It's like a garbage RPG game, no matter how you use S/L Dafa, you can't play a happy ending, but... Now that the game has been added, it is possible to have an ending that no one has ever played.

Robin could only watch in despair as the pheasant's ice arrow penetrated Sauro's heart, but the sudden attack made her heart hot again, Robin looked at the two figures on Sauro's shoulder, tears in his eyes, and only smiled and nodded after a while.

"Hee-hee~ Em, let's go!"


Luffy rushed directly towards the pheasant, but Em rushed slightly ahead of him, no matter what attack the pheasant made, he would be beaten into powder... The world line is different, of course, the people are different, the pheasant who came here is just a lieutenant general, how can it be the opponent under Luffy and Em, charging and touching victory, all this is as simple as eating and drinking, Robin's figure has also become two under this change, as Luffy's partner, Robin's momentum continues to skyrocket, just two or three breaths of kung fu, that strength is a world of difference.

Then Robin may be a little angry because her strength has just been severely suppressed, she crossed her hands, and the whole O'Hara was shrouded in her domineering attitude, and all those who were destined to lose their lives actually survived, while the navy and CP0, who were originally chased by victory, were harvested cleanly.

The historian Robin felt a little intimidated in the face of the killer Robin, Sauro even stood in front of another Robin and looked at Robin with complicated eyes, Luffy sat on a rock yawning, and Em... This guy who is not an improper person beat the pheasant fiercely, the strength of the pheasant in the main world is too terrifying to find such an opportunity, and now it is considered to collect some interest in advance.

The green pheasant felt that he was all stupid, he couldn't understand how two people who suddenly appeared from the sky, and the strength of these two people was so terrifying that it was simply unmatchable, to deal with these two guys, he felt that the admirals had to pour out to ensure victory... The other is that the guy who is beating himself now is like having a feud with himself, and the attack is quite measured, completely avoiding the fatal injury, and the rest is beaten.

Robin looked at Sauro's eyes and wanted to speak, but opened his mouth but said nothing, turned and walked towards Luffy and the two.

"Robin!" A crisp female voice came....

Robin turned his head and saw that Olbia rushed over and directly held Robin in his arms, this serious, busy mother seemed to have never hugged Robin well, causing Robin to be a little overwhelmed at this time, not knowing whether to hold Olbia or what other reaction...

After hugging like this for a while, Olbia spoke: "I didn't expect O'Hara to rely on you in the parallel world to save you, in your world line... You must have had a hard time, I'm sorry for you in that world, I'm sorry..."

It was obviously just a normal word, but Robin seemed to return to his childhood, backhanded Olbia, buried his face in Olbia's arms, and the sobbing voice was very hard.

Sauro walked over slowly, lying on the ground and gently stroking Robin's back with his fingers, and said softly: "I don't know much about that, but those two guys are your partners in that world... It's good that you really found your partner in the sea~ I don't know if I said goodbye to you in that world, did I take care of you~"

The sobbing became louder and louder, causing Em to beat the pheasant a little unable to continue, he ran to the bottom of the stone where Luffy was sitting and leaned, quietly watching this scene.

Olbia gently stroked Robin's black hair, then let go of her, walked to Luffy and Em and bowed 90°: "Thank you for taking care of Robin..."

━Σ(゚Д゚|||) -

Luffy and Em hurriedly stood up straight, and immediately bowed 90° in return, and when Em was still thinking about how to return, Luffy's voice came out before he could do it.

"You're welcome~"

"You're welcome Nima... Isn't it all Sister Robin who takes care of us?! Em didn't expect Luffy this guy Bi Lian to not want it, and actually responded with kindness, and said in a low voice.

"I'm a captain!"

"So what?"

"I... I...... I helped Robin eat what she couldn't eat.

"You really can."

The voices of the two people were very low, and Olbia couldn't understand what they were saying, but being able to travel through the world to rescue them came at a great price, and she continued with a smile: "What you want, O'Hara will definitely try her best to satisfy."

Luffy was stunned for a moment, then pointed at Robin and said, "I want her."

Em covered his forehead and didn't know what to say, Olbia was also stunned for a moment, just wanted to say something, Robin wiped away his tears and patted Olbia's shoulder with a smile: "Mom... Mom, it's time for me to go, take care, Sauro, you too~" As he spoke, he walked towards Luffy and the two with firm steps.

Olbia reached out to take Robin's hand, but just lifted it and stopped, shook his head and shouted: "Stay safe, Robin

~" "I know~goodbye~" Robin waved his hand and said, and Em lowered his voice and whispered: "You can stay for a few days..."

I didn't expect that you would be the first to come to me~" Robin smiled and shook his head, and then took the lead to walk towards the place where the space fluctuated, Luffy and Em looked at each other, and also left, after the three disappeared, Olbia raised his hand and waved and said: "Goodbye ~ dear daughter ~"


The three appeared in the jungle, and Em scratched his head and said awkwardly: "What, Sister Robin, we didn't think about who to find first... It's a coincidence, so who's next to look for..."

Luffy whistled as he held the back of his head, looking particularly bad...

Robin looked at Luffy, then at Em, and said with a smile: "I suggest going to Choiba first, according to my experience with Em, most of them are the people in the obsession, or that group of people... It may be slightly better with a doctor. "


Luffy and Em God synchronized, smashed their fists on the palm of their hands at the same time, and said in unison: "It makes sense~

" Then the two guys looked at each other, and Em gritted his teeth and said: "I don't believe you guy knows, what do you say is the point?"

"What Robin said makes sense, everything Robin says makes sense!"

"You won..."

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