Everyone has their own journey, and it is a joy that companions can accompany them to the end, and there is no need to be sad, perhaps because of Em's sins, no matter what, he will not live to be 20 years old, or perhaps because of his importance, every death will be resurrected and re-embarked on a journey to find memories.

But this time will be different, the red earth continent is about to be destroyed by Pluto, losing this world barrier This world will return to the era when Nika was not born, the extremely bad weather can not allow creatures to survive, the king Ouranos was created by the gods to control the weather, which is one of the components of this world, when Em returns to that position, what will happen even he does not know, whether Em still exists is still unknown.

Im knows, Wheat knows, but what Em wants to do, no matter what it is, they will do their best to help him complete, even if he loses his life, he is willing, the world tree will be transplanted to the Chambord Islands to become the new center of the world, the spread of roots plus the sea king, this world will become a huge land, under the wind and rain, the overflow of resources will definitely bring a new era, Em is so convinced, and Im and Wheat are also convinced because of Em.

Is there a choice? Maybe not, the 20th birthday is getting closer and closer, and when the day arrives, it will be when all the dust has settled, and then go for another life? Watching the world fall apart again because of its meagre resources? No amount of strength can bring peace again, and when resources are scarce, the desire to survive will surely destroy hard-won peace.

Luffy may know, but does he have a choice? No, even he couldn't stop his partner's decision, and Em's current situation was different from Robin's, and it was not a situation that could be changed by relying on his blood and his own fists.

But...... Em is actually very happy, once Nika gave up himself to save the world, now it is his turn, he begins to understand Nika, and it is interesting to let Nikka's reincarnation Luffy experience how he feels.

He was blackened because of Nikka, Luffy must not be. After all, he is surrounded by Solon, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Robin, Joba, Frankie, Brook, Jinping, Ace and Saab, with their company, history will not repeat itself, think back in the day....

Nikka, Moonlit Night, Suo, Ouranos, Poseidon and Pruto, in the end, only Ouranos survived, such a thing may be a nightmarish existence, obviously the last god-like existence in the world, but the empty palace is desperately quiet.

Oh, and one more... Because the dedicated world tree of the five people has its own consciousness, wheat or Trahir was born at that time, and the malicious Yuk of Ouranos was suppressed by Trahir, in that tragic era, Trahir accompanied Ouranos through, and finally could only use his life to pull Ouranos out of the abyss of destroying the world, Ouranos and Trahir died at the same time, one was resurrected in the world tree, and the other fell into reincarnation.

Generation after generation, life after life, Terrahir will die because of Ouranos every time he wakes up, and Ouranos is also cursed to die before his 20th birthday every time, even if he escapes the disaster, he will die violently on his birthday, just like the evil taste of the gods, the reincarnation that can never escape, or like the punishment of the gods, let this guy who destroyed his back garden feel the death.

And Trahir, who was like a moth to the fire, finally pulled Ouranos back in this life, back to Ouranos when Nika was not yet sacrificed.


"Then trouble you to take good care of Em~" Yim gently stroked Wheat's soft hair and said with a smile.

Wheat was silent for a moment before looking up and saying, "Sister-sama... Em wouldn't agree.

"I'm a sister, how can my sister listen to my brother." Im was not surprised by Wheat's answer and replied casually.

As Aim's doppelganger, snatching the power of Ouranos from Em's body from the source, and then incarnating Ouranos instead of him, this is all Im's plan.

There was a little accident in the rebirth of one life, Ouranos actually threw himself into a twin, a trace of origin power was obtained by his sister, but the curse did not hurt his sister, with the ability of surgical fruits his sister obtained immortality, and the real Ouranos continued to enter the reincarnation of one life after another.

Millennium...... Can change a lot of things, and the biggest change is the strength that Im has, originally just wanted to lift the curse on his brother, but after thousands of years of searching, he finally found that there was only one way to go, that is, to seize the throne of Ouranos, become Ouranos by himself, and let Em, the incarnation of Ouranos, be rescued from reincarnation.

How long does human life last? Century? Em will still die after all, is it really worth exchanging endless lives? But my sister didn't care about this kind of gain or loss, she only knew that she could no longer bear that her brother died in front of her again and again, and that feeling was too desperate.

The future Em will be accompanied by Wheat, and he will be assured enough, so... The only and feasible plan, which has taken root in Im's heart, is unstoppable.

Wheat's expression looked a little ugly, and she didn't want to see Em's death, but she couldn't accept the plan of life for life, whether it was kindness or the Virgin, for the sake of her lover, giving up her lover's relatives, how could such a thing make a choice.

"I think Em still needs to know..."

"Why do you think I accompanied the transplant~" Im interrupted Wheat's words, the magic array that appeared on the battlefield of the final battle lit up with her words, and the entire space seemed to be closed, this is the only magic formation that can bind the world tree, and Yuk is easily defeated under this formation, not to mention Trahir, who is not as good as Yuk in terms of strength.

"Sister-sama? You?! Wheat's eyes widened, and his hands were like a conditioned reflex to squeeze out one trick after another, but the shimmering light of the magic array immediately swept over, and the energy that Wheat wanted to mobilize was immediately devoured, and a cage was formed...

Im gently waved goodbye to Wheat, and the smile on his face seemed a little complicated, because of Em's relationship, Wheat did not defend Im at all.

"Goodbye~ Hmm... No, say goodbye~"

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