After Jinping arrives Meili and Sonny, Melly pounces directly on Em's body, her eyes flickering, and she seems to be spinning some mischievous thoughts like that, but Wheat is around and she can't use her intelligence at all.

Sonny landed on Robin's shoulder and rubbed Robin's hair with his affection, this guy... No matter how you look at it, I feel that there is a future for becoming a crayon little new, inheriting the mantle of Yamaji and becoming the new SP.

Even though Robin is an intelligence expert, she didn't think much about Sonny's intimacy, she stroked Sonny's head with her hand, and said with a smile that she hadn't seen her for a long time.


Chambord Land, the main base of the Guardian Army, the military center of the world, any order issued here will make this world very different.

"The day of the counteroffensive is approaching day by day, and the candidates have been deliberated, and it is almost time to confirm them." The dragon tapped his fingers lightly on the table and made a crisp sound, and at this time he was in a conference room, and the people he was attending this meeting with....

Red dog Sakaski, yellow ape Borusalino, green pheasant Kuzan, Fuji Tiger smile, Golden Pheasant Jia Baili.

Red-haired Shanks, Bucky the Clown, Death Surgeon Roe, Captain Kidd.

Star Guardian Monasha, the strongest creature Long Sky, Swift Express Speth, Sniper Warren.

As well as the wise general Sengoku.

The center of this conference room was originally Usopp's position, but at this time, Usopp's position was vacant at the top of the World Tree.

Sakaski: "The second batch I will definitely go, this other world has come to our world to burn and loot for so many years, I have long wanted to return the color."

Monasha: "The second batch let my team go!" If you are not convinced, you practice with Changkong, and the loser will get out of the way himself! "

Long sky:" ... (Suppressing your voice) You hit yourself!

Monasha: "... (Suppressed voice) I can't beat it! "

The conversation continues.

Shanks: "The crack in the central area is the largest, the position of the counterattack must be chosen here, and the defense of other places is still equally important, especially the northern district, if Sanji leaves, the Vince Mock family can not be stopped." Bucky

: "I also want to go to that world to see, Shanks you are in charge of defense, I will go shopping, get back the treasure Sanqi... Twenty-eight... No, no, no, we are one nine, I'm generous~"

Shanks glanced at Bucky with squinted eyes, everyone is so old, Bucky this guy is still as jumpy as before.

Borusalino: "The defense of the central district can be let go, and Jia Baili and I can be responsible for defending other areas.

Jia Baili raised her hand: "I... I...... I also want to join the expeditionary force. Kuzan

: "Zzz~

" Speth: "Why did you call me here?" Warren

covered Speth's mouth before he spoke: "The long-range strike forces have been integrated, and my side can follow as soon as the position advances." "

Warring States: "Crushing the past again by strength?" So why did you call me here? I also made an appointment with a friend fishing today..."

My crew is not strong enough, but I can still keep up and make sure to give me a call.

Kidd: "Hurry up!" I can't wait! "

The meeting room was a mess, but every meeting seemed like this, and it always felt like this group of guys were here to make up the numbers.

Except for Usopp, Dragon and Sakaski, the others simply aren't too focused on the big picture.

The dragon covered his forehead and felt a little headache, the formation of this expeditionary force has been completed, but the commanders of each regiment have not been able to determine it, in the past, when he made a revolution, he had a headache because he didn't have enough cards in his hand, but he didn't expect that now he has a headache because of too many cards, which is simply a happy trouble.

Seeing that this Sakaski and Changkong were about to fight, the dragon slapped the table heavily and shouted: "Stop making trouble!" "

Hmm... Nothing is useful.

Changkong and Sakaski went to the school grounds, Monasha, Rowe, Kidd, Borusalino, Gabriel, Speth and Warren, and Bucky immediately followed to see the bustle, leaving only Shanks, Sengoku and Kuzan, who was sleeping more and more soundly, and the meeting ended in vain.

"Am I..." The dragon wanted to get angry, but... He also has no way, not to mention that everyone has the same status, even the strength is not far apart, Speth and Warren may not have fought together, let alone others.


"Yo hehe hehe~"

Brooke rolled 1080 ° in the air and landed steadily, but unfortunately there was no spotlight on him, this appearance is handsome, but there is not a single guy who is holding the scene.


French patted Brooke's shoulder: "Admit it, it's like this now, long time no see, how are you doing?"

Brooke glanced at Franky's appearance, and the bones looked a little unnatural, but he still spoke: "It's good, who else hasn't arrived?"

Frankie shrugged: "There is no need to forcibly find it, you don't see it... Luffy, Nami, Sanji and Choiba haven't arrived yet, everyone else has arrived.

Brooke's bone face became a little embarrassed, and I have to say that the expression of his face became richer and richer: "I'll go see Em." "


If you haven't seen each other for a long time, it will still be a little embarrassing at first, but it will only be at the beginning, the meaning of friends is that no matter how far apart they are, no matter how long they haven't seen each other, when they sit down and talk a few words, you can always find the feeling at that time, that nostalgic feeling.

Sanji appeared on the top of the tree with Breen in his arms, excitedly showing everyone his daughter, this guy... Seeing Robin, there was no difference in the slightest, and I don't know if Bren was well tuned or Yamaji completed the second awakening after getting married.

And Oyamaji climbed up with a hush, tired enough, I have to say that this Yamaji's attitude towards his daughter and his attitude towards his son is simply completely different, this son... It's like a phone bill.

"Number 9 ... Gee, slag. A certain Jianhao, who did not want to be named, spoke up again, but this time the response was strong.

Sanji's ears grew a little bigger, keenly catching this message, he handed his daughter to his wife, and then twisted his neck and walked towards Jianhao: "Who do you say is scum?"

"Say what about you! Idiot cook! "

Gee, it's worthy of being friends, these two just met and returned to their previous appearance, it's really nostalgic.

"What did you say?! Green algae head?!

"Say you're scum! Curl your eyebrows! "

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