is lacking in society. Nowadays, everyone is too impetuous. The most basic things, the most important things. However,"Men Should Be Strong" has sung the voice that is most needed in this era. I am very moved and very happy! In my opinion, this song should be used to promote patriotism or promote men's ambitions, but the result is Used for cooking, it makes me want to stab someone with a knife! Starlight TV is really hateful!"


Many of the comments made me laugh.

The most concentrated argument is that it is a waste for Star TV to use such a passionate and aspirational song as a promotional video for a cooking variety show"King of Chefs".

There are even many directors who are sad that they actually used such a classic song to make a promotional video for a cooking show. It is really a waste of money. How good is this song for them?

With a little effort, it can detonate the movie box office, but it turns out to be used to promote stir-fry...

I feel so depressed that I want to vomit blood!

However, what is even more depressing is that others can criticize their main film just for a promotional video of a cooking show. I feel bad all the time and can only cry silently and feel sad.

On that day, the number of views on"Men Should Be Strong" exceeded 100 million!

《"Men Should Strengthen Theirself" has reached the top of the hot search list!

Together with"King of Kitchen","Longmen Group" and"Starlight TV", they once again topped the list of hot searches!

Coupled with the fact that the trend of"Chef King Appearance March" has not yet passed, the first to fifth most popular searches were taken by Starlight TV and others, almost killing the list.

At the same time, Lianxue and Aijiu, the producers of"Men Should Improve themselves" and"The March of the King of Chefs", are also becoming popular.

You have released two such classic songs in such a short period of time. It is so rare and rare in this era when the music scene is in decline and the stars are dim.

In particular, Lian Xue is not only the producer, but also the singer of"Men Should Improve themselves". His voice is rich, powerful and passionate. When you hear it, you can tell that his skills are extraordinary and his strength is not inferior to that of the King of Heaven.

Many music lovers are eager to find these two people and find new idols, but they are disappointed.

There were many people from the entertainment company who wanted to contact Star TV to find these two people, but they were all turned away.

Classic songs that are difficult to copy, as well as an extraordinary and mysterious singer-songwriter, have made these two songs more and more popular, and the short promotional videos have become more and more popular.

It's less than three days before"King of Chefs" is broadcast, and Bai Qingxue is on the phone with Chairman Chen Yao

"Axue, we have been unable to do anything for so many years, but you have only completed half of it by launching two short videos. It was so right to find you in the first place, and the money was indeed not wasted!"On the phone, Chen Yao was very happy.

"No, actually we didn’t expect the effect to be so good.……"Bai Qingxue said modestly

"You didn’t expect it, but you did it, that’s what it’s all about! Now, when people hear"Men Should Be Strong" and"March of the Chef King", they think of our program and my group, and the effect is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even if I dream now, I will wake up laughing"

"Congratulations to Sister Chen!"Blessings from Bai Qingxue

"Axue, I want to ask you something now. The copyrights of the two songs"Men Should Improve themselves" and"The March of the Chef King" have not been sold or authorized to others, right?"

Bai Qingxue was stunned and said:"This hasn't happened yet.……"

"That's really great. I want to buy out the two songs"Men Should Be Strong" and"March of the Chef King" and keep them exclusively for my group. In particular, the classic song"Men Should Be Strong" can be sung for decades, so that when others hear this song in the future, they will think of me, Longmen Group. This brand value is really too great. Ha ha……"

As she talked, Chen Yao herself felt happy

"Let's do this, let my sister take advantage and sell me the copyright of these two songs. Sister, I can’t let you suffer, little sister. For these two songs, sister will give you 200 million, how about 100 million for each song?"


Bai Qingxue was holding the phone and almost dropped it.

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