It can only be said that it is worthy of Em, obviously this guy robbed something as a loss, and actually wanted to make a black hand.


If in the final analysis, this devil fruit should belong to wheat, after all, after the death of the host, the devil fruit will be reborn on the world tree, and then put by wheat into all corners of the world according to the will of the devil fruit, for Em, who has already regarded himself as a wheat husband and does not force his face, the wheat's is his own ~ Wheat does not

think that this devil fruit is their own....

"You're chasing me again..." Aim's tone must not be just talk, if it weren't for Usopp holding him tightly, Speth might have been able to feel the feeling of sleeping until dawn.

The corner of Speth's eyes twitched, and as a handsome man who knew the time, he waved his hand and said, "You use it first... By the way, what are you two doing here? The Straw Hat Pirates sent both of you as representatives to the World Conference? (᷄ὢ

・᷅ ) Huh?

What the hell is the world conference, if you really want to participate, you must send Robin + Nami as a representative, and the other one is not a reliable thing.

Those two may be slightly more reliable in relative terms....

"We are here to buy vegetables, and I have to say that this ability is still very convenient." Em saw that this Speth was not pleasant, and his face softened, but this guy's words were purely to pour salt on other people's wounds, and he was not an appropriate person.

The corners of Speth's eyes twitched even more, as if he had cramps, and he took several deep breaths before he could say calmly: "Just use it... I haven't seen you for so long, let's go to dinner? Saab was taken away by you, you send him a message, tell him to be careful when he comes back, Kerra is a little wrong lately. "

Someone invited to dinner, 80% of the people in this straw hat pirate group will not refuse, Usopp and Em directly responded, but Kerra is not in the right mood, what does it have to do with them?" Saab...... Let's ask for blessings.

When the three walked back and met Warren, Warren looked at Speth with a strange look, does this guy know whether to treat guests or not, unless the flight attendant and the model ah... Today is obviously to return the promise to invite Speth to dinner, he was ready for heavy bleeding, this forced to bring two people, his already meager salary seems to be in disaster this time.

Speth grabbed Warren's shoulders and lowered his voice and muttered: "This Em is the titular king of the Void Throne now, and he can be reimbursed for dinner, I have long wanted to go to No. 3 GR to try that gorgeous restaurant, isn't there just a chance?" "

“...... Are you sure you can be reimbursed? And I don't have enough money on me, and you definitely don't have money on me. Warren also lowered his voice and replied, he had also seen the restaurant, just the decoration seemed to be unaffordable, and it was said that the big boss behind it was still five old stars.

Five old stars opened a restaurant, this is also a practice of rights, after all, unwilling to give up their own assets to open a real industry is also an idea, what kind of rights change will occur in the future no one can say clearly, how can more industries and funds in hand will be better.

And in order to balance, the probability of attacking the industry is much lower, and most of the Draco people who moved from Mary Joa have this idea, so now the Chambord Islands No. 1-10 GR has completely changed, and various industries have sprung up, like a sales treasury, just as the kings of various countries and the people who were once at the peak of power gather here, and the efficiency of entering gold that day is even higher than the gambling ship of the once golden emperor.

The change of rights generated by peace seems to be completely different from the change of rights generated by war, people at the top have too many means to keep themselves high, which is also inevitable, even if Em abandons everything to be slaughtered one by one, the world seems to become the same after all, the world of complete equality is a paradox, can only pursue relative equality, to bind everyone with the law, and this law enforcer needs absolute justice, Luffy can't do absolute justice, so... Only relatively.

However, in any case, the world has also become much better, the disgusting things that were once everywhere in entertainment venues have been swept away, even if someone drunkenly mentions it, there will be people around them who immediately cover their mouths, and after the moonlit night plows again, Yim takes over and plows again, and this disgusting land still seems to have changed.

Sometimes iron and blood means are needed, and the person who makes the iron and blood means is also quite exquisite, if others can unite to resist the person who makes the iron and blood means, then the fight is inevitable, but when it is impossible to resist, the person is not bad, then the world can develop in a good direction.

Back to the story.

Speth pinched his chin: "It seems to be too, I'll call Lord Commander."


"..."How to say... It's a blessing for the dragon to touch you....

Speth fell behind and called, Warren and Usopp didn't know who turned on the sniper's conversation, the two chatted very happily, looking more and more familiar, and Em compared the Chambord Islands with his impression as he walked, the huge changes did seem to be more prosperous, and the smile on the pedestrian's face seemed to be completely different from before, it was a smile full of hope despite suffering, in sharp contrast to the previous muddy appearance.

After walking for a while, everyone finally arrived at their destination, the gorgeous restaurant appeared in front of them, just the hostess who welcomed the guests at the door were carefully selected, and the guy in the suit at the door just glanced at Aim, and the cold sweat came down instantly.

This guy is a Draco, he can't forget this face on the nightmare night in his memory, standing in the middle of the pile of corpses like a demon king, the five old stars who should have come out to save them respectfully kneel in front of this demon king, can only pray for the mercy of the demon king, and dare not even have the desire to do it.

And the back... The grapevine and the announcement confirm each other, all the living Draco can only accept the reality, these remaining Draco are either lazy enough to never come out of Mary Joa, or there is still human nature and do not want to participate in those disgusting things, and it is purely good luck to survive.

"Great... My lord...... No...... The Royal Palace... You...... You..." The guy in a suit rubbed his hands together to face Em, stammering and unable to utter a complete sentence.

It only takes a glance to be a groveling and a cursory person, where in this world is absolute equality.

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