Bucky had just run two steps out, and Barrett used the ability of the Combined Fruit to summon his catapult and turned into a giant robot, like that... How it feels similar to the French robot.


Luffy's sand sculpture actually looked at the enemy like this, and if it weren't for the timing, he would even touch two handfuls... There is Han Cook you don't touch, you touch this? Are you toxic?

After the merger, Barrett's momentum changed instantly, and even reached the gap between Luffy's normal form and the momentum of the fourth gear, and then Barrett slammed into the ground, and the terrain he changed instantly collapsed, and everyone lost their footing and fell down, if only this is not a crisis, followed by Barrett with the momentum from top to bottom launched a fierce attack on everyone, in order to block his attack The crisis is obvious.

The fist that slammed into Bucky paused, but it was only for a moment, and the force seemed to be heavier than the force that hit several other people, making Bucky turn into a meteor and fly straight to the ground, this time it was not the head inserted into the ground, but the whole person was inserted into the ground.

"Luffy, to start?" Sanji is the most relaxed one, although the other people can float for a short time, but in terms of moon step attainment alone, Yamaji is the strongest, and at this time, he even has the strength to grab Solon and Em's back collar, and there is a Meili sitting on his shoulder.

Luffy stood on a piece of rubble and started the fourth gear, no matter how the appearance of the "jet plane" was open, he shook his head when he heard Sanji's words: "No hurry, I had gains when I fought Kaido before, and there are some new things I want to try." "

It is worthy of being the people's teacher Kessese, this class can also allow students to improve independently, and the identity of this teaching master is really a bit of a bull...

Sanji shrugged noncommittally, and then looked at the two wrongs he mentioned with a look of disgust: "You..."

Before the words could be spoken, Barrett's attack attacked, Sanji didn't expect that this madman would do something to himself, he could only raise his legs in a panic to block his attack, whether it was the Demon God Wind Foot or Vince Mock transformation, he was directly sent out, even so... He was still clutching the back collars of the two wronged species.

This cordless bungee... Ah, cordless bungee jumping is really exciting, when close to the ground, Sanji lifted his hands up hard and then let go, Solon and Em landed steadily in the air at the same time, the tacit understanding was as high as 10 points, and Sanji was stepping on the moon step to stay in mid-air, Meili held a sniper rifle composed of sea water and sat on Sanji's shoulder, ready to attack at any time.

Looking at the sky again, the Barrett robot and Luffy flew in fourth gear, and there was scorching steam gushing behind them, and then crashing together again and again, and this fighting style looked the same as just now, except that it changed from standing to flying.

There was no technology to speak of, and Em was sleepy, he scratched his head and walked towards the middle of the island: "I'll go find that Festa for Luffy's prize."

Sanji thought for a moment, and immediately replied: "Green algae head, don't run around, I'll accompany Em for a trip." As he spoke, he fell behind Em and walked towards the middle of the island together, not to mention that there were many idiots, and his companion was really heartbroken.

Solon was still a little embarrassed at first, but his psychological adjustment ability was directly max, and as soon as Em and Sanji reached the shadow, he pouted and muttered: "What is it called running around, my hands are itchy, I'll go find someone to fight." As soon as the words fell, a breath came to make Solon's eyes light up, and then he ran towards the beach without the slightest hesitation, from the perspective of the overlook, the direction he went to was exactly the direction where the warships came, and there was a figure flying on rubble in front of the warship, which was Admiral Fujitora.

Good guy, I'm straight good guy... You can't remember the breath of your companions, but you can remember the breath of your opponents, Solon, but yours.

Yamato... Waving a mace to knock the rubble beside her to pieces, and then watching the high-altitude two fight hotly with an unhappy face, it is unrealistic to jump up to participate in the battle, so she is now very angry when she falls halfway.

Ace and Weibull looked at the battle in the sky and walked over, the two didn't know what they were discussing, but Yamato's eyes instantly lit up when he saw Ace, and he jumped on Ace's back with a shout: "Ace!" Let's go! (᷄ὢ

・᷅ ) Huh?

Ace looked confused... He is the second-in-command of the Whitebeard Pirates, how do you feel like a mount now, he turned his head to look at Yamato's smiling face, and shook his head helplessly: "Now we don't need us for the time being, the navy is coming, you and Weibull went over to help block it?"

"Oh~" As long as there is a fight, the warlike Yamato answered without thinking, jumped directly off Ace's back and ran towards the beach, ran two steps and retreated, scratching his head and asking suspiciously: "Where is it coming?" Ace

covered his face and pointed in a direction, originally he was not a very reliable guy, but since Yamato joined the Whitebeard Pirates, he finally knew that even in the matter of unreliable, there are people outside the world, and there are people outside the sky... Although I don't have much contact with Luffy when I grow up, I always feel that Luffy and Yamato are unreliable to the same extent, if these two are on the same ship, the rest of the crew will have to die of exhaustion... Of course, this unreliability has nothing to do with combat power.

Weibull turned his head and glanced at Ace: "Just you two brothers, according to the previous intelligence, it seems ... Not enough.

"It's not just the two of us." Ace replied with a shrug, and then...

Luo, who failed to pursue, and Smogg, who had not appeared for a long time, walked out, and Han Cook, whose eyes turned into peach hearts, this lineup... There is a little bit of a problem.

Weibull nodded to Ace and followed Yamato, and as soon as he left, Smog launched an attack on Ace, and the thickness of the smoke knew at a glance that he could smoke... Ah, at first glance, it is a cultivation with a good intensity.

Ace tilted his head and dodged, and said with a grin: "The top one has not seen it for almost 3 years now, so don't be in such a hurry to start a war."

Smogg saw that the blow missed and took it back, he wanted to take the path that Karp had taken, even if there was an invitation to make him a candidate for the general, he directly refused, and now as a lieutenant general in addition to Karp, he also has a little more confidence, he bites his cigar and takes a deep breath: "Whew... It's been a long time, but I want to capture your two brothers into the city day and night


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