Robin watched Sauro's heart shoot blood, originally thought that he would have no waves, but his heart was like being pierced by a bullet, the pain was very obvious, obviously O'Hara here is different, ready to protect history, already know that history does not have to let the world know, but this ending is no different, the roar of the demon slaughter order still resounds throughout O'Hara, wailing and pain still seem to be the song of the end of this O'Hara.

"Escape... Robin...... Run away..." Sauro turned his back to Robin and took all the artillery fire with his body, and the roar shrouded Sauro's whole person in flames, as tragic as the hero in that epic.

In the original timeline, Robin fled in fear, but at this time, Robin stopped, she obviously already has strength, but in this vast battlefield, she is still like a mantis blocking the car, and she can't do anything... Nothing can change....

Robin turned and walked, faster and faster, and turned into running towards Sauro, reason was clearly telling her that this was just a dream, and it was only right to save her life, but how could she endure it, she wanted to change, even if O'Harado survived alone.

Killing, blood, wailing and corpses, the indispensable elements of the battlefield make O'Hara like hell, Robin's sanity is destroyed by feelings, but there is still a trace of reason that makes her no longer focus on corpses, and the lives of living people are what she strives for.


When the gun rang out, Robin just had time to turn her head, and when she saw that the bullet was about to pierce her, a white hair suddenly penetrated, and Olbia blocked the bullet with her body, pushed Robin fiercely, and shouted: "Robin! Come on...... And, I'm sorry... Mom didn't take good care of you..." Robin's

body obviously fell to the ground, but it seemed to fall into the abyss, and she struggled with both hands to grab Olbia, but was swallowed by the darkness...


Shiruluk's body is deteriorating, at this time, he will cough up blood just by walking, Qioba searched the medical books in his memory thousands of times, but finally did not come up with any way, determined to become a panacea, but he could not even cure his adoptive father, such pain... He seemed to be more desperate than he didn't know how to heal.

Dr. Dorina slid over Shiruluk with a stethoscope, then removed it and walked out of the room, looking at Choiba sitting on the steps and whispering: "Your medical skills have surpassed mine... Why are you still asking me to come here?

Qioba hugged his knees, and as soon as he spoke, his voice was hoarse, I don't know how long he hadn't rested, and his body seemed to collapse: "I... I don't dare to look... Just by looking at the master's face, I already know it... I didn't dare to go for treatment... Dr. Doriniang, I obviously cured so many people, why..." As

soon as Dr. Doriniang wanted to speak, the door of the room behind her opened, and Shiruluk walked out weakly, and then took a few deep breaths, and said with full breath: "Doctors who don't even dare to diagnose and treat are just quacks!" Choba, have you forgotten what I taught you ?!

Qioba turned his head sharply to look at Shiruluk, and then threw himself directly into Shiruluk's arms and said: "Master... Are you all right? "

Obviously he knows... It was clear that he already had the ability to know... It is clear that he can already distinguish a white lie ... But at this time, he only wanted to hear white lies.

"Hmph~ Of course I'm fine, who do you two quacks think I am, I'm the world's number one doctor, how can I not even cure myself!"


Brooke arranged the skeletons one by one, then gently turned on the piano, put his fingers on it and played Binks' wine, and he hummed softly while playing:


hehe ~ Send Binks' wine to you

~ Like the sea breeze as you like, riding the wind and waves on the other side

of the sea ~ The sunset is also noisy, and the song of birds draws circles in the air ~

Goodbye harbor, the land of silk

~ Come and sing a song, the song of sailing golden waves and silver waves

~ also turned into water and splashes us to leave, just because of the ocean ~ "

It is obviously a terrifying scene, a skeleton singing, a group of skeletons sitting together, but you can vaguely see everyone singing and dancing, so happy and beautiful.


"Sting..." The dagger

was inserted into Tiger's waist, obviously a slave saved by Tiger, but now he attacked Tiger, Jinping watched the blood come into his eyes, and the exclamation swallowed him before he could exit the abyss, taking him to the next reincarnation.


Luffy's attack went directly through Shota's phantom and hit the tree behind, and the splashed bark instantly burned, and Shota frowned and said a little impatiently: "Nika, I'll be angry if you do this again." "

Everyone is an old friend, what are you angry about~" "Em" came out of the jungle, with a ghost pinned to his waist, and chains floating behind him, this image... It's a little weird no matter how you look at it.

Luffy frowned and looked at "Em": "What about Em?" How could his knife be in your place? This

"Em" is clearly Moonnight See, Moonnight Seeing makes a look at Luffy, meaning that this Zhengtai took Em away, and Luffy's understanding is that he threw another punch, and eye contact failed....

"It's excessive..." Shota opened his palm and aimed at Luffy, and Yue Ye saw a flashing figure appear in front of Luffy, blocking Luffy's posture to continue attacking, and then said to Xiao Shota with a playful smile: "Mizu, you know that Nika that guy's consciousness will fuse into one~ Mo is angry, it's just a little misunderstanding."

Shota, who was called Otsu, frowned and looked at the moon night, shook his head and said, "Leave quickly, don't let me see you again."

Tsukiyemi still maintained a hippie smile: "I still have to trouble you to send them back, we can't do this kind of thing through the small world~

" Otsu stepped forward to face Tsukiyemi, and his words seemed to have no room for discussion: "I said to leave quickly, the wish contract has been completed, whether they come back is their own choice, it has nothing to do with me."

Moonlit Night saw that he pressed Luffy's hand fiercely, scratching his head and saying, "The contract has been completed... So let's put it another way, can you help us with a sentence?

"Why should I help you?" Otsu hugged his arms and looked at the moon night, and when he heard this proposal, he was actually a little interested.

Yue Ye saw that the corner of his eyes twitched, took a deep breath and said: "Then I'll say it again~ My host, you sent me to other worlds, you sent me over, you are so unruly." "

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