Who should face those revenants, dragons? Red dogs? Im? Or Aim?

The happiness of the tragic world may be similar, but the tragedy is different, the imaginable and the unimaginable tragedy are happening in this world, the inferior nature of human beings is fundamentally unpredictable, among all living beings, only human beings will be so cruel to their own kind, and the purpose is quite ridiculous.

Maybe it's Liwei, maybe it's hatred, or maybe it's just plain evil, I don't know why someone sees blood and has hormones soaring and gets the excitement that suffocates him.

The murderer is not Aim, but it is Aim who caused this situation, and the stubbornness that caused the world to suffer together is really a bit exciting in some cases, because of his own reasons to make the world dance with it, which is addictive....

Uchiha, you say what I said makes sense, doesn't it?

Ahem... The extreme of power will always make people unable to see what is more important around them, everyone follows their own heart and walks their own path, and it is not good whether this path will affect others.


The conference hall was overcrowded, the revolutionary army and the world government seemed to be distinct, and the rest of the forces could not be compared with them at all, such as the pirate side Shanks and Bucky came, while Vegapunk came here in person, and the kings of the world did not even have the qualifications to sit in the first row, and Hao Ran of the Frost Moon Kang family of the country of Wano was listed.

In the center of the conference hall is a long table, and the feeling of being able to sit in that position must be fascinating, and sitting there at this time is....

The commander-in-chief of the revolutionary army, Long, and Bachev, the head of the five old stars of the world government, will determine the general direction of the world, but that is only if Luffy and Em do not give an opinion.

Will Em have an opinion? I have to say about this guy's mentality, how the world is going to shut up for him, he now only wants to make up for his past mistakes and make this divided world complete again, if he is still alive after incarnating Ouranos, he also wants to open a small dojo with Wheat, have children, and spend the rest of his life peacefully, as for what will happen to this world, as long as no one provokes him, love will become what it will become.

Will Luffy have an opinion then? Let's not say that Luffy knows this meeting, even if he knows most of it, it is an attitude that does not concern himself, after all, all he wants is freedom and not domination, there are still so many places in the world to go, and there are so many unknown adventures waiting for him, here you can talk as much as you like, not to mention... Aim's matter still needs to be dealt with.

Therefore, the importance of this meeting is self-evident, it has been pulled again and again, word by word, this once broken world needs to give up its own interests for all parties to become complete, and the world government needs to give up the most, whether it is because of the moonlit night massacre that has become extremely abundant, or the merger of the army....

No one in the military, in particular, can give up their armed forces, even though the world is ostensibly peaceful.

"Jing..." Bachev said softly, and the venue instantly became audible, don't look at this guy is as weak as a chicken in front of Im and Aim, but in this world, both strength and power are a handful of existences.

After being quiet, Bachev looked at the dragon and looked at it for a long time before saying: "I thought that this guy of yours would become a marshal of the navy, but I didn't expect that you actually chose such a path, and now you are actually qualified to sit across from me, which is really impermanent."

The dragon first bowed his head, then looked back without showing any weakness, and replied with a smile: "I once reported that most of the Draco people are the cancer of this world, not broken or standing, but the superiors just think that I am crazy, at that moment I knew that the Tao is different and does not conspire, although a lot of things have happened, but the tumor has finally been eradicated, Mr. Bachev, can this prove that I am right?" "

Bachev looked at this guy coldly, if it weren't for Im's order, this guy who dared to defect out of the navy would have been crushed into scum long ago, where would it be the turn of this guy to make a big fuss here, and... I have seen the father who relies on the father, and the first time I have seen the son of the son, no, it should be said that this guy is young and relies on the father, and now he relies on the son, bah, it is simply shameless.

"There is no need for lip service, from today onwards, all differences will be resolved one by one, and those who cannot negotiate the results will be reported to the royal palace and... One Piece, it is up to them to give instructions. Bachev took a deep breath to suppress his emotions, wondering why he always felt the urge to go back and hang his uncontending son and grandson and beat them so that they could take a good look at other people's children.

The dragon continued to smile: "Let's start, this world can finally usher in peace." "


and Nima....

Are you special...

Bachev wanted to beat his son even more ....


The hall had not been opened for several days since it was closed, but the laws that informed the world had been increasing, and Draco's status had plummeted, and he was no longer as good as the kings of the world, and the other one might be important.

The Qiwu Sea system has been restarted, but this time the candidate...

Shanks, Bucky, Rowe, Kidd, Hancock, Bartolomeo and Monasha.

No matter how this candidate looks at it, all of them are selected, and all those who have a good relationship with Luffy are selected, and the composition of this relationship is really not too strong, and the Seven Martial Sea system is different from before, each of these seven guys has been assigned a sea area and has become a real lord, and their direct subordinate is now the One Piece King Luffy, and anything that happens in the territory only needs to be reported to Luffy.

The revolutionary army has become a patrol-like existence, but they do not have law enforcement power in the territory of the Seven Wuhai, and it is still unknown what the world will become, but...

The faces of the civilians in the allocated sea area looked very desperate, after all, they would be under the rule of pirates in the future, which felt like simply...

The navy became a local army, and all the country's own defensive armies were dismantled, but no king dared to raise any objections, and in this case, the king's existence would gradually disappear in name and become a regional lord.

Change is a good thing, and the increase in terms and regulations is also a good thing, but the executor is extremely important, and it is still unknown what the society under the centralized rule will be, not to mention that the center of this centralized power is in Luffy's hands, and I always feel that it will make people a little worried, and whether the chopsticks in the nostrils will become a world dance....

Who dares to slap the horse and say that he jumps well and directly punishes the crime with sycophancy, there is absolutely no unjust, false and wrong case!

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