As the only two members of the Straw Hat Pirates who have known the female emperor, Luffy and Em still don't feel much, but for the others... This beautiful woman who is known as the number one in the world and Luffy seem to have an unclear relationship, this is simply explosive news, if it were not for this Ralph Drew has not yet gone, today the marriage will have to be determined on the spot, as for Luffy is willing to do that does not matter, a certain voyager who does not want to be named is already thinking about how much gift money can be collected.

Em didn't have time to complain about these gossip souls burning guys, and walked Luffy all the way to the edge of the boat, and said solemnly: "I know that your goal is freedom not domination, but in the future, we really need many, many people to fulfill your other dream, the future war will be more magnificent and larger than the top, the world government may be deeper than I thought, and gathering all the forces that can be gathered is also what we should do now."

Luffy pouted with his nostrils, looking particularly impatient, and then he casually spread his hands and said: "Em, are you too anxious, Ralph Drew, we haven't gone yet, the goals must be completed one by one, and the meals must be eaten bite by bite."

Em's eyes widened, not expecting that he would be lectured by Luffy, gritted his teeth and said, "It's no problem to complete the goals one by one... When did you eat bite by bite.

"Why didn't I eat it bite by bite!"

"...," Em said without going straight and grabbed Luffy's neck, and the two guys who combined were no more than 3 years old scuffled together, looking quite sick.

Taking advantage of the nerves of these two guys, Sanji coughed lightly and got up from the ground, and when he went out and came back, he felt the same as using a flash, the speed of the thunderous bell felt faster than the fight, and he who had just fallen to the ground and was embarrassed now looked very gentlemanly put a cup of hot coffee in front of Hancock, and the smile on his face looked a little handsome: "Your Majesty, this is a special coffee for you, please taste it."

Don't look at Hancock facing Luffy like a sand sculpture, he has always been unpretentious to others, reached out and took a sip of coffee, and said coldly: "It's okay, step down." "

Yes~" Sanji may have the potential to shake M, obviously so obvious to look down on him, he actually smiled like a fool, and he could see the excitement in the steps of walking out of the cabin.

After a while, Luffy and Em walked into the room disheveled, and Em glared at Luffy before he spoke: "The Kingdom of Totland will set aside an island for the daughter country to live in, of course, in the future, if Luffy signs that you join the war, you don't have the right to refuse, is this condition?" Han Cook..."

Em said that Han Cook ignored such a lot, kept staring at Luffy, and glared at Em fiercely when he saw Luffy's disheveled clothes, as if he saw his husband mixed with his fox friends.

Luffy didn't understand what Em was doing now, but he didn't have any opinions, after all, as long as Hancock didn't go on adventures with him, he always felt that this guy was a bit of trouble.

The corner of Aim's eyes twitched, and then he stomped on Luffy fiercely, and Luffy's indifferent expression immediately changed, pouting and saying dissatisfiedly: "Han Cook, you should say something, okay?" "

Hmm..." Xiaoruo Mosquito Fly's answer also didn't know what Hancock understood Luffy's words into, fortunately, the ending was satisfactory, both sides intended to rely on each other's combat power, this alliance is also logical, this daughter country's entry into the Totlan Kingdom also indicates that the overall combat power of the Straw Hat Pirates has risen again, and the domineering cultivation method of the daughter country is the only existence in the world.

Finally, when the Nine Snakes Pirates came to pick up Han Cook, Han Cook walked one step and three times, and he may have left him behind if he changed a man casually, but the person this guy likes is Wang Luffy, Wang Luffy will keep her, dream go...

Another reluctant person is Yamaji, this guy bites his collar and looks like he is about to cry, and from time to time he also petrifies himself, and he thinks that Hancock's fruit ability has reached its peak.

Until the Nine Snakes Pirates left, this guy was still thinking about the side of the ship....

Luffy couldn't think of Sanji when he wasn't hungry, let alone now..."Nami~ Is this direction right?" I always feel like my soul of adventure is already burning~" Luffy crouched beside Nami and looked in the direction of the pointer with burning eyes, as if he couldn't wait to go treasure hunting.

Nami said confidently: "There is definitely no problem, there is no problem with the direction and wind speed, and we will be able to reach the place pointed out on the map in a week at most." "

Usopp and Choiba also looked excited, but... Robin, a professional who splashed cold water, appeared brightly, she squinted and smiled very gently, but the words that blurted out were: "What about the treasure map of some years~ I don't know why no one has put the treasure in the world for so long?" Was it eaten by that island? "

━Σ(゚Д゚|||) -

The excited Usopp and Choiba immediately froze, and Usopp trembled to pull Luffy's hand, and the voice that spoke was a little crying: "Road... Luffy, I think it's more important to find the main text of the signpost history first.

And Qioba's whole person looked sluggish, muttering there: "By... Eaten, I don't

want to be eaten, woo-woo..." Luffy turned a deaf ear, just as if he couldn't hear, or Em was slightly better, he put down the treasure map he didn't understand at all and said with a smile: "Then do you want to go to Mary Joa or Blackbeard Tichy's lair, there was information that the last piece should be in one of these two places."

Usopp was stunned for a moment, made a choice in an instant, ran to the edge of the ship and said confidently: "How can the sea warriors be afraid of danger, let's go!" Where the treasure is, here I come! "

Oooooh~" Luffy could still hear this, and immediately stood next to Usopp and pandered like a monkey, and the voice of Choiba and the past pandering seemed a little lacking in confidence.

Solon yawned and walked towards the gym, I have to say that this guy recently felt that he had lived in the gym except for eating melons to eat and sleep, as the hardest working person in the Straw Hat Pirates, he opened the hang without anyone can say anything wrong, it is reasonable....

The Sonny seems to have returned to its daily state, which is a little strange in the eyes of others....

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