Obviously, everyone fights Barrett alone, no one can guarantee victory, even Luffy may not, but... This group of guys who don't talk about martial virtue not only beat in groups, but also use Meili, a plug-in that can manipulate seawater, which is simply not reasonable at all.

But then again, they are already pirates... Is there anything wrong with not talking about martial virtue~ just win if you can.

The Barrett robot was kicked out of his mech by Luffy, flying in mid-air still thinking of turning the situation around, but in this form, he can touch Luffy in fourth gear at most, and the downwind of Luffy in fifth gear is simply obvious, and it would be an insult if he didn't go all out at this time, so Luffy mercilessly suppressed all of Barrett's struggles and abruptly shattered the last layer of armor, revealing Barrett's scarred body.

"Hahh..." Barrett's mouth spilled blood, but his eyes were even more crazy, he didn't care about such a trivial matter as a group fight, losing is losing, how can there be so many reasons to say, at this time he just wanted to throw another punch, even if it was one more punch, but he fell straight into the ground, his body was covered with smoke.

Twenty years in the city, dark days, once invincible, he came to this era is really a little out of place, even if he has the strength that can be regarded as the top, but he has no previous vision, and still holds the mentality that the world is invincible except Roger, but I don't know that there are many talents in this era, he came out a year and a half late, even if Luffy alone he can't beat him.

Em took a treasure chest from Barrett's waist, opened it to see that it was Narufdru's permanent pointer, glanced at it and casually threw it to Luffy, and everyone present had different eyes, and could vaguely detect that the gravel was gathering...

Luffy tossed it casually, then smashed it directly with a sharp force, and said to Em with a grin, "It's not time yet, are you right?"

Em was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said with a smile: "Of course listen to the captain..."

Luffy stood up, crossed his hands at his waist, and smiled so that he showed all his teeth: "Hee hee hee ~ Then let's go to the next adventure ~" and ran out, shouting as he ran: "Ace! Terra Man! Smoke man! Han Cook! Bye bye~See you next time~"

Meili jumped onto Luffy's shoulder with one step, as if to make up for everything that had been ridden before....

Em and Sanji looked at each other, shrugged and followed, Hancock didn't know what to hear Luffy's words, covered his face and looked shy, after a while Luffy and they all walked away before they reacted and hurriedly chased after them, and I don't know if such a king on the daughter's country stall is considered unfortunate...

Smogg looked at Law and then at Ace, his strength did not allow him to capture them, he could only grit his teeth and grab Barrett, anyway, there were gains, and as a result, he didn't reach Barrett's body before he made a soft "bang" and disappeared in place.

━Σ(゚Д゚|||) -

gone... Smogg wanted to hit someone, but this high-end game was special, and no one could beat it....


Above the cliff.

Bucky watched Luffy and his group shouting and running towards the Sonny, pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled, and then maintained this posture and said calmly: "Good villain is also a former companion, I will give you the time to say my last words."

Barrett was a little flustered, seeing that only Bucky actually didn't want to think about it, he directly attacked, and swung his iron fist towards Bucky's head.


the sound of snapping fingers sounded, Barrett's waving arm was actually torn apart like this, obviously relying on domineering energy to be immune to fruit ability invasion, but now it seems to have lost its effect, the entire right arm has lost its trace because of a snapping finger, revealing the white bone on the shoulder and the gurgling blood.

Bucky glanced back indifferently, obviously still the same red nose, but now he looked completely dangerous, in other words, his expression seemed reasonable no matter what he did.

"Little... Gremlin...... How is it possible..." Barrett covered the wound with his left hand, bean-sized sweat drops fell one by one, kneeling on one knee like a servant, compared to the physical pain inner shock made him more unbelievable, he was not unaware of Bucky, but at this moment... He probably didn't really know Bucky.

Bucky squinted and laughed: "Although I do like treasures, I also really like the captain, the guy who went against the captain's wishes, I have already killed seven seven eight eight, I wanted to go to the city to find you, but I didn't expect that the sixth floor was purely made of sea lou stone, and I couldn't enter, not to mention that Shanks also entrusted me to help take care of the owner of Nika, which caused you to live to this day, I say sorry to you

~" Barrett's eyes lost focus a little, the scene of the previous One Piece ship appeared in front of him, and the intern who was once inconspicuous now had such strength, such a situation made him feel like he was experiencing a nightmare.

Seeing that Barrett didn't speak, Bucky turned his face back and whispered softly: "The captain has no interest in the wealth of this world, he just wants to turn this world upside down, but... You actually dragged the island where the captain rewrote the situation into the war, and all the good and bad people died at your hands, so that the Draco or the revolutionary army took advantage of the void, what kind of punishment do you say you should receive?

Barrett was silent, and then... Standing up with difficulty, he said, "Captain was tortured, and none of you rescued you, and those islands that have been blessed were indifferent, don't you deserve to die?"

"The captain of Dissolution Day has made it clear enough, don't add reasons for your own lusts, you just want everything." Prestige, wealth, and..." Bucky slowly stood up, standing in front of Barrett according to his height like a child, but his momentum did not fall in the slightest, and then he scratched his head with some distress: "I have been pretending for too long to forget what I am, and it was really unlucky to lose to Shanks in the draw..."

Barrett looked at Bucky with flickering eyes, gritted his teeth and shouted: "It should be in your own hands!" Captain...... Roger's hope that future generations are wrong! Then he slapped his figure on the ground with one hand and retreated, but Bucky just shook his head and said with a smile: "How can the wisdom of the captain and Mr. Renly be insulted by you, let alone ... The owner of the Broken Fruit is prepared to prevent your betrayal. Next...... May you see an era that a captain dreams of. "

The sound of snapping fingers sounded, and Barrett disappeared into this world....

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